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    Everything posted by Ulsterman

    1. Seriously, I would kill for that bar. You are a lucky man. If you ever want to trade for an imperial bar, I have few odd ones scattered about.
    2. When was it founded? I did a google search and found a writer or two who seem to been awarded with it.
    3. See here-students assn. Order. http://www.bparchiv.hu/demo/nemet/leveltarismerteto/11.html
    4. tell me more-what did you have to do to get this? Were there production quotas or was it general merit? Beautiful medal.
    5. "Check this out" (to quote Malcolm McClaren)... The Hungarian Order of Merit, 4th class. Alas! No Star, but the hunt is the fun thing. Were these worn on medal bars as well as the breast star? Sorry for the bad scan. My first higher order and an awarded piece (I am attempting to get the document for it too).
    6. You know-that would make a great illustration to an article or monograph on medals of 1956.......if someone was writing one..........especially as there are a few Soviet groups out there.
    7. Shows the limits of dictionaries-I had images of a girls reform institution....
    8. worth grabbing for the part though-you never know when you might you need it.
    9. He would have-there are numerous referneces and docs out there for the state service medal being given to teachers.
    10. Now that (!) is a great little bar. Nice catch. Odd he did not have any Horthy era decorations on it-or are those banned?
    11. I went through the book-it's alphabetical so it was easy-no Wolff. All the other Wolfs I found either died earlier, were in the wrong unit, except for one Sergeant, who also got the Hohenzollern medal. But I doubt that's your man. Amazing how small some of the villages were-and just how dominant some families were in those places. We forget how provincial the world was 100 years ago.
    12. I went through that book as well and have a couple of comments: 1. About 20%+ of the awards are missing-at least. It is obvious by the scope of the answers that men filled out questionnaires, "how many months as a POW"?) and some villages are missing entirely. Also, I have several docs of Hohenzollern awardees that don't show up in the book AND I noted 11 (!) instances of KIA pictures showing men wearing medals-where none are listed in the book. Also, I have hard time believing that some towns had nobody with a name ending in a letter above "S" after having half a dozen of every other letter in the alphabet. Smells like incomplete returns to me. 2. Multiple state awards to Gefreiters were a LOT more common than I had ever dreamed. 3. If you were an officer or senior NCO of any more than a few months service and didn't get an award, you were either killed quickly or really, really, really unlucky. 4. I note some very interesting navy award patterns, which confirm things noticed earlier. 5. It confirms, the higher ones rank, the more likely you were to get a medal...or two or three. Having said that I have begun a last name index, which i expect i will finish sometime around the next US presidential election. Well worth having.
    13. wow! Look at that barrel! That saw some action. The original barrels were all much thicker.
    14. I think these would be best sellers. Trouble is finding them. the 1944 was reprinted a few years back. i think Detlev had a few not long ago as well. A complete range with mike Millers' docs would be -primo.
    15. nothing I have here, but -a wonderful research opportunity (do i hear article here?).
    16. hey Red! I can't see a badge. Can you try again? Thanks, Ulster p.s. also try OMSA!
    17. A detail from Deighton's watercolour-one shortly after Waterloo.
    18. there is a chap here on the board who has a "generals of World War Two" website-Belgian i think. Try him also! http://www.generals.dk/generals.php Bon Chance!
    19. very cool! Oh I wish we could see a close up of that russian chap with the rifle. look at that medal bar!
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