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    Gordon Craig

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    Everything posted by Gordon Craig

    1. Gentlemen, A response to this picture from a friend. "On the link below you will find this device described as a police receiver rdiotelephonic calls sent by a police station. According to the web site this picture was published in 1924 in a magazine called Das neue Universum. https://www.klaus-paffenholz.de/bos-funk/index.html?https://www.klaus-paffenholz.de/bos-funk/bos-funk.html Click on BOS-FUNK at the left of the page and scroll down. You will find a front and back view of this device. Regards, Gordon l the best,Keeshttps://www.klaus-paffenholz.de/bos-.../bos-funk.html
    2. GM1, Very interesting post. I am always looking for medal groups like those you have posted the documents for. Especially for the Korean War. Thanks very much for posting these documents. Regards, Gordon
    3. FRITZEL, It certainly looks like a radio antenna to me. I think this photo dates post WWI and these men appear to be members of a police organization from the stars on their headgear. If you could read what it says on the antenna perhaps you would have the info that you need to tell you what is going on in the picture. If it is ok with you I would like to post this on a police forum and see if the device can be iidentified. Regards, Gordon
    4. Glenn, Thanks very much. This is a ig help. I can get most of it. Some of the short forms will take some work. I don't see any listing for the bars he would be wearing on his 1870/71 medal. Any idea where I could find this info? Perhaps from the history of Infantry Regiment 68? Regards, Gordon
    5. Gentlemen, I am searching for information to add to what I already have on the subject officer. I know he enlisted in the Prussian army in 1860 and served until 1890. He fought in the Austro-Prussian war (1866/67) and in the Franco-Prussian war (1870/71). He was part of the military mission, as the Infantry, specialist, sent to the Ottoman Empire in 1882 and subsequently transferred to the Ottoman service. He was given the rank of Mushir in the Ottoman service in 1895 with the title of Pasha. He fought against the Greeks in the short war of 1897. Perhaps someone can locate in in one of the rank lists. Regards, Gordon
    6. Tobias, Thanks for your response and the additional pictures. I have numerous uniforms for the Kampfgruppe and I must try and find time to add some of my uniforms to your excellent thread. Regards, Gordon
    7. Bob, I recently found this very scholarly write up on the medal your post refers to. The author has gone to the source and seems to have resolved your question in his article. http://home.earthlink.net/~kwsm/ Regards, Gordon
    8. Tobias, Welcome to the forum. A great thread and nice to have a period photo to compare your uniform to. Are there any markings on the leather equipment? If so, would you post pictures of them please. I am assuming the canvas type mag pouch is Soviet issue? The chap in the one piece coverall is probably a member of the armoured car crew? Lots of interesting things to note in this period photo. Regards, Gordon
    9. Belgoman, Very interesting and helpful post. It leaves me with some questions though. Was there a regulation publish by Belgium making the MED COMMEMORATIVE DES OPERATIONS EXTERIEURES the official UN Korean medal for Belgium? If so, what was the date of this regulation? The reason I ask is that since there were three separate rotations of Belgian troops sent to Korea would all of them have received the UN official French version or would some of the soldiers only receive the MED COMMEMORATIVE DES OPERATIONS EXTERIEURES? I found this ribbon bar, attributed to Raphael Dael, with both medals mounted together. Lawrence H. Borts, in his book "United Nations Medals and Missions, says that the United Nations Korean Service Medal (Standard French Version) was awarded to "Belgium,Canada (French-Speaking) France and Luxembourg with the COREE bar and that 16,900 were awarded. That, considering what has been said on this thread, makes me curious as to how many of these medals would have been awarded to Belgian servicemen. Also, would please tell us something about the "Belgian United Nations Command For Korea Medal" worn on the bar pictured. Regards, Gordon
    10. A. Gustaf, Very nice display. Congratulations on saving that interesting uniform. Regards, Gordon
    11. To all, I spoke to a chap who works in the Canadian military's section on conferring awards etc. His explanation of why Canadians could not wear this medal is that it was not created by the governments of the tree countries but by the heads of their three military organizations. So in Canada it is not viewed as an official medal instituted by a country. Regards, Gordon
    12. cimbineus, Great looking calendar. Thanks for the links you posted above. I particularly like the Red Cross award with war time leaves on the Facebook page. I've never seen one like that before. Too bad I have forgotten most of the little Hungarian I learned when I live in Budapest. I also miss the Coin Show, the weekend markets and the monthly militaria shows. Nothing like those in my home town in Canada! Regards, Gordon
    13. cimbineus Thanks for this additional. Your posts really add to our knowledge on these awards. Regards, Gordon
    14. Cimbineus, Thanks for the excellent information on this award. A couple of questions; 1- What was it awarded for? 2- What was the award criteria ie the difference between the Bronze and the silver? 2-Was it awarded after 1948? Regards, Gordon Cimbineus, I should have looked in the second link posted above. Here is an English translation from that forum. Order of the Hungarian freedom Magyar Szabadsag Erdemrend. Hungarian Order of Freedom. The very first awards of Hungary was established in accordance with law No. 8 of 1946, and that the decision of the Hungarian People's Assembly. The Statute of the order was confirmed by the signature of the President of the Republic Decree No. 5 dated 12 July 1947. In the first period of this order is awarded directly to the president and later on these matters decided by Parliament and its chairman. Granting the order of this type was completed in 1953. Presidential Regulation No. 61 of 1957 (this regulation was at the level of the Act), was renewed opportunity again to order Hungary Freedom award for important deeds - as proven defense of the Hungarian nation and working people in defense of socialism at the time of the counter-revolutionary coup in 1956. Under these really specific merit order could be granted (type 2) in the period: - "1. January 1957 to April 4, 1958 " This order becomes the order of merit in general and was intended as a high reward citizens of Hungary, the freedom fighters of the country, guerrillas excellent workers in the industrial, scientific capacities and diplomats. The Order loses its specific exclusivity. In the time since its founding 10 May 1946 to 10 October 1947 (at that time the statute was enacted Regulations), has been granted: - President of the country a total of 1,828 specimens - Parliament further 2,150 copies. The order was endowed with many privileges, financial subsidies, vouchers for vehicles, spa treatments etc. Description order decorations I type. This type was awarded during 1946. The Order is made of silver and jewelery modified. It is a set of three driven part thickness of 1-1.5 mm. A central medallion is a picture of Lajos Kossuth (right). Around the portrait is broken inscription: "In Hungary Freedom" Under this medallion are two five-point stars combined to form a common ten-star with a diameter of 43 mm. On the back it would place the registration number and the number is below the national emblem of the country in 1946. The jewel in its final form is very nice and interesting, it is made of silver fineness 700/1000. Total weight is 30 grams gem. Bronze level has been made of a metal alloy, the weight is 30 grams gem. Production technology is simpler, but overall, this ordinal level looks pretty and interesting. This bronze degrees were awarded a total of "159" people. But in this period begins with the granting of the order, so-called II. type. Sample wear. Soviet general, this procedure completely sideways Hungarian nuns clips, and other orders (Bulgarian) are out of order decorations. Is it a manifestation of resistance to wear a number of former enemies ?? Hungarian Order of Freedom (Type 2) The order takes the form of ten-pointed star of size 45 mm. Nun decoration is made of silver or tombaku.Středový medallion bears a portrait Kosshuta (right) surrounded by a green enameled laurel wreath. In the central medallion on the back is the top personal coat of arms L. Kosshuta a three-line inscription: "MAGYAR SZABADSAGERT 1946" At the top is hanging tab with ring for hanging on a ribbon. Ribbon triangular 40 mm wide. URL: http://forum.valka.cz/topic/view/114241#397869 Version: 0 Altmann 6 years ago Hungarian Order of Freedom (3.Types) Regulations in this form are awarded from January 1957 to 4 April 1958 Avers: Front page order decorations is identical with the order of the so-called type 2 diabetes. Reverse: The center has a label on the entire surface emblem of the Hungarian People's Republic. The Decree of 1957. (This image is taken from a specialized Russian faleristic page) URL: http://forum.valka.cz/topic/view/114241#397870 Version: 0 Altmann 6 years ago Hungarian Order of Freedom (4.Types) n 1980 the order was incorporated into the assembly order of MLR and becomes the fourth in the order of procedure in order. In this case, the only truly "cheap jewelry" custom order decoration is made by pressing and order is modified into: - a gold grade - silver level - Bronze degrees. Order lost in Hungarian society seriousness and respect. Certainly it is one of the reasons why this order in this form after 1991 was not renewed.
    15. Jules 118, Here is a list of medals listed in the emedals auction in both Hungarian and English. Sorry that I did not have the time sooner to do this for you. I haven't done much work on my Hungarian collection since I moved back to Canada after spending three years in Budapest. Boy how my Hungarian language skills have virtually disappeared! Császár Vilmos - Hungarian medal group to a WWII Hungarian paratrooper. In Hungary his name would be written Vilmos Császár. Last names are always written first, followed by the given name, in the Hungarian language. #1 - Magyar Nagy Ezűst Vitézségi Érem - Large Silver Medal of Courage #2 - A Tűzkereszt koszorúval, kardokkal - Fire Cross with Wreath and Swords #3 - Legénységi Szolgálati Jel III. Osztálya - Oficers Long Service Cross #4 - Felvidéki Emlékérem - Upper Hungary Medal #5 - Erdélyi Emlékérem, - Transylvania Medal #6 - Délvidéki Emlékérem, - Southern Hungary Medal Reference material - KERESZT, ÉREM, CSILLAG - LIST OF AWARDS IN THE HUNGARIAN MUSEUM NAGY MAGYAR KITÜNTESTÉSKÖNYV - LARGE BOOK OF HUNGARIAN AWARDS. Regards, Gordon
    16. Finnishcollector, A most impressive collection. Thanks very much for showing it to us. Regards, Gordon
    17. von thronstahl, In my opinion this is not an authentic badge. The pictures aren't great but the construction and enamel on this badge does not match that found on originals. Here are a couple of links to authentic badges for you to compare the one you posted to. Regards, Gordon http://www.phoenixinvestmentarms.com/AC124PilotBdg.htm https://www.emedals.com/europe/austria-imperial/an-austrian-field-pilot-badge-type-ii-karl-i-1917-fullsize-and-miniature
    18. Guy and VC89, I have visited the site you recommended several times it is very useful. VC89 has answered my question about the date of the institution on the Carte du Feu and the requirements for having it issued which helps a lot. The medallion that I posted pictures of is not mine. It is one that is for sale on ebay.com. I have purchased one but it is in the mail and hasn't arrived at my home yet. VC98s comment about silver ones is also interesting. I have also seen silver ones and it would be interesting to know more about them. Thank you both for your help. Regards, Gordon
    19. Gentlemen, I have some questions about the Carte du Feu. 1-When was the Carte du Feu authorized, by whom, and when was it first issued? 2-Was the medallion issued with the Carte du Feu or was it a private purchase item? 3- There seem to be a number of copied of the Carte du Feu medallion. What is the best way to tell an original from an authentic one? Regards, Gordon
    20. Guy, Spectacular Shapska. Thanks very much for posting pictures of it Regards, Gordon
    21. ray11, Perhaps I should have been clearer. You have not seen an ODM like this before because it is not one. Possible some sort of mommento given out by a civilian organization. Regards, Gordon
    22. 922F, Thanks very much. I have ordered this book. Regards, Gordon
    23. 922F, Thanks for the suggestions. I ordered a copy of The Spirit of the Lion yesterday. I'll look for the other book today. Info on the more common ones was what I was looking for. Regards, Gordon Stuka f, It was Spirit of the Lion. Thanks for the offer but as you see I was able to order a copy from ABEbooks. Regards, Gordon
    24. Gentlemen, I need your help. I am looking for a book on Belgian medals in English. I saw one on line but was unable to buy form the site as I could not contact the site itself. Regards, Gordon
    25. Guy, An amazing General Officer's uniform. Thanks for posting pictures of it. Also, a great thread for me since I have only recently become interested in Belgian ODMs. Regards, Gordon
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