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    Everything posted by Egorka

    1. Exciting stuff. Thank you for sharing, Paja!
    2. What am I hearing? Obviosly, schnapps that makes you see sea monsters cann't be called bad!
    3. Hello Chuck, from this photos I like it. But if you make better pictures I can ask some other knowledgeable people. Regards/Igor
    4. You are welcome! I am glad I can share this with others. I see I made quite a few gramatic errors and misspelled many words. It's mainly because I post from IPhone and my kids distruct me a bit on the way. Unfortunately I cannot longer correct the errors.
    5. Very interesting! Thank you for sharing.
    6. Hello. Sory if I missed, but what was the damage onthe medal? Looks like drill hole. Has someone tried to probe it for gold? Why the medal is so shiny now?
    7. This particular material is not linked directly to the hero or his unit, but come from another air assult division journal. The schematic depiction of specific battle engagements of assault arcraft. The first one is against enemy fighter planes 12 IL-2 and 4 Yak-1 against 14 FW-190 and 2 ME-109 on 21 Aug 1944. Result reported: 1 IL-2 shot down, 1 damaged. 1 pilot and 2 rear gunners killed. 1 FW-190 crushed. The second one is 15 minute ground attack by 6 IL-2 on a convoy on 13 Sep 1944.
    8. Sorry wrong thread... can someone from administration delete my previous post here.
    9. This particular material is not linked directly to the hero or his unit, but come from another air assult division journal. The schematic depiction of specific battle engagements of assault arcraft. The first one is against enemy fighter planes 12 IL-2 and 4 Yak-1 against 14 FW-190 and 2 ME-109 on 21 Aug 1944. Result reported: 1 IL-2 shot down, 1 damaged. 1 pilot and 2 rear gunners killed. 1 FW-190 crushed. The second one is 15 minute ground attack by 6 IL-2 on a convoy on 13 Sep 1944.
    10. Previously Boris Kandibin (1920-1993) was mentioned in the Combat Journal of the 305th air assult division (ShAD). He was awarded Hero of the Soviet Union on 19 August 1944 for 84 combat missions. Served in air force for for may years after the war and retired in 1979 as Major General. He wrote book "305th assult division in the fight for Motherland", where he writes about his mates. "A group of 8 IL-2 was tasked to strike the rail station Valga. The wing commander Cpt. Gorodnikov was in the leading aircraft. The rest Chufarov, Nosachenko, Kolganov, Sivokon, Zhuchenko, Markelov and I. As the we knew that the station was heavily covered by AA artillery, we were heading at altitude 2000m. We aproached the target from North-East direction and were hit by AA fire. The Gorodnikov's machine suddenly fell into uncontrolled dive. The aircraft of his mate Chufarov caught on fire and began descending slowly turning towards friendly forces. I increased my speed and assumed the wing leader position. AA fire was still heavy, the group was weakened and had no resources to suppress the AA batteries. We continued attack. First run - ombs dropped ar the rail tracks, but not hits to the trains. Descendet to 70m and assaulted the trains with rockets and cannon fire. Several vagons caught on fire. The objective was complited, but we lost our wing commander Gorodnikov, who lost the plane (for the 3td time) and jumped with parachute, and was captured. Chufarov crash-landed on our territory."
    11. Excerpt from the combat journal of 305th ShAD for 29/Jan/1945: "Due to bad meteorological conditions only 6 aircraft were used for combat missions. The first pair lead by Lt. Sobolev was on the mision to attack railway trains on the station Saldus, but reaching village Bené encountered dence snowfall and complete lack of vertical and horisontal visibility and returned to the base. The second pair lead by Cpt. Kandibin (note this name) took off at 13:10 with same objective, but receiving westher report from Sobolev returned to the base. Only the pair lead by Sr. Lt. Chufarov completed the mission. It's objective was to attack traffic on the raod Lauki- Yurdi. Munition used: 6 FAB100 (HE 100kg), 80 AO-2.5 (cluster bombs), 8 RS-82 (rockets). As the results of the assult one truck damaged. No losses to our aircraft. The flight leaders had no radio contact with the guidance station. Two othe regiments remained in readiness untill 10:00. After that changed to combat training program and training flights on PO-2 aircraft. Weather: Cloud cover 9 okta (maximum), height 200-400 meters, intermitent snow during the day, visibility 200-600m." Sr. Lieutenant of Soviet air force shoulder board (post 1943).
    12. The citation for the order of Red Banner 98061. Short and specific description of the acheivement: "Recomended for the state award Order of Red Banner for 23 successful missions on IL-2 assult aircraft. Participating in the fighting on Soth-Western front and later on 3rd Ukrainian front since September 1943, Sr. Lt. Chufarov showed remarkable qualities as combat pilot, bravery, courage, and boundless loyalty to Socialist Motherland. Excelently piloting IL-2 aircraft and skillfully using its weapon systems, punishes enemy with full force. All combat missions executes perfectly. Just during the last 23 missions personally destroyed 17 trucks with cargo, 4 tanks, 2 self-propelled guns, 12 horse carriages, suppressed 3 AA positions, destroyed military depot, despersed and destroyed up to 2 companies of facists. In total flew 54 combat missions up to date. Worthy of the state award Order of Red Banner. 30 May 1944. Commander of 237 ShAP Lt. Colonel Shelamov" Excerpt from the award order mentioning A.Chufarov.
    13. Please meet Sr. Leutenant of airforce Chufarov Anatoly Vasilevich, born 1923, a squadron leader (3 aircraft) of 237th ShAP (assault air regiment) of 305th ShAD (assult air division). In service since June 1941. In active service since September 1943 on the South-Western front and 3rd Ukrainian front. Awards: Red Star, Patriotic War I, Red Banner 98061 on 12/Jun/1944 (this one), Patriotic War II, Red Banner. The heros signature is on the second page of the register card.
    14. Hello Ron! Welcome to the club! Yes, the numbers are traceable in most of the cases. You can find out the name and other information about the recepient. Sometimes the citations are quite facinating indeed! With some extra efford more information can be gathered about the soldier, his unit and the circumstances of his service. I can help with tracing the hero's name and with the research on him and his unit. I will send you a PM. I am a new colletor and focus primarily on the awards with provenance. Find it more important than just numismatic aspect, which often dominates. Will soon lay out the research on the a couple of Red Banner orders from my collection. Kind regards/ Igor
    15. Thank you all! The order is genuine and I added it to my collection. I will soon present you the research on the officer awarded this order. He was a pilot flying IL-2 assault aircraft.
    16. Hello, Please comment. The ribbon is replacement I presume. The Cross was instituted on 25 November (7 December) 1913 to be awarded to military and civilians for meritorious service during the First and Second Balkan Wars of 1912-1913. An alliance of Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro and Serbia threw the Ottoman Turks out of almost all their remaining European territories in 1912 and the First Balkan War ended with the Treaty of London on 30 May 1913. The Cross was made by Arthus Bertrand of Paris and Huguenin Frères of Le Locle, Switzerland.
    17. Hello, What do you think about this one? It is really my first acquisition of a German bar, so I am a but blank here. Any comments are welcome. Bar: Rotes Kreuz Medaille & Kreuz Kriegshilfsdienst. Were there a Red Cross medal in zink?
    18. Interesting! The whole life of a man in front of you...
    19. That what they say: one man's trash is an other man's treasure!
    20. Hej Michael, Here is the scan from the Royal and State-calendar. But I see almost exclussivly danes. Am I looking at a wrong medal?
    21. Curious about the price... My impression is either you get very lucky, or sellers imagine that what they have is very-very expensive.
    22. Also one thing I remember is that the real Star has 4,5 jewels in the Crowns arm. Here is on the right is Alex's star. On the lest is the star from OP.
    23. God bless their souls! I think, the medals could have ended up on the same bar because a family member mounted them together.
    24. Just got the lot for 180USD including all the charges. I think it is OK price. Encourage me! Increasd my Japanese collection from zero to something. Don't know why the photos are horizontal.
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