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    Glenn J

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    Everything posted by Glenn J

    1. Paul, I don't thik I have a photgraph but can give you the lowdown on his career if you want it. Regards Glenn
    2. Paul, The Oberstleutnant R?st is one Georg Friedrich Franz R?st, born 1791 in Grabow (Mecklenburg), died 10 April 1864 in Hildesheim. He commanded the 4. Infanterie-Regiment from 25 May 1855 to 2 May 1857. 16.11.47: tit. Major. 1.1.48: Major 25.11.51: Oberstlieutenant 2.5.57: char. Oberst Regards Glenn
    3. David The HG1 is the Hannoverian Guelphen-Orden. The HL1 is the Gro?herzoglich Hess. Ludewigs-Orden. Regards Glenn
    4. And his awards as listed in the 1901 Rangliste, the last edition in which he was listed prior to his death. Regards Glenn
    5. Richard, the Michetschl?ger book which Enzo mentions above - "Das Ordensbuch der gewesenen Oesterreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchie" is availabla as a reprint albeit in a reduced size but much cheaper! Available for 79 Eurines from Berliner Zinnfiguren. Here is part of a sample page. Regards Glenn
    6. Picked up this rather rare publication the other day. I had not seen a copy prior to this. Rangliste der Offiziere, ?rzte, Veterin?re und etatsm??igen Beamten sowie Liste der Offizier-, Arzt- und Veterin?r-Anw?rter der Landespolizei Bayerns. Published with effect 10 November 1934 by the Inspectorate of uniformed State Police in the State Ministry of the Interior. Shown below is the first page showing the more senior officers. Regards Glenn
    7. Chip, Bob, I think the most likely candidate is one former Prussian Hauptman d.L. Pistorius of Landwehrbezirk I Breslau. Herr Pistorius was originally a regular Pioneer Officer commissioned on 14.10.80 into the Magdeburgisches Pionier-Bataillon Nr. 4. By 1891 he was serving as a Premier-Lieutenant in Pionier-Bataillon Nr. 16 and went into reserve status in 1891/92 in the same battalion. Transfered to Landwehr status in 1898/99 he retired from the Landwehr on 19 January 1904. Promoted to Major d.L. a.D. sometime after October 1916. Second-Lieutenant: 14.10.80 Premier-Lieutenant: 19.11.89 Hauptmann: 16.6.94 Aa Regards Glenn
    8. Dave, I photocopied it at the Staatsbibliothek in Berlin yesterday. The MGFA's copy was out. Regards Glenn
    9. Rick, Steve, my best guess is the Leutnant der Landwehr Kavallerie II in Landwehrbezirk I Hamburg in 1914. He was already the senior Lt. d.L. Kav. II then (22.7.00 G2g) originally having been commissioned into Ulanen-Regiment Nr. 7. He was promoted to Oberleutnant d.L. Kav. II on 5.10.14 and could have made Rittmeister by October 1917. In 1913 he was a businessmann living at Hamburg Heilwigstra?e 30. Unfortunately the Milit?r-Wochenblatt edition gazetting his promotion to Oberleutnant does not give his assignment in October 1914. Regards Glenn
    10. Rick, according to his entry in the 1908 Gothaisches Genealogisches Taschenbuch der Freiherrlichen H?user he died on 13 April 1906 in New York. Although he is shown as an Oberleutnant a.D. in the Gotha, a check of the 1879 Rang- und Quartier-Liste shows him leaving under the cryptic Au?erdem Abgang - he left under a cloud Tellingly his "departure" is also not published in the Milit?r-Wochenblatt for that date. Regards Glenn
    11. Paul, document 4 signed by Regimental Commander Guido Julius Ferdinand Hedicke, born 8 August 1854. Originally commissioned into Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 66, his final prewar assignment was that of Commandant of Swinemunde from 18 May 1908 to 15 August 1911 when he retired on promotion to Oberst with permission to wear the uniform of F?silier-Regiment Nr. 38. Retired finally as a Generalmajor and died in 1929. Regards Glenn
    12. Chris, Die deutschen Sturmbataillone im Weltkrieg : Aufbau und Verwendung by Hellmuth Gruss Verlag Berlin : Junker und D?nnhaupt, 1939 . The MGFA in Potsdam has a copy. I'll try and get hold of it on Friday. Regards Glenn
    13. Friedrich-Wilhelm Franz Max Erdmann Gustav v. Lindeiner gen. v. Wildau was born at Glatz on 12 December 1880. He entered the 3. Garde-Regiment zu Fu? as a Seconde-Lieutenant on graduation from the Corps of Cadets on 15 March 1898. On the 1st of May 1902 he left the Prussian Army and the following day entered the Schutztruppe for German East Africa. He served as the Adjutant of the Governor of German East Africa from 20 June to 13 September 1905 and as the Headquarters Adjutant of the Schutztruppe for German East Africa from 7 September to 11 October 1906. He left Schutztruppe service on on 31 July 1908 and re-entered the Prussian Army on 1 August 1908 with a simultaneous promotion to Oberleutnant and was assigned to the 4. Garde-Regiment zu Fu? (Patent of 19.5.07). On 20 July 1912 on promotion to Hauptmann he was assigned as the commander of 11./1. Garde-Regiment zu Fu?. On 10 August 1914 he was assigned as the Commander of the Infanterie-Stabswache at the General Headquarters of the Kaiser in the Field. On 19 September he returned to his regiment as commander of 11./1. Garde-Regiment zu Fu? where he was wounded at Ypres on 17 November 1914. Returning to duty on 13 April he assumed command of 5./1. Garde-Regiment zu Fu? and then II./1. Garde-Regiment zu Fu? on 27 May 1915. He was again wounded during the pursuit between the River Bug and Jasiolda on 29 August 1915. Once again returning to duty he took over F./1. Garde-Regiment zu Fu? and was yet again severely wounded on 5 December 1915 in positional fighting around Roye-Noyon (Fresnieres). On 24 September 1914 he was assigned to Etappen-Inspektion 5 (Lines of Communication Inspectorate) and on 4 October 1916 assigned as the personal Adjutant of Prince Joachim of Prussia. Following his return to his Regiment on 30 October 1917 he became the Adjutant to the Governor of Riga-D?nam?nde. Appointed as Adjutant to the Garde-Reserve-Korps on 23 April 1918 he was promoted to Major on 15 July 1918. His final wartime appointment was as Adjutant of the 4th Army which he assumed on 8 November 1918. Following the Armistice he was leader of the collecting point in Potsdam of the Volunteer Border Protection Unit East and Upper East from 18 January 1919. He retired on 20 September 1919 with permission to wear the uniform of the 1. Garde-Regiment zu Fu?. Regards Glenn
    14. presumably the then Hauptmann Hermann Maria Chlodwig Friedrich Freiherr v. Hake (16 March 1874) on the staff of v. Eichhorn's 10th Army. A later Reichsheer Oberstleutnant - 1.10.22.(3). The adjutant of the 31. Feldartillerie-Brigade in 1914. Regards Glenn
    15. And presumably why Herr Eule is wearing 1908-1912 pattern boards in a post 1913 photograph. Regards Glenn
    16. Charles, he is an Obermusikmeister who ranked with but by 1914 was senior to the Feldwebel. That appears to be "au?er Dienst" or retired Tresse on the shoulder end of the shoulder straps. Regards Glenn
    17. Claudio, Flaccus was promoted to Oberleutnant der Reserve on 6.8.15. There is no promotion gazetted to Hauptmann d.R. by December 1918 but he presumably left as a char. Hauptmann d.R. a.D. Regards Glenn
    18. Nice one Rick, General Wirtz commanded Pionier-Bataillon 10 from 1 October 1934 - 1 October 1938. He died on 9 December 1963. Regards Glenn
    19. Daniel, Oberst Hugo v. Selle was the cousin of char. Generalleutnant Fritz v. Selle. Regards Glenn
    20. Rick, another non regulation Heye oddity worn while still serving in the Reichsherr. Regards Glenn
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