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    Bob Hunter

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    Everything posted by Bob Hunter

    1. When we get the pronouncement from the Grand Poobah perhaps one of these would work...
    2. Nice cross, Joe! That is the first I've seen with a photo on the reverse. Very cool.
    3. I like the bar! Could have been a medic. I'm curoious as to why the two long service decorations aren't mounted together. I'm sure Rick will be along directly and 'splain it to us all.
    4. Interesting ribbon bar. How about a closeup.
    5. Gerd, what I meant was that he probably took one horrible wound and was invalided out. That could be why he only has the Silver Bravery Medal. BUT...if my theory holds it doesn't explain the presence of the black wound badge in the group.
    6. Welcome to the forum, Vic. That is very nice medal bar.
    7. It's a good high quality start, Darrell. If you like I can change that for you in a big way!
    8. John, that cross will cause me to redefine pristine. Very nice. Very, very nice. Congratulations.
    9. Go for it, Darrell! That bar could put you on the slippery slope for Romanian medal bars...!
    10. Darrell, aren't there still two "schools of thought" on that medal? One being guys like us and the other being lunatics!
    11. Well done! You must have been a very, very good boy!
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