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    Everything posted by Ulsterman

    1. 1. It is a pip on the shoulder board 2. It is # 243 3. Picture was taken in the latter half of 1918-19 as he also wears a black wound badge Alas-no name (yet)....
    2. You and me both. if only Jetblue flew there-and they let me have my passport back
    3. Were these also made in PLA factories? How much do these go for in China?
    4. I suspect this is a mere coin turned into a souvenir medal, but since I have zero arabic, who knows? Can anyone help me i.d. this little medal who recently arrived at my house? Many thanks.
    5. The medal though was only to senior NCOs and warrent officers/deputy officers though-or am I wrong? Officers got the Albrecht Order-the enameled piece. This guy got promoted to Obrlt. dR-from the ranks!
    6. very cool. It's always a good day with something new and Hungarian here!
    7. I think that is merely a wedding bouquet. What's the postmark on the back of the card? What was your Opas' name?
    8. It's an odd picture to be sure-but look at the LS medal. NCOs only. He got a promotion.
    9. These are still made and worn today. it might be more correct to say the "German Bloodstock Association".
    10. Deputy officers who were war time volunteers and later became teachers, civil servants or the like -and who lived until 1936. The man below was an NCO who got 'bumped up'.
    11. The "Hungarian Revolution" one. It has some nice pictures in it.
    12. neat-have you seen the Osprey book? Ever see any Kadar hussars tunics?
    13. Gentlemen: What is this one? Image borrowed from auction site, credit applied, published for educational purposes only. Is #2 light manufacturing (handicrafts?)?
    14. O.K., not the greatest scan, but heres a nice one-the sports medal. Established before the Communists seized power in 1949, this was still awarded and allowed to be worn until 1990. This is the silver class. I am still working on the translation of the criteria though in both the big and tiny book. Again from our friend Farkas's medal shop.
    15. Can you imagine the ribbon bar of the Brigadier on the ground in Korea in 1951?! I would KILL to see that picture, in colour.
    16. Frankly, given the violation of ascribed copyright for H & S (especially if you are scanning a reprint) the OMSA will not run an ad that violates its ethics rules. As a lawyer, hear me well when I say this, you are entering deep waters here. H &s is still copyrighted to the original authors and copyright was claimed by others only 20 years ago. Ranklists were government publications and part and parcel of military material that was surrendered in May, 1945. Ranklists are public domain.
    17. here's another one: Excellent worker for exports (foreign trade commerce). I have no clue where or what one had to do to get this one. By the construction materials-1970s-1980s.
    18. ooooh-that airborne carrier jacket is niiice! Check to see the Combat medic badge hasn't been removed though- I can't see how he got that rack and not have received one. Funny enough, I was in the Salvation Army yesterday and got you something CD! It's odd, but has character.
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