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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Claudio

    1. My two latest additions.... one medal bar (for civilian tuxedo) came with its miniatures and a Japanese order at the end... Medal bar: Preussen, Eisernes Kreuz 1914, 2. Klasse am Kämpferband (OEK 1909) E/S Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer (OEK 3803/1), Hersteller Gebr. G & C, Gebrüder Godet und Co., Berlin Österreich 1. Republik, 1. Weltkriegs-Erinnerungsmedaille Ungarn, 1. Weltkriegs-Erinnerungsmedaille Japan, kleiner Orden der Aufgehenden Sonne mit Rosette Miniatures (7): EK 1914 2. Klasse, FEK, Ehrenzeichen des Roten Kreuzes 3. Modell (1937-39), sog. Elefantenorden, österreiche 1. WK-Erinnerungsmedaille, ungarische 1.WK-Erinnerungsmedaille, Japan Orden der Aufgehender Sonne Offizierskreuz
    2. Hi, It looks really a bit too much used... usually the quality of the strike of these medals were quite good. If I remember correctly, there was a quite detailled article about that on a BDOS magazine (German Association of medals and orders collectors http://www.deutsche-gesellschaft-fuer-ordenskunde.de/vereinsmagazin/magazinuebersicht/ ). ciao, Claudio
    3. Hi Claudius! The Rumanian order with swords which was bestowed on Reymann, as you correctly suggest, was given to military personnel. Yes, he was awarded with the Centennial Medal but he strangely didn't wear it. The backing is very dark blue.... He was the first commander of the SMS Vulcan... http://de.wikipedia....i/SMS_Vulkan I am sure that I can find more information on him. ciao, Claudio
    4. Dear Forumites, I'd like to show one of my last purchases; it is quite a complete group of the fregate captain Johannes Paul Georg Reymann... most of the documents came with the bar. Here's the description of the medals on the bar: Preussen, Eisernes Kreuz 1914, 2. Klasse am Kämpferband (OEK 1909), E/S Preussen, Kgl. Hausordern von Hohenzollern, Kreuz der Ritter mit Schwertern (OEK 1789), S/vg W938 (Wagner, Berlin) Preußen, Roter Adler Orden, 4. Klasse mit Krone, ab 1892 (OEK 1706), S Preußen, Da-Kreuz für 25 Dienstjahre der Offiziere (OEK 1972), Br vg Sachsen Königreich, Albrechtsorden RK 1. Kl. mit Schwertern (OEK 2206), Sv R Hersteller Rösner, Dresden Bayern, Militärverdienstorden 4. Klasse mit Krone und Schwertern (OEK 412), S/G Oldenburg, Friedrich-August-Kreuz 2. Klasse am Kämpferband (OEK 1563), E gs Braunschweig, Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse am Kämpferband (OEK 634), Br Freistadt Hamburg, Hanseatenkreuz 1915-1918 (OEK 688), WM vs Bayern, Militärverdienstorden 4. Klasse ohne Schwerter am Statutenband (OEK 409), S (980), Hersteller Jakob Leser Königreich Rumänien, Orden Stern von Rumänien, Offizierskreuz mit Krone und Schwertern am Ring, 1. Modell Here are the listing of the documents: 25.07.1898 Zeugnis Seekadetten 07.01.1908 Pr RAO4 12.12.1908 Bay MVO4 19.01.1909 Rumänien, Kronenorden Offizierskreuz mit Krone 15.10.1910 Pr RAO4 m/Krone 22.03.1914 Patent Korvettenkapitän 23.06.1916 Sachsen AO 1 Kl. mit X 15.11.1916 Hamburg Hanseatenkreuz 09.02.1917 Bay MVO4 m/Krone 31.05.1917 Pr HOH Kreuz der Ritter mit X 06.06.1918 2 Urkunden Br KVK 1 & 2 Kl. 11.04.1920 Pr Offiziers-DA f. 25 Jahre Reymann, Paul 1897, 04.07. Pr. Centenarmedaille Kadett 1897, 03.22.S Grundausbildung Reymann, Paul 1897, 04.07. Allerhöchste Belobigung Fähnrich zur See 1900, 09.03. für vorzügliche Kenntnisse in der Seeoffizierprüfung Reymann, Paul 1897, 04.07. Pr. RAO 4. Kl. Kapitänleutnant 1908, 01.07. Unterseeboot U 1, Kommandant Reymann, Paul 1897, 04.07. Bay. MVO 4. Klasse Kapitänleutnant 1909, 03.13. Inspektion des Torpedowesens, zur Verfügung Reymann, Paul 1897, 04.07. Rum. Orden der Krone Rumäniens, Offizierkreuz Kapitänleutnant 1909, 08.06. Inspektion des Torpedowesens, zur Verfügung Reymann, Paul 1897, 04.07. Pr. RAO 4. Kl., Krone z. Kapitänleutnant 1910, 10.15. Inspektion des Torpedowesens, zur Verfügung Reymann, Paul 1897, 04.07. Pr. HOH Kreuz der Ritter m. Schwertern Korvettenkapitän 1917, 05.31. Hochseeflotte, Admiralstabsoffizier Reymann, Paul 1897, 04.07. Hamburg, Hanseatenkreuz Korvettenkapitän 1918, 02.14.R Befehlshaber der Unterseeboote, Chef des Stabes Reymann, Paul 1897, 04.07. Pr. Eisernes Kreuz 1914 I. Kl. Korvettenkapitän 1918, 02.14.R Befehlshaber der Unterseeboote, Chef des Stabes Any additional information to this officer is most appreciated... ciao, Claudio
    5. Most of them are Feuerwehr-Ehrenzeichen (fire fighters decorations), check here: http://www.feuerwehr-orden.de/ 1st from the right: wrong medal, Hungary, WWI combattants commemorative medal on ribbon of King Ludwig cross (Bavarian Kingdom): http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/König_Ludwig-Kreuz 2nd from the right: Bavarian Kingdom, fire fighter cross for merit (1901-1918) 3rd from the right: Bavarian Free State (Weimar Era) Fire Fighter Honour Medal for 40 years service (1920-1936) 4th from the right: Bavarian fire fighter association cross , with blue enamal for non-fire fighter honour cross (1925-1936) 5th from the right: Bavarian Free State (Weimar Era), Fire Fighter Honour medal for 25 years service (1920-1936), on the wrong ribbon, here schould be worn the "TIROLER LANDESGEDENKMÜNZE für die Kriegsteilnahme 1914-1918" 6th from the right: wrong Kyffhäuser WWI veterans Association oval medal on wrong ribbon (that is the ribbon of the Bavarian Fire-Fighters medal) Last from the left: German Fire Fighter Association honour cross, 2nd class (1929-1936), quite rarely seen on medal bars Quite a typical medal bar for a Bavarian Fire Fighter... but totally messed up with wrong medals or being wrongly replaced. ciao, Claudio
    6. Beautiful bar! I especially like the double needle on the back and the orders at the end of the bar... not to mention, that it came from a Regimental commander who was also an aristocrat: Way to go! :beer:
    7. This thread should be posted on this forum: Germany: Deutsche Freikorps & Weimar Republic
    8. Hi Don, That is a Weimer-Era Saxon veteran decoration, issued by the Ehrenbund Sächsicher Weltkriegsteilnehmer e.V. (Honorary Organisation of Saxon WWI participants), see also Detlev Niemann catalogues no. 2.02.15. This cross is the Ehrenkreuz am Band (without swords), the ribbon is of course in the typical Saxon colours, green and white: 3 lateral narrow white stripes on green. ciao, Claudio Here one offered by Weitze with its document (quite rare): https://www.weitze.n...rn__100820.html
    9. Welcome to the club, Thomas! Nice Griffin order you have... I still don't have in my collection; these RK with crown are pretty rare to be seen, even more on medal bars! ciao, Claudio
    10. Dear forumites, There are some very good looking and very decorative kivers being offered on a German auction house, at least they appear so to me, as a beginner in this matter, since I do not have any knowledge of their making constructions and quality. Is there anybody on this forum who would so kindly give his opinion on these pieces? I would appreciate it very much. Best regards, Claudio
    11. Hi Jason, Thank you for your kind words. Collectors' attitude and ethics can vary very much... I try to reunite pieces of history together, but sometimes financially it does really not make a lot of sense, in most cases unfortunately! Look at this group being sold piece by piece on Ebay: http://www.ebay.de/s...sid=p4340.l2562 I wanted to bid on it, but as you can see it doesn't very much make a lot of sense, at least for the buyer! On the contrary for the seller, he can speculate on it! Very sad! ciao, Claudio
    12. Hi Christer, I think it's a NSKK uniform, Truppführer (1st sergeant)... ;-) http://www.uniformin...d=53&result=587 http://onesixthnet.yuku.com/topic/2682#.T9DhZGgbZUQ ciao, Claudio
    13. Wow Matt! That's the same bar (see folding on the ribbons)!!!! :o I haven't seen this picture before... where did you find it? Egay... ehm... I mean Ebay? :whistle:
    14. Very nice bars, especially the 2 place one with the red cross decorations for a civilian... very seldom to see the same guy to be awarded the same decorations, but of different periods (Imperial Königreich Sachsen, Weimar era Württemberg and 3rd Reich). :-)
    15. Wow Chris! These are great news... I was really wondering if it wasn't possible to find a possible owner of this bar. Great research work !!!! Thanks a lot... hope that other forumites could confirm your research!
    16. Hi Paul! Maybe you have already seen some pictures on the web of von Müller, but noone of them show him wearing his decorations. Nonetheless I am posting this nice picture. Further I found an interesting link in German about him: http://www.fregatte-emden.de/dieschiffe/emdeni/berichtandenkaiser.html Strange! I thought that for such a famous and valorous soldier you could find plenty of pictures on the net; also a street in Hannover was named after him! Wikipedia (German) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_von_Müller_(Marineoffizier) Good luck finding a nice picture of his medal bar... I would also be curious to see it! :-) ciao,
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