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    Everything posted by Ulsterman

    1. Wow!!! Where in the name of Great Odin's ghost did you ever find that??! That is uber-rare
    2. This might well be a "fake" made for the pre 1989 days, when there was a small, but very expensive russian/Soviet collecting market. Some of these were made in the UK and sold by dealers who also specialized in TR items. "Antique Arms and militeria" I believe had a small article on these @ 1976 or so and Wallis and Wallis auctions also noted "cast" modern Soviet awards.
    3. .....a tray? a tray? .....a TRAY???!!!! of partisan badges? was this at the museum?
    4. Hi Gordon: Just saw this. Interesting is right-especially as it demonstrates that there are well made badges coming out of Hungary and that this skill level is involved in making fakes for easy cash-the faking virus grows. I am certain that Communist era Orders are probably being made-or at least the warehouses are being emptied. it's only a a matter of time before the rarer stuff is faked-if not already. I know I'd look very,very hard at any International Brigade medals out there.
    5. Ah- cool, I wondered what those were. Of course, if i read ed's site more often i would know I suppose.
    6. Established in 1982 and awarded until the fall of the very nasty Derg regime in 1991-and maybe until 1998 when a new proclamation was issued. The center has a glass heart. From a very bloody regime and given for wounds in some very sad little wars.
    7. #1!!!! Tell me more-who, how, what!? by the way-is this a badge, or merely a lapel pin?
    8. Well, the place names are all there and you can look up his regiments' travels on the net. Also, did he survive the war? I can not find his name in the grave site, but i am not as skilled there as otheres here are.
    9. Yeah- I am wrestling with hungarian as well. "Munka" is worker...so "el-munkas"...?
    10. The commanding Hauptmann also received the RAO, as well as the sword.
    11. yeah-you don't often see the Crusade medals' bar mentioned. This is a great Army group South piece.
    12. Wow!!! The last one is fantastic! "Hungarian worker"-is that how the bar is translated? I haven't seen that banner before-must be really early. I like the red cross too.
    13. Rick: Mr. Kelly of Massachusetts is now (and has been) making big bars-with your favorite minis hanging down. He has the pieces made by a local modeler. He is also doing medal bars-some obvious-others not so much. The stitching and brand new red felt backing are key, because a few replacement medals and a few hours in weak tea and you'd have a $300 bar easy. He gave me quite a comprehensive lesson on how he does it last month-and told me who he has sold some to round your way.
    14. No idea-but they used a similar design for their Hungarian international Brigade veteran's medal about the same time. That 1st class is awesome! by the way: for you guys "im feld" http://www.internationalmilitaria.com/arti...aratrooper.html
    15. Ask Rick: He'll show up in the states Adj Generals' Report.
    16. by the way-do you know what this is ? I thought it was Workers' Guard, but maybe not.
    17. Hunyadi- Sounds like a neat, concise article subject to me-can you find a photo of the award? Gordon-if you need my little badge I'll send it to you-I'll happily trade for something else (like a fire volunteer medal etc.). I'm sure the KISZ, with over 800,000 members in 1981 , must have resource materials littering the countryside the same way old Boy scout handbooks clutter flea markets over here.
    18. Thanks Ed! Your efforts are appreciated! Perhaps someone more savvy can lift better images from the t.v. program.
    19. Nice! So the Killian badge was awarded 1957-89? Was it commonly awarded? What was the criteria: 100 push ups, sit ups and a 6 minute mile or something? I went to a fair nearby and picked up a few hungarian items for almost nothing -8 Euros got me a killian badge, a brigade badge (bronze), academy badge and workers' militia badge. The man selling the stuff had piles of old Warsaw bloc stuff in a bucket-including a lot of Cuban and Albanian (which i did not buy as I had blown my extra walking about cash on "exotic" ribbon bars a few tables before). I did get this one below though-seems quasi official to me, some sort of commemorative or "I met my 5 year plan goals" or "Communist Youth 5 years service" award..
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