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    Glenn J

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    Everything posted by Glenn J

    1. This from the 1913 edition. Herr Gommelt had then been replaced by Wilhelm Bode. Regards Glenn
    2. The first volume of "Sachsen in Gro?er Zeit" contains a chronological listing of Saxon EK 1 winners from 9 September 1914 (Hauptmann G Illmann of II./Ldw. 105) to 26 June 1917 (Major Willy Kiesel, Commander of P.B. 22). Regards Glenn
    3. Jeff, They certainly did not have any further editions when I checked at the German National Library in Leipzig a few months back. Regards Glenn
    4. Stijn, your man may have been born in Westfalen but that is not the career of a Prussian Officer. Prussian Officiers typically served nine of ten years as Seconde-Lieutenants before promotion to Premier-Lieutenant and then about four or five before promotion to Hauptmann. He would have attended the Kriegsakademie as an officer and not a Kriegsschule. He would not have been an Adjutant on the General Staff as a Lieutenant. Sounds like this guy entered the Belgian Army? Regards Glenn
    5. Stijn, no Prussian Officer of that name in the 1870/71, 1872, 1875 or 1878 Rang-Listen. Are you sure about the spelling of the name? Regards Glenn
    6. David, the following table shows Heydenreich's promotions (Patents) up to Oberstlieutenant. Regards Glenn
    7. Robert, yes, that is the later Generaloberst Richard Ruoff. He assumed command of the entire Regiment on 1 October 1933. Regards Glenn
    8. Robert, that would be Musikmeister Brandt of the 7. Artillerie-Regiment at N?rnberg in the group photograph. Herr Brandt was born on 29 April 1890 and joined the Bavarian Army on 10 October 1908. He was promoted to Musikmeister on 1.2.1919 Regards Glenn
    9. Chris, given that he was born in 1890 it seems unlikely that he would have been appointed as a Zahlmeister before 1921. The most junior Reichsheer Zahlmeister in 1922 (born 1891) was promoted to that rank in 1921. Wilhelm Manger is not listed as either a Zahlmeister or Unterzahlmeister in 1922. Regards Glenn
    10. Hi Rick, strange. I have St?bgen being commissioned into J?ger-Regiment zu Pferde Nr. 6 as a Leutnant der Reserve on 26.2.15. He was transfered to the corps of Reserve Officers of Husaren-Regiment Nr. 12 effective 8 May 1915. Regards Glenn
    11. Here is his entry along with the other Balzers who received the EK2 on the black ribbon. Regards Glenn
    12. Hi Igor, yes, he is in there: No 1065: Balzer, Christoph im Garde-Feld-Art.-Rgt. Regards Glenn
    13. David, Generals v. Boddien and Freiherr v. Slicher were retired officers still employed as Adjutants-General to the King of Hannover. Regards Glenn
    14. Ooops my mistake David, I forgot I had not quite finished indexing that list! Regards Glenn
    15. David, unless I missed him when I indexed my copy, Georg August Oppermann is not in the Rang-Liste. Regards Glenn
    16. Alex, from the Milit?r-Wochenblatt Nr. 137 of 1919 (22 May 1919): 10. Mai 1919: Auf sein Gesuch zu den Reserveoffizieren der Betreffenden Truppenteile ?bergef?hrt - Kayser (Oskar) i. Ul. R. 11. Regards Glenn
    17. Thanks Chris, at the moment I have only the Oberleutnant and Leutnant volumes of List A2 plus the index with me. According to the index, List A2 also contains Field officers (Stabsoffiziere) and Hauptleute. I will have to wait until I look again at the first two volumes to see if I can find out the difference between Lists A1 and A2. Regards Glenn
    18. Chris, can you please confirm that the published list (by Absolon) is Teil A1? The list(s) I have appear to be Teil A2. I am not sure of the significance yet of the difference between A1 and A2, although I believe these all to be active officers. Thanks Regards Glenn
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