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    Everything posted by Pylon1357

    1. C.F.C. is his unit, Canadian Forestry Corps. You can input his name or Regimental number into the following search engine, and you should see his attestation papers. https://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/discover/military-heritage/first-world-war/first-world-war-1914-1918-cef/Pages/search.aspx
    2. I see nothing wrong with the star or BWM either. As for reuniting the missing VM and IGS 1908, I have all but given up in regards to possible reunites. I have steered well clear of broken groups, unless of course they are named to a member of the Irish Regiment of Canada. My track record in 30 plus years of collecting is 1 reunite (QSA/KSA pair) and a partial reunite to Rycroft,DCM MM, of the CFA. I had his 14-15 Star for 20 plus years, found his DCM last year. No sign of the MM, BWM or VM.
    3. Thanks for sharing this pair. I just received a pair with the original box and wondered how he received his medals as there was no address on the box, just his pertinent details as your boxes marked. Now I see the box was in a mailing envelope. Question now answered thanks to this topic.
    4. Certainly NOT an official issue UN medal. This is one of those cases where 'google' is your best friend. I found he following link in about 30 seconds. Took me longer to figure out what it was all about. http://translate.google.ca/translate?hl=en&sl=da&u=http://www.fns-naestved.dk/Marchmedaljer.htm&prev=/search%3Fq%3DMarchmedaljer%2BDE%2BBL%25C3%2585%2BBARETTERS%2BMARCH%2Bunipom%26rlz%3D1C1GGGE_enCA469CA492%26es_sm%3D93%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D675
    5. Well having never microwaved a pooch, I will have to take your word for it. I think this Sudan Medal is spectacular just the way it is.
    6. the designer was Edward Carter Preston.
    7. Mike I am one of those collectors. However, I swim upstream most of the time. I clean and polish the medals in my care. The only comment I can make in regards to the racks shown in the photo is; OUTSTANDING GROUPS, the both of them. I can only dream of having such a set in my collection.
    8. http://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/SearchUI/s/res?_fn=&_ln=park&_no=+2692&_crp=&_ttl=&_ser=WO+372&_dt=M&_col=online&image1.x=34&image1.y=22&image1=GO Link to his MIC download
    9. It is difficult to determine if this example is silver or cupro-nickel. The Canadian version of this medal is silver, and thus worth a little more. Unfortunately these are usually unnamed, but Australia, South Africa and I believe New Zealand, named them.
    10. I love medals like the ones posted here. I have a pretty good collection of WWI pairs and a few trios to Canadians. All I need to have something unusual about the medal or the man, and I am in like flynn, I picked up a WWI pair to a man based on his answer to the the question "Are you Married"... His reply, YES (scratched out), NO (scratched out) About to be in brackets. I figured if the guy couldn't figure out his marital status, I just have to have the pair.
    11. I always thought New Zealand and Australia were the same place, only separated by a bit of water
    12. It is good to hear that no one from this forum had sent you a message offering, for a fee, to research this medal for you. What bad form for sure. I was somewhat shocked to read that this happened to you. I help out in research where I can and have never ever asked for anything in return. It is called Karma. I have helped and have received help in researching things many times over. I am in the same position as many others here. I have more research projects than I have time. Now that my "fun time" is over and I am returning to the work force, (I took some time off at the end of my last contract) all of my research projects and other displays etc are on hold until I have more time. I am currently sitting on around 30 pairs that need either full or partial research, plus the organization and write ups. Not to mention my on going research with the Irish Regiment of Canada. Again, I have to say this British War Medal should prove to have a very very interesting story behind it. Congratulations on this fine acquisition.
    13. Timo, I have only seen a couple of these up on the market, usually accompanied by a WWI pair to a Navy Man. IIRC they do not seem to command very much. These are outside my normal area of interest as I collect Canadian. Here is a link to one running currently on auction. I hope this helps. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Rare-WW1-1916-Britian-Navy-Battle-of-Jutland-Medal-Gilt-Silver-No-Reserve-/190920016283?pt=UK_Collectables_Militaria_LE&hash=item2c73b8419b
    14. Awesome find. I collect primarily medals to Canadians, however I also love these as well. I wish I could help you in your research, but it is way outside my comfort zone.
    15. I cut up my credit cards to prevent doing any more damage. I canceled the sniping program I used as well. Now if I want to snipe I have to sit in front of the computer and wait for the timer to tick down. Since adopting this process, I do not win as many as I used to but my back account likes me much more.
    16. Is this QSA his full entitlement, or was he entitled to the KSA as well? I must say I do like the look of medals from this era, but way outside my collecting area. I have 1 QSA KSA pair, I picked up primarily to keep them together as they were being sold separately.
    17. This is becoming even more difficult the deeper I look into it all. I guess the first thing I really need to do is positively identify the location of this incident. I will have to go back to the LAC and check out the War Diary again. I will be sure this time to check out the PTII orders as well, as they may identify something for me. What is driving me to look deeper into this matter is the simple fact of Pte Dort himself. His father was lost at sea prior to his birth. His mother died as a result of his childbirth. He was raised by his maternal grandparents for a while, then by his aunt. He had no siblings. I guess I find it rather tragic. I would very much like to find out what happened to him.
    18. Hello again A. I appreciate the help. I have found a Report, number 178 from CMHQ titled Canadian Operations in Italy 5 Jan - 21 Apr 44. That report does not mention this action specifically, however on page 25 of this report. it states that the night of Feb 24/25, the 146 Regt was relieved by an unknown unit and now it seems probable that the enemy division in front of us from the TOLLO road to the sea is the 90 Pz Gr Div. (dated 03 Mar 44)
    19. I came across the following entry in the Regimental History of the Regiment. I am not sure it helps at all in narrowing down the location. The present C.O. then Major George Macartney, led an “A” Coy. patrol across the Arielli on the night of 29 Feb., and he and his twenty-five men opened up a heavy fire-fight with the enemy near “Cork” and did much damage before withdrawing to their own side of the River. His only casualties were two wounded, including his Company Sergeant-Major, George Morton-Cameron. One private, “porky Dort was missing, and since there has been no report made of him to date, he is now presumed dead. Maj., Macartney took a back on another occasion to look for him, but was unable to find any trace. At the end of February our battle casualties stood at two killed, six dead of wounds, eleven wounded, and one missing in action. This front was not too hard on the Unit as awhole. The front consisted of a deep and rugged river valley, containing the narrow Arielli stream, with the Germans occupying slit trenches on one high bank, which forced them to remain invisible all day under our observation, during weather which must have been very hard on them 22 indeed. Our bank of the River had a fair number of buildings, and in one area a whole, small agricultural village, perched on the very edge of the bank, in an advanced state of ruin. Our buildings were strongly fortified, and guarded with a minimum of personel by day, while the remainder slept, but by night, positions were taken up in slit trenches about the perimeter of each Company’s defensive area. In addition, observation and listening posts were maintained in suitable forward locations by day and night. So each side spent their days, calling down fire from mortars and artillery on any move- ment detected on the other side of the river, and keeping their fronts alive with night patrols to prevent the enemy from infiltrating into their areas.
    20. A that would be the area I suspect. The Regiment was in the Orsogna area previous and had just moved to the Arielli area of operation.
    21. Hello A and Chris, the area was around the ARIELLI area. There are no map co-ordidinates to refer to in this. There is mention of this being in the "vicinity of Cork". Cork I assume to be a code name. I will try to narrow the location down further. I was not aware that Gasa Vezzario would be a code named location.
    22. Hello All, I hope I have posted this request for help in the correct section. As the topic title states, I am seeking information as to what German units were in the area of Gasa Vezzario Italy, on 29 February 1944. My primary field of research involves the Irish Regiment of Canada. There is one man, Pte. James Dort, who disappeared during a skirmish on that date. Below is the information I have currently. There is nothing further I can glean from reviewing Regtl diaries ect as this man went missing with not further trace of him. There is no mention of any of his kit being located, even though a recce patrol was sent out the following morning to the location. I am hoping that German records of the units in the area would have a mention of this skirmish, with possible further details as this occurred in German controlled area. Ayy and all assistance in this would be greatly appreciated. I do not know how to go about looking up what German forces were involved, as German research is outside my knowledge area. Pte Dort was last seen about 400 yards west of village of Gasa Vezzario. Last seen by L/Cpl Bray; Ptes. Crawford and Dororty of “A” Company and Cpl. Clegg of “B” Coy. Irish RC. During a fighting patrol at approximately 2100 hrs. trying to locate enemy machine gun post. Cpl. Bray left his section just below the crest of a ridge while he crawled forward to recce the way when he came under fire and could not return to his section. Cpl. Clegg ordered Dorerty and Crawford to go around to a flank and open fire on the enemy pit to help Cpl. Bray out. Cpl Clegg remained with Dort under cover of the crest of the ridge while an attack was made on the enemy post by another action. When this was over but before Cpl. Bray had returned, Cpl. Clegg tried to reassemble the section called out to Dort to come along. Dort said he was going to stay. Cpl. Clegg then left him. enemy was aprox 30 to 50 yards away. small arms and grenades when the patrol withdrew, Dort remained behind, he was well within enemy territory. Kindest regards everyone, Cliff
    23. Good lord, I was not aware of this until now. Very sad news to hear. My heart goes out to his family and friends. He will certainly be missed here by all.
    24. It is not only museums that sell or trade their donated items. There are some branches of the Royal Canadian Legion that have done this. One of my father's Uncles served in WWI. His son served in WWII and Korea. When the son passed away, his widow donated the WWI pair, plus the WWII and Korea pedals to the local Legion in 1998. The Legion has since sold this grouping on. Much to the disappointment of my father.
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