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    Everything posted by Hugh

    1. A hot, dusty cafe; beaded curtain hanging askew. The smell of sour wine and sweaty, unwashed men. The rank stench of thousands of stale Gauloises layered over the walls, the bar, the floor and the people. The mistral blowing in the desert grit, and an overhead fan stirring fitfully. The noise of hawkers in the street, trying to sell useless, worthless trinkets, and in the background, the piercing wail of the azan calling the faithful to prayer. Pierre and Kurt slumped in chairs in the corner, not a sou between them and still a week until pay day. Lisette, the fat barmaid who occasionally performed "other duties" listlessly swiping at the bar with a filthy rag, a greasy wisp of hair hanging down over her forehead. Who among us has not been there?
    2. The following from Merriam Webster is more in line with what I learned inFrench classes. Definition of cafard plural -s : severe depression or apathy —used especially of white people in the tropics
    3. Hugh

      Is this Japanese?

      I'd say definitely not Japanese - their chrysanthemum has either 12 or 16 petals, can't remember which. But it certainly has a post-WWII Asian feel. The rank insignia have definitely throw me off. In most Asian armies, the officer ranks follow the rule of threes: one, two or three somethings from 2nd Lt. up to captain, then something else for major and add one or two of the original somethings for LTC and Col. More or less like the Brits. You typically wouldn't see four of anything until the rank of general. Unless he's a warrant officer (W-4)? NCOs typically have sleeve insignia. I asked the smartest guy I know about Asian armies (a US Army FAO), and have included his comment below. QUOTE Just a guess! Korea’s National Emblem contains a similar five-petal flower (The Rose of Sharon or Mu Gung Hwa) as the unit insignia on the uniform. But, to complicate this, the ARVN rank insignia during the war also used a five-petal flower. But this rank insignia is neither ROK nor Viet, to the best of my knowledge. UNQUOTE Can't wait to see others weigh in. Best, Hugh
    4. I'd say the USA is the champion at undeclared wars: Korea, Vietnam and probably a dozen since then. But at least we give the soldiers their hard-earned medals. Now the proliferation of campaign and other awards is another subject :-( Hugh
    5. Looks like a leftover shirt from Miami Vice! H
    6. I fiddled a bit with the settings and I think I can see a little more detil in this version. Hugh
    7. A handsome piece, but not in any of the literature I know of. The clue is perhaps in the legend around the top (which unfortunately I can't read) and in the date 2001, which is the 125th anniversary of Mohammed Ali Jinnah's birth. Can you give us the full text of the top legend? Best, Hugh
    8. Checkpoint The following is courtesy of the Washington Post; Behind closed doors, the U.S. military scrutinizes modern cases of valor for new Medals of Honor By Dan Lamothe October 14 at 11:27 AM President Obama awards medically retired Army Capt. Florent Groberg the Medal of Honor during a White House ceremony in Washington last November. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters) The Pentagon’s search to make sure that modern war heroes are appropriately recognized has reached a new phase, with senior service officials meeting behind closed doors to review the cases of hundreds of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. The process, directed by Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter, started early this year and could lead to numerous cases in which heroes of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars are retroactively awarded the Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest award for combat valor, or service cross medals that are considered one step lower. The effort follows a review called for by then-Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel in 2014 after years of criticism among rank-and-file service members that acts of bravery after the Sept, 11, 2001, attacks were not getting the attention they were due. [Pentagon to overhaul how it recognizes heroism, review cases for modern veterans] Doug Sterner, a Vietnam War veteran and historian who has testified before Congress on valor award issues, said the review is exciting and unprecedented in U.S. military history. The Army carried out a review beginning in the late 1980s to determine whether there were racial barriers to black soldiers receiving the Medal of Honor in World War I and black and Japanese soldiers in World War II, but the entire Defense Department has never done a comprehensive review like this one, he said. “I’m optimistic that we’ll see some positive things out of the Army, and it looks like we may have a couple out of the Air Force,” Sterner said. “I’m less optimistic about the Marine Corps and Navy having any upgrades, because they’ve typically done really well tracking and handling their awards. But, it would be nice to see a couple of them come out of there.” The Navy and the Marine Corps became the latest of the services to review past valor cases by convening an 11-member joint board Oct. 12 at Quantico, Va. It is led by a Marine general and includes three Marine colonels, three senior Navy officers, and two enlisted service members from each service, according to documents obtained by The Washington Post. The board is expected to review dozens of cases in which the Navy Cross and Silver Star — the nation’s second- and third-highest awards recognizing combat valor — were awarded for potential upgrade. Then-Marine Capt. Brian R. Chontosh received the Navy Cross from Gen. Michael W. Hagee, then-commandant of the Marine Corps, during an awards ceremony May 6, 2004, in Twentynine Palms, Calif. (Gunnery Sgt. Jeremy Vought/Marine Corps) The services are reviewing their awards together because they are both part of the Navy Department. The board must be ethnically diverse, filled entirely with members who have combat experience, and include at least one member who has served in Naval Special Warfare Command, a Navy Department memo said. “At the conclusion of its review, the panel will provide the Secretary of the Navy with an advisory report identifying all cases reviewed, and which of those, if any, are recommended for upgrade,” the memo said. “The Chief of Naval Operations and the Commandant of the Marine Corps will be afforded an opportunity to endorse the panel’s report prior to its presentation to the SECNAV.” The other services have launched similar efforts. The Army, the largest service, established a three-phase process in which acts of heroism that could receive higher recognition are forwarded to boards with progressively higher-ranking soldiers reviewing the cases, said Wayne Hall, an Army spokesman. [Investigation shows the real reason the Army denied a soldier the Medal of Honor] The first meeting in the second phase will begin in November, and includes a three-star general, a two-star general and a command sergeant major reviewing all recommendations they received from the lower board. In the first phase, 412 of the Army’s 785 Silver Stars and Distinguished Service Cross cases have been reviewed so far, and eight service crosses and 50 Silver Stars have been recommended for a review by the higher board, Hall said. The Air Force, which has smaller numbers of ground troops and, consequently, fewer combat valor awards, reviewed all of its cases in May. Air Force staff officers are now reviewing the board’s findings, with recommendations eventually going to Gen. David L. Goldfein, the service’s top officer, and Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James, said Ann Stefanek, a service spokeswoman. The process of reviewing valor awards is typically secretive, with little acknowledgment for what a service member may receive until a decision is reached. The Medal of Honor requires a positive recommendation from the service involved and the defense secretary and approval from the president. Service crosses require approval by the service secretary. Navy officials declined to discuss their process beyond releasing a short statement: “In accordance with the Secretary of Defense’s directive, the Department of the Navy’s review is in progress.” The Marine Corps acknowledged a board has been convened this month. Army Sgt. 1st Class Alwyn Cashe, received the Silver Star for heroism in Iraq in 2005. Many say he deserves the Medal of Honor. (U.S. Army) The cases of several service members who were denied the Medal of Honor have proven controversial. In one of the best known, Army Sgt. 1st Class Alwyn Cashe received a Silver Star for repeatedly scrambling Oct. 17, 2005, into a burning Bradley Fighting Vehicle in Samarra, Iraq, to pull fellow soldiers to safety. He suffered devastating burns and died a few weeks later. Cashe’s battalion commander at the time, now-Brig. Gen. Gary M. Brito, later said he did not realize the extent of the danger Cashe was in when he nominated him for the Silver Star, and has pressed to have the award upgraded. In another case, Marine Lance Cpl. Brady Gustafson was awarded the Navy Cross after manning the gun turret of a Humvee in Shewan, Afghanistan, after it was hit in a July 21, 2008, ambush with a rocket-propelled grenade that caused catastrophic damage to his right leg. Gustafson continued to return fire at enemy fighters even as a Navy corpsman cranked a tourniquet on his leg inside the vehicle. His battalion commander, now-Marine Col. Richard Hall, later said that he regretted not putting him up for the Medal of Honor. More recently, Army Sgt. 1st Class Earl Plumlee was nominated by his commanding officer for the Medal of Honor for heroism in eastern Afghanistan on Aug. 28, 2013, and received a positive recommendation for the award from numerous generals, including Marine Gen. Joseph F. Dunford, then the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan. The award was denied, and Plumlee ultimately received the Silver Star, eventuallyprompting a Defense Department Inspector General investigation. It found that despite approvals from numerous battlefield commanders, the Senior Army Decorations Board decided the lower award was more appropriate. Related on Checkpoint: Soldier at center of Medal of Honor controversy recalls the day he faced suicide bombers 6 modern U.S. troops whose extreme heroism didn’t get the Medal of Honor Obama awards more Medals of Honor to modern veterans — but it takes longer, too
    9. James, so glad to see you back on the site, with interesting content as usual. Best, Hugh
    10. My God, the detail is spectacular! It puts modern medals from any country to shame.
    11. Not to quibble with the actual practice Mike, but didn't the regs state that the MID was to be worn directly on the jacket if no campaign medal was awarded? (Taprell Dorliing, 1983, p. 12)
    12. Now that's an impressive set of hardware! Any idea who he is?
    13. Sounds to me like an officer of one of the Foot Guards regiments (Grenadier, Coldstream, Scots, Irish, Welsh). Their caps slope sharply down over the nose. What did the badge look like? H
    14. Please tell me you have this man's story and are going to publish it here. Probably enlisted before 7 December 1941. Maybe an aviator or air crew with service in WW II and Korea, but not Vietnam. No stars nor strike/flight on his Air Medal so maybe not a designated aviator. Maybe an artillery spotter. Lots of campaign stars but no "V" on his Bronze Star. Mention in Despatches on his British War Medal. Maybe wound up his career as an attache or other extended service in Italy. Lots of anomalies to puzzle over. Hugh
    15. The bugle was often used as a badge for Light Infantry or Rifle regiments. Hard to identify from this scrap. H
    16. I'm always amazed by the depth and breadth of knowledge our members have as well as their willingness to share. Many thanks, Hugh
    17. Hugh

      Type 56 (AK-47) Rifle

      Aha! Makes perfect sense if the recoil upward force equals the downward force of the escaping gas. A fine bit of engineering. Best, Hugh
    18. Hugh

      Type 56 (AK-47) Rifle

      Thanks again. I'm still hopeful someone help me with the CS serial number and the cutout on the barrel tip. Best, Hugh
    19. Hugh

      Type 56 (AK-47) Rifle

      So from the markings, it appears I have an AKS-762 with a CS serial number. Perhaps the CS was allocated to the Galil side folder? Best, Hugh
    20. Hugh

      Type 56 (AK-47) Rifle

      Wow! Now that's an exhaustive response! From some cursory research on my own, I believe the rifle was made at the Number 386 factory in Fu Jian. Herewith some pictures. Don't mind the images of my little pink toes in some of them. And some more to show the markings. I think this is a much later model than the wooden stock, folding bayonet rifle I had in Viet Nam in 1969. Alas, I couldn't bring it home. I don't understand why the tip of the barrel is cut out. Any thoughts?
    21. Hugh

      Type 56 (AK-47) Rifle

      SIde folder. I'll post a picture in a bit. Best, Hugh
    22. I recently acquired a Norinco Type 56 rifle with folding Galil-type stock, serial number CS-05998. Can anyone tell me approximately when this rifle was made? Thanks, Hugh
    23. The lapel insignia certainly look Italian to me - but that necktie ! Yikes !
    24. Much like the Brits, we wear all foreign awards after all US awards. It frequently look incongruous to have a prestigious foreign award dangling like the cow's tail at the end of a row.
    25. Thanks for these. The cap band and device backing for US Navy and Coast Guard caps were normally in black (mohair for the band.) This may have changed for the USCG when they shifted from Navy blue (i.e., black) to a lighter shade for their uniforms. At one point mohair was listed as a strategic material, but I wouldn't want to speculate that it's because of the caps. In the States, we refer to the tan color as Khaki, although I realize that's a little different from the Brit understanding.
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