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    BalkanCollector last won the day on July 10

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    About BalkanCollector

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      Socialist Yugoslavia militaria and labour badges

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    1. I wouldn't say we went way off topic. Slightly yes but the admins here aren't gestapo so no wrath will be unleashed upon us I think new topic about literature and sources is a great idea.
    2. Very true! I've been told that the IKOM's machines have been sold abroad during the plunder of a new "democratic" regime. My only guess is that your statement about feeding the fireplace is the most likely scenario when it comes to company's documentation and archive. The beginning of my sentence "I've been told" is a proof of the situation we are in regarding this matter.
    3. Thank you for the answer! It is unfortunately very common for people to just asume things so wrong or uncomplete information gets passed quickly.
    4. Can you please share the source for this statement? I've never seen an IKOM Partisan Star 2nd class ever awarded.
    5. What Tito is wearing on his uniform is miniature awards bar.
    6. Do you have pictures of those orders?
    7. Soviets received Yugoslav orders for war merits so it's not impossible that the recipient of this particular order was Soviet.
    8. Great piece! It's the lowest numbered second class of this order I've seen so far. The highest numbered order with three rivets I've seen is #989 and the lowest withouth rivets #1,310. When it comes to the archives, it's still not possible to research Yugoslav awards by their number, at least not to my knowledge. Was it part of the grouping to one recipient or some sort of a mix of awards you bought?
    9. It's definitely 7600. The later models had this sloppy numbered font.
    10. All original and a really nice boxed example.
    11. It is indeed first type of this medal produced by Monetniy Dvor with original suspension. As for the rarity, it's not rare. Fair price for the example like the one from your pictures would be 10-15€.
    12. Article with some great points! Thank you for sharing!
    13. Petar Matić died yesterday at the age of 104. His death marks the end of an era when heroes weren't chosen through nationalistic chauvinist bias. May the heroes rest in peace!
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