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    Glenn J

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    Everything posted by Glenn J

    1. This from the 1895 Bavarian Militär-Handbuch, just after he had retired. Regards Glenn
    2. Andreas, General der Infanterie Otto v. Parseval (1827-1901) Commanding General II. Armee-Korps 9 May 90 to 18 April 95. Regards Glenn
    3. Nick, yes, an RA3X. Oberst Mortimer Freiherr v. Buddenbrock-Hettersdorff, Regimental Commander of Königin Elisabeth Garde-Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 3 between 1893 and 1896. Photo taken before his award of the RAO3 with Bow on 18 January 1895. Regards Glenn
    4. Andreas, at the moment my best guess is Richard v, Schweizerbarth of GR 119. However that does look like 121 on the epaulettes. I will try and see if anyone else is possible. Regards Glenn
    5. The last three: #95 Major Malte v. Corswant of GGR 1 #97 Hauptmann Richard v. Steinau-Steinrück of 3. GRzF # 98 Generalmajor Heinrich Bothe Regards Glenn
    6. Dave, I.R. 20 remained with 6. Infanterie-Division until coming under command of 57. Infanterie-Brigade (212. Infanterie-Division)on 10 September 1916. It joined 5. Garde-Infanterie-Division on 18 January 1917. It was at Verdun from 13 January to 12 June 1916 according to Günther Voigt's "Deutschlands Heere bis 1918". Regards Glenn
    7. Andreas, another great portrait! Major Alfred Passavant of 1. Uhlanen-Regiment around 1876. Regards Glenn
    8. Andreas, I very much agree with Andy. My earliest directory of Stabshoboisten from 1891 already shows him as the Musikmeister of 1. Infanterie-Regiment in München. He had previously served as the Musikmeister in 13. Infanterie-Regiment in Ingoldstadt. Both your photos show him in the pattern of uniform worn between 1898 and 1908. Adolf Felix Fach died on 10 February 1909 in München. Regards Glenn
    9. Andreas, Oberst Albrecht Negrioli, commanding 1. Ulanen-Regiment Kronprinz Friedrich Wilhelm des Deutschen Reiches und von Preußen between 1 November 1875 and 12 September 1883. Regards Glenn
    10. Andreas, the then Hauptmann (later Generalleutnant) Theodor (v.) Seible of IR. 120. That is a Gold St. Heinrichsmedaille. Regards Glenn
    11. Andreas, Oberstlieutenant Hans v. Carlowitz (1849-1904), Kommandeur 1. Jäger-Bataillon Nr. 12 around 1897. Later Kommandeur LGR 100 and Chief of Staff of the Saxon Army. Regards Glenn
    12. nice shot of Dr. Bruno Türkheimer. He was commissioned as a Veterinär der Reserve on 2.11.15 (without a Patent) whilst serving with Feldluftschiffer-Abteilung 14. Interestingly, though commissioned a couple of months after the September 1915 uniform changes introducing collar Litzen, he is pictured with the earlier collar patches. Listed in the 1928 directory of veterinarians as a vet in Elzach. Regards Glenn
    13. A nice Döbrich-Steglitz plate from the voluminous (1359 pages) history of the German military veterinary service showing uniforms worn in WW1. Regards Glenn
    14. no, an infantry pattern helmet with round front peak as confirmed in the uniform regulations for the officials of the Prussian Army of 5 October 1908. Gold fittings and circular spike base with domed chin scales. Modified by the AKO of 21 March 1910, appendix 2 which stipulated the removal of the Beamten shield on creation of a corps of veterinary officers. Regards Glenn
    15. Andreas, the problem is, is that Max Saatweber had a RAO4 with Crown since 27 January 1910. Regards Glenn
    16. Dave, I don't think the uniform is of much help being a pretty generic head and shoulders shot (and very faded?) Interestingly, I saw this on ebay.de and the reverse has a pencilled annotation - Saatweber FAR 59. The awards don't appear to match Hptm. Saatweber though and I can't make out an artillery shell on the shoulder board. Regards Glenn
    17. Detlef, a portrait of Oberstleutnant v. Kaisenberg as Kommandeur I./IR 6 in 1931 . Regards Glenn
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