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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Claudio

    1. Hi Willi, This bar was already discussed on another German forum: http://www.militaria-fundforum.de/thread.php?threadid=67918 Major Rohe: Geboren 1875, 1894 "Freiwillig-Gemeiner" 18. IR Prinz Ludwig Ferdinand, Febr. 1899 Leutnant. 1901/02 Einsatz in China, danach altes Regiment, dann 1905 - 1908 S?dwest-Afrika. Wieder altes Regiment, dort 1911 Bef?rderung zum Hauptmann. 1914 - 1916 1. WK, dann wegen schwere Verwundung ausgeschieden, das K?nig-Ludwig-Kreuz wurde verliehen, weil seine Schwester eine Stiftung unter seinem Namen mit einem gr??eren Geldbetrag ins Leben rief. Ab 1918 wieder in der bayerischen Armee aktiv, danach bis 1920 Reichswehr. Dann bis 1939 keine Informationen, wird dann im Winter 1939 Kommandeur eines Baubataillons mit Dienstgrad Major mit Einsatz in Frankreich, knapp 65 Jahre alt, erh?lt die Spange zum EK 2. Klasse am 4.7.1940, danach Ruhestand und stirbt im Jahre 1944. Ciao, Claudio
    2. Hi Stogie, Prussian DA-Kreuz (where is the Centenar Medaille?) and Bavarian DA-Medaille together? I don't think so. Bavarian Officer with a silberne Verdienstmedaille of Baden? Wouldn't be more appropriate maybe a OZL? No, no, it makes completely no sense, especially with the KDM 1870-71. The more I look at it, the less I like it... all wrong!!! Ciao, Claudio
    3. I am by far not a specialist on these breast stars, but if I want to spend that kind of money, it better be an 100% provience proved piece made by an official German jeweller. On the other hand, since these were worn by European nobility who shared common ancestors and lineage, I guess that many of these orders were made also outside Germany, especially the special version such as with the "bandeau" Honi soit qui mal y pense. Ciao, Claudio
    4. Thanks Wild Card! Yeah! I noticed the Ordenskette of the Guelphen Orden; if you compare the price with the other Prussian Ordenskette, you can say that some of these prices are driven by emotions and collectors' greed ("I have to have it" or "I still miss it in my collection" kind of syndrome). Ciao, Claudio
    5. I got this one... I would love to know more about Major Rheinbaben!!!! I saw it in Illingen, one month before the auction; it is really in beautiful conditions with an old (1895-1905?) Godet's label on the back. Very nice...
    6. Guelphen Orden, Ritterkreuz 1. Klasse mit Schwertern (milit?rische Division). Wow... I was lucky with a couple of bars, but first still need to wait for the invoice to come. Ciao, Claudio
    7. Yeah, I saw that too Andreas (Art. Nr. 32)! From 1'500.- to 8'300.- Euros!! I was tempted to bid on it, but fortunately I didn't... Did you purchase something nice, if I might ask you? Historical background to the bestowal of this Ordenskette:
    8. To add to what I just wrote, it would be advisable to read the interesting description made by Herr Thies. There is a story behind the bestowal of this ordenskette to the vice king of Egypt Abbas Hilma II, with very intersting political aspects. Only three of such Ordensketten are known to be owned by collectors: two of them made of Gold and the third silver gilted. This one was purchased by Mr. Seymour at the beginning of the 90ies for 29'000.- British Pounds (plus fees) at a well known auction house (Christie's)... see the text below:
    9. Hi Dolf, First of all types of "Ordensketten" manufactured pre-1918 are extremely rare. The conditions of this particular one (in Gold) is excellent and it comes not only with the original case of issue but the original owner is known! Such things are unique... the price is only matter of how many are interested in it and bidding on it! Now we know... there are quite a lot of wealthy collectors interested in such Ordensketten... that drives also the prices up! Ciao, Claudio
    10. Hi Westfale, Here's your medal being worn on a Spange with other medals... ? Preussen, EK 2. Klasse 1914 am Nichtk?mpferband, nur ca. 13?000 Verleihungen! (OEK 1909) ? Preussen, Verdienstkrez f?r Kriegshilfe, 1916-24 (OEK 1966) ? Preussen, Rote Kreuz Medaille, 2. Klasse (OEK 1871) ? Preussen, Rote Kreuz Medaille, 3. Klasse (OEK 1872) ? Oldenburg, Kriegsverdienstmedaille, 1917-1918 (OEK 1565) ? Deutsches Reich 1933-45, Ehrenkreuz f?r Kriegsteilnehmer (OEK 3803/2) ? Preussen, Centenarmedaille 1897 (OEK 1965) Ciao, Claudio
    11. My Komturkreuz in Gold of the Hausorden Heinrich des L?wen... Your stuff, Andreas, is really breathtaking... how many RK with swords in the middle were given: 5? There was also one on Thies' auction today, "am Einzelbandschnalle". Great also and extremely rare the spange "old style". About what date would you situate your medal bar? Ciao, Claudio
    12. Hi Chris! I already saw that medal being sold at Hermann Historica Auction a couple of years ago. I don't know if this Austrian "Spange" is legit, though. The ribbons looks quite brand new for me. The combination is quite interesting. It looks to have the same ribbon, although yours is very faded. Ciao, Claudio
    13. The grey backing and needle system of the long ribbon bar indicates that this bar was assembled by Godet & S?hne, very likely after 34-36. Ciao, Claudio
    14. Thank you Christian... I thought so... but I wasn't sure! The back is totally white enamel. Ciao, Claudio
    15. Dear forumites: I am proud to introduce to you my brother's last acquisition; a single mounted white enameled cross of Oldenburg. Does somebody know what was it for? Maybe some kind of decorations for merits in industry or commerce or even a veteran sort of commemorative cross? Thanks in advance for your inputs. Ciao, Claudio
    16. Hi Stogie, The first photo looks like taken from a Hermann Historica catalogue. Ciao, Claudio
    17. Hi Mark, It looks very similar to my brother's bar, although it doesn't have an iron cross. If it was a junior officer, I would put the "Eisb?r" (Ritterzeichen 2. Klasse, Silber, the one shown on my brother's bar), as a NCO he would have received a Verdienstmedaille (Gold or Silver), which even rarer (to me at least). Ciao, Claudio
    18. Dear forumites: I would like to introduce a decoration, which is not so known to the most collectors and doesn't appear to be so "attractive" since it was a Bavarian for war merit at home (sort of KVK). According to Nimmergut (Deutsche Orden & Ehrenzeichen, Band Nr. 1, Seiten 215 und 216): Insgesamt wurden von Juli 1916 bis M?rz 1918 ca. 73'000 Verleihungen vorgenommen. Die erste Verleihung betrug 4'400 Exemplare. Founded in: Stiftung: 07.01.1916 durch K?nig Ludwig III. von Bayern Awardes for: "... als Zeichen ehrender und dankbarer Anerkennung f?r solche Person... die sich w?hrend dieses Krieges durch dienstliche oder freiwillige T?tigkeit in der Heimat besondere Verdienste um das Heer oder die allgemeine Wohlfahrt des Landes erworben haben." Enjoy! I would like you to contribute to this thread and am kindly asking to post yours... Ciao, Claudio
    19. Dear forumites: I would like to hear your most appreciated comments on this badge, which was offered to me. From the needle on the back it looks like a Meybauer, but since I am not a specialist and don't trust too much from where it is coming, I am very skeptical. Thanks in advance for your input! Ciao, Claudio
    20. Hi Eitze the Oldenburg'scher Hausorden looks very promising. It would nice to know the weight, since it's in Gold. I have seen one like this being sold at Thies; it was spectacular and had also swords "am Ring". In reality these look much much better. Here I am posting some better images of the Feldspangen being offered on the Zeige's auction. I don't like the first spange: the needle on the back looks "modern" and the combination quite "extravagant" to say the least. The second one looks better; devices, combinations... only thing on the back you can notice that the bar was prolonged. Any further comments? Ciao, Claudio
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