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    Everything posted by Christian1962

    1. Dear Ian, it reads "Schwanda" - Generalmajor Karl Schwanda. Kindest regards Christian
    2. You should not forget that it could have been a kind of political statement. There were some people who did not come in for the Austrian medal because they denied the Austrian government, esp. illegal nationalsocialists. Others denied to mount the Austrian medal after 1938 because of opportunism. Regards Christian
    3. He received the knights cross of MMTO for the Denmark-campaign in 1864. Here a cutout from k.k. Staatshandbuch 1874: Regards Christian
    4. Here is the link: https://www.militaria.at/Book.aspx?book=47567520&Language=en Regards Christian
    5. I can add a little detail: if you have a look onto the hallmarks, you can see that they are very blurry. This is a typical cast issue. The hallmarks would be more distinctive if they were hit and not just casted. Regards Christian
    6. you will get it at Morch & Son´s in Kopenhagen: http://www.mwmorch.dk/uk/products/miniature-decorations/europe-outside-scandinavia.aspx Regards Christian
    7. He was a long time Aide de Camp of Franz Joseph. Therefore he received the Franz Josef Kreuz. I accidentially met a Countess Hoyos last week and she told me it is said that he was one of the first to see Kronprinz Rudolf after his suicide in Mayerling. Regards Christian
    8. I think, I could provide some infos too: 01.11.1878 Leutnant i.d.Res. (DR 3) 01.11.1889 Oberleutnant (DR 14) 01.05.1897 Rittmeister (DR 14) 01.05.1908 Major (DR 14) 01.05.1912 Oberstleutnant (DR 14) 01.11.1914 Oberst [70] (DR 14) 01.05.1918 Generalmajor with rank from 14.06.1918 Here a link to Austrian States Archives: https://www.archivinformationssystem.at/detail.aspx?ID=76043 Regards Christian
    9. Hello, foreign orders were just listed in "Haus-, Hof- und Staatshandbuch". Here is a copy from the 1914 issue which should display all decorations bestowed until 1913: I could find some more in the 1916 issue: Here follows the link: https://alex.onb.ac.at/cgi-content/alex?aid=shb&datum=1916&size=45&page=61 and I can add his last list of Austrian decorations - effective with March 1918: Link: https://library.hungaricana.hu/en/view/RanglistenHeeres_1918/?pg=59&layout=s&query=Hoyos Regards Christian
    10. Dear Glenn, you are right with Ruhestandsschematismus. Because of the fact that I don´t own any of them and they are not available online, they are not on my screen. Thank you for your post. Kindest Christian
    11. The MVK was introduced in 1849 and it was instituted with the "war" ribbon even for peacetime and wartime service. The war decoration was instituted in 1860 and the ribbon was still the same for both. There was never another ribbon for the imperial MVK. Regards Christian
    12. I agree with Simius Rex. It is a fireman rank of "Feuerwehrmann" after 1945. The star is not embroidered but stamped. Therefore it is not a lieutenant-equivalent rank. Here you have an actual pic, if you scroll down: https://feuerwehr-wildermieming.at/2017/03/16/jahreshauptversammlung-2017/ Regards Christian
    13. If you want to check foreign orders for Austrian colonels and generals you have just the chance to do it in the k.u.k. Staatshandbuch. Only here the foreign orders were listed. I have checked the last one of 1914 and here Lawrowski did not own any foreign decoration. Here the link: https://alex.onb.ac.at/cgi-content/alex?aid=shb&datum=1914&size=31&page=676 Regards Christian
    14. I read "Feneteör" which makes not really sense. I could not find a similar name or place. Regards Christian
    15. You are welcomed, I always try to do my best, but not every effort leads to the goal.... ?‍♂️ Regards Christian
    16. Yes, you are right. Same as EK12/13 is covering the JK1908. Regards Christian The Tyrolian ribbon was a nonsense - sorry. It´s clear that it´s red cross WW1. The problem is that the Schematismus is not very accurate. But there is missing too much. This is the reason why I am not happy with the match "Pfeffer". It is possible that our guy did not serve in Bundesheer because he was dismissed in 1919/20 and called back to duty in 1938 as E-officer. He would have owned a 25-years service cross otherwise. So he would not be listed in any Schematismus. Hard to find. It will remain an enigma.... Regards Christian
    17. Nicolas, wearing of republican Austrian orders (note: Ehrenzeichen/Verdienstorden) was strictly forbidden in TR, just war medal 1914 - 18 and long service crosses could be worn. I am not sure about red cross decorations but that´s not very relevant because the were extreme sparly awarded to Bundesheer officers. If someone would have worn a republic order on his ribbon bar against regulars then he would not have done thos on last position. Thet would not make any sense. The ribbon would not match and grade of the Ehrenzeichen/Verdienstorden. Rosettes were not in use. Italian Order of the Crown is the best and most plausible match. Germand red cross Ehrenzeichen would have had a miniature cross instead of a rosette. The bar is post march 1938 - Wehrmacht and not Bundesheer style. I could find a Militärzeugverwalter Johann Pfeffer who became Wehrmachtbeamter in 1938. He owned: Silberne Militärverdienstmedaille am Bande des Militärverdienstkreuzes Bronzene Militärverdienstmedaille.X Goldenes Verdienstkreuz mit der Krone.X Karl-Truppenkreuz Ehrenzeichen 2. Kl. vom Roten Kreuz.KD Österr. Kriegserinnerungsmedaille 1914-18.X Jubiläumskreuz 1908 Ritterkreuz des ital. Kronenordens ungar. Kriegsmedaille This is the best match but not 100 %. There would be missing one TK-ribbon and a second sword device. Regards Christian Thi Yes, an Italien Orden would have been on last position anyway. I would not bet my collection on a red cross ribbon. My problem is this small piece of ribbon between ÖKM.X and JK1908: I would think it´s the Tyrolian commemorative medal 1914-18. An Austrian red cross decoration from WW1 would be before ÖKM.X and not after. But the Tyrol medal makes no difference here because they were not listed in ÖBH-Schematismus. Regards Christian
    18. My first impression would be: EK2 1914 Franz Joseph-Orden Ritterkreuz mit KD Militärverdienstkreuz 3. Kl. mit KD.X Silberne Militärverdienstmedaille am Bande des MVK Bronzene Militärverdienstmedaille am Bandes des MVK Karl-Truppenkreuz Kriegsmedaille Österr. Kriegserinnerungsmedaille 1914-18.X Tiroler Landesdenkmünze (small ribbon along ÖKM.X) Jubiläumskreuz 1908 Erinnerungskreuz 1912/13 Ungarische Kriegserinnerungsmedaille Offizierskreuz des italienischen Kronenordens I will try to find out candidates for that combination. The rarest decoration here would be the Italien Order of the Crown. I made a look through all recepients which are listed in ÖBH-Schematismus 1937, but no match at all. I am sure there were more awards after the print of this Schematismus in 1937. He could have received it during his Wehrmacht service too.... I fear it will be hard to give this bar a name. Regards Christian
    19. It should be the grand officers breaststar of the Royal Bulgarian Order of Military Merit with war decoration. Here a link: https://auctions.live-bidder.com/clients/rauch/en/sale/showLot/455/4410 Regards Christian
    20. Alexander Pappenheim is still listed as Oberlieutnant in Schematismus 1848. There was no Schematismus 1849. In Schematismus 1850 he is listed as "Erster Rittmeister" in DR 2. So we don´t know exactly when he was promoted to Rittmeister. For me it sounds strange that he should have been portraied in 1847 as Rittmeister. I would assume that the stars were added later or that the pic is wrong dated? I think that the cockades were not changed as quick and were worn ahead. This will not be a distinctive hint in my opinion. Regards Christian
    21. Quite a very good peace too.? I myself could purchase some parts of the Fattovich collection during the last years. Mostly collectors copies of rarest pieces. But their price increases very rapidly last year as you coul see last week at Rauch´s. That´s too much for copies. Regards Christian
    22. I could find the link now: https://alex.onb.ac.at/cgi-content/alex?aid=rgb&datum=1849&size=45&pos=246 Regards Christian
    23. FM Radetzky started in August 1848 introducing rank stars in his army. They were officially introduced with Reichsgesetzblatt 127/1848 and Erlass of Ministry of War dated with 14.02.1849 for all officers. Rank stars for NCO were introduced with Entschließung from 30.08.1849. Rank laces were introduced for Militär-Verpflegspersonal with 09.05.1848. I hope this informations will be sufficient for you. Regards Christian
    24. Zounds! That´s a really good one. Exeptional piece - my congratulations. I just own a simply Lieutnant´s piece. Regards Christian
    25. Good news! I could find now the order of precedence effective with November 1917. It was published via "Erlass vom 15.11.1917, Präs. 31500": Here is the link: https://alex.onb.ac.at/cgi-content/alex?aid=stv&datum=1917&page=15066&size=45 Regards Christian
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