There are some superb 1914 EK2 repros made in Spain that are @15-20 years old. They came out before the infamous "666" EK2s, but were sold by the same source. There are also similar one piece "shiny" non-magnetic EK2s made in the late 1950s-1960s for the collector's market and as legitimate "1957" variety EKs. Jamie Cross had some of these @ 10 years ago and indeed, sold me a Bavarian Gefrieters' bar with one on it. They are considered rare. The difference between the 2 types is the quality of metal-and to some degree the workmanship. The Spanish ones have a bendable rim and the crown is different. Given there were @ 7 MILLION 1914 EK2s legitimately made/awarded (@5 million awarded-many replacements) I am not enamored with the one-piece variety. I personally do not consider them legitimate as there were very few WW1 vets ordering medal bars in the 1960s-1970s, but lots and lots of collectors. As an aside-the second EK2 I bought was one of these "1957" types; I bought it in London in 1974 for 50p and even then fakery was rampant.