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    Everything posted by Deruelle

    1. I have two photos from Kar Reg in Finland. Probably our man is here who knows ! Christophe
    2. I have this nice saxon NCO ribbon bar. I think this man fought with Kar Reg in Finland. Christophe
    3. Hi, Very interresting topic. I have this nice unknown ribbon bar and I think it will be difficult to make a positive id without other States ribbons. I like it anyway Christophe
    4. Hi Christer, Rick has right about the LS for the blue ribbon. Indeed for the Crown Order, the ribbon is blue pale and not dark blue like here. here is an example of the blue pale ribbon for a saxon officer ribbon bar, shown before. Christophe
    5. For the moment I have only two positive names of Saxon officers who received the Lippe cross for heroic deed during WW1 : Oberst Konrad von Koppenfels and Hauptmann d. R. Albert Tasche Maybe they are more names but that's all I have for the moment Christophe
    6. Does anyone can id the last medal of this officer please ? For th emoment I have no idea about this one. thanks for your help Christophe PS : Thanks Dave for your help
    7. Thanks for the information. It's interresting Christophe
    8. Hi, I'm very impressed by your collection. Have you ever seen a case for this cross ? I have never seen one. Christophe
    9. Impressive, Very nice cross you have there. congrats ! The size of the both box seems to be similar, isn't it ? Christophe
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