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    Everything posted by jaba1914

    1. Here some informations to BORS Fl.Ob.Mt. Bors (LFA) Beobachterabzeichen am 11.06.1917 Fl.Ob.Mt.d.S.II Bors (LFA) Befördert zum Fl.Mst.d.S.II am 31.08.1917 Fl.Mst.d.S.II = Flugmeister der Seewehr II. Aufgebot Regards Alex
    2. Sorry but the pilot and the air gunnar are not period badges. Regards Alex
    3. It is not easy with this saxon awards. In most cases the VO was awarded to officers who already had the SHO but not allways. In several cases the VO was awarded to officer who never got the SHO as a second award. In a few cases the SHO was awarded first before the AO. I have a group of an Lt who got the SH3 first, followed by SA3bX and at least SV3bX. Because there is no order of precedence awarding the SHO. Regards Alex
    4. I love this navy patches and i wish i had more of them. Heere a nice one. A patch for an Obermaschinistenmaat. I would like to see more of this. Regards Alex
    5. I'm not sure that this guy wear the SA3aX. I think he wear the SA3a. He is a Major/Oberstleutnant and wear the Officer Cross with swords. He should have the SA3aXK at this rank and not the SA3aX on his bar. And i can't see the crown on the top of the SA3a. So i soppose this is a pre war award of SA3a on the wrong position. Regards Alex
    6. Hi Chris, yes it is named. Belonged to Lt. O. Kaiser from UR 11. Sometime in 1917 he changed to air service. I have him 1918 listed on air servive. Still not known if he was pilot or observer. I suppose he was observer. Regards Alex
    7. Nice uniforms showed here. It's not my collection area but i own to nice WW1 unifoms. Here the first. Ulanka M10 from Ulanen Reg. Nr 11 to an Lt. who later changed to air service. Not the best presentation, sorry. Regards Alex
    8. Hi Jim, like Christophe wrote Oskar von Boenigk got also the Ritterkreuz 2.kl. Mit Schwertern zum Sachsen-Ernestinischer Hausorden on 16.11.1914 prior to his aviation service, Ritterkreuz mit Schwertern zum Hausorden von Hohenzollern on 14.08.1918 Pour Le Merite on 25.10.1918 and the wound badge First he was an observer and got the badge on 24.05.1916. So this is a bad display. Regards Alex
    9. Here the german text: Die Abzeichen konnten auf Antrag sowohl an Offiziere, Deckoffiziere, Unteroffiziere als auch an Mannschaften die als Luftschiffbesatzungen gedient haben und mindestens eine einjährige Tätigkeit auf fahrbereiten Frontluftschiffen nachweisen konnten, verliehen werden. Bei Verwundung oder Unfall im Luftschiffdienst die eine weitere Verwendung unmöglich machte sowie Gefangenahme oder bei ganz besonderen Leistungen konnte von der Zeitbedingung abgesehen werden. They have to be part of crews (Kommando) of air ships for more than 12 months. That means only crew members could apply this badge. No ground personal or Feldlufschiffer (ballon units). But this is the theory. The rules incl. exception criterias like wound during a flight or capture by enemy or exceptional performance. I have a group of navy air shiper who doesn't belong to a Kommando and got the "Erinnerungsabzeichen für Luftschiffer". I Have a picture of him wearing this badge. Another case is a Hptm from Feldluftschiffertruppe who also got this badge. That makes vary difficult to say how many badges been awarded at that time. I think many of the guys doesn't get the badge because not met the the Criterias or even because they died during the service. Other got the badge without met the criterias. Regards Alex
    10. I have only a few of this old bars. Here one with ribbon bar from WW1 of an navy officer. This one have to leave. Maybe someone are interested. Regards Alex
    11. I know that this thread is some years old but maybe for interest, here some infomration about Olt.d.R. Pohrt Lt.d.R. Pohrt Kommandiert zur II. MFA zur Ausbildung. Danach zur HSS Tondern am 12.06.1915 Olt.d.R. Pohrt (LFA) Landfliegerabzeichen am 28.12.1915 Olt.d.R. Pohrt (LFA) Kommandiert nach Johannisthal am 18.03.1916 Olt.d.R. Pohrt (LFA) Kommandiert zur FS Hage am 10.05.1916 Olt.d.R. Pohrt (FestFS Wilhelmshaven (Leiter)). Kommandiert zur II. SFA zum Umschulen auf Seeflugzeuge am 08.06.1916 Olt.d.R. Pohrt Kommandiert zur SFS Varna (Bulgarien) am 13.09.1916 Olt.d.R. Pohrt (II. SFA) Seefliegerabzeichen am 16.09.1916 HSS = Hallenschutzstation LFA = Landfliegerabteilung SFA = Seefliegerabteilung SFS = Seeflugstation Here some further information but i am not sure if it is the same Pohrt but possible: Lt.d.R.M.I. Pohrt Beförderung zum Olt.d.R.M.I am 20.06.1915 Olt.d.R.M.I. Pohrt Kommandiert als Leiter einer SFS am Schwarzen Meer. Verteilung regelt Kvt.Kpt. Stubenrauch am 03.01.1917 Olt.d.R.M.I. Pohrt Ehrenpreis für Vernichtung eines russischen Dampfer am 07.01.1918 Olt.d.R.M.A. Pohrt Kommandiert zur SFS in der Türkei am 13.04.1918 Regards Alex
    12. Is yours also stamped on the Ring with "333"? Regards Alex
    13. The MVM is silver gilded, isn't it? It's not the awarded one. Regards Alex
    14. I'm sure Flöl got the SF3bX. The list is not complete. Hans Frhr von und zu Fraunberg died on 26.09.1941. Regards Alex
    15. Not unique but rare. maybe Lt. Otto Flöl (FA A 277) Regards Alex
    16. I'm looking for infomation to Maschinist Simon. During WW1 he was an engineer at the imperial naval air ship service (Marineluftschiffertruppe) and flow with SL8 from Apr. 1916 - Mai 1917 under commander KptLt Guido Wolff. He got the saxon merit cross (Ehrenkreuz) with swords on 02.11.1916. I would be vary glad if someone can give me some more infoamtion on this guy. Regards Alex
    17. Yep, he had the victory late 1917 on 23. Sept. and got the Ehrenbecher Oct 1917. It should be an iron one. Regards Alex
    18. A Ehrenbecher in silver worth about 8000EUR. This are not realy rare. There are about 3-4 at german dealers for sale now. I suppose the two documents of Falke and the pic don't worth more than 1000EUR. Of course an Ehrenbecher related to a famous person worth more but this is hard to proof is this doesn't come directly from the family. Regards Alex
    19. Usually Ehrenbecher had no engraving so who knows where was the original owner. The documents are from Falke, so maybe the seller put the Ehrenbecher to those documents for better selling. More than 15.000EUR for an Ehrenbecher and two documents are a vary high price. This is only my Theorie but fact is there are two Ehrenbecher related to Falke so one could not be him. Regards Alex
    20. I'm a little bit confused because i know a collector who bought the Ehrenbecher of Richard Falke many years ago at a german auktion. It is engraved. So one of this two don't belong to Richard. Regards Alex
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