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    JohanH last won the day on March 19

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    1. The cross looks fine! I seriously doubt that anyone would fake these crosses since they are common and usually quite cheap. But if it was the version with swords I would be careful since those are very rare.
    2. Here is a nice miniature bar that belonged to Ragnar Hamilton with both the Order of the Sword and the rare Norwegian Order of St Olav Knight 2nd class with swords!
    3. Can you show a pic of the back? Is the second medal from Landstormen? What year is hallmarked on Civilförsvarets förtjänsttecken?
    4. Thanks! I was also thinking that it is probably a Danish recipient.
    5. Here is a nice little chain with Danish, Icelandic, Italian and a Swedish order. @larsb001 Do you belive this to be a Swedish or a Danish miniature-chain?
    6. Here is a very nice miniature ribbon to Major Philip Henrik Ludvig Bogislav von Schwerin.
    7. Here are a few more miniatures. Unfortunately not identified, but should be possible. Except for the two piece bar, that one is definitly not ID:able.
    8. I think the cap on the photo looks more like a french cap than an italian one.
    9. The text that Igor wrote in Cyrillic is something like this: 1st Dragoon Regiment, Eduard Frentzel, Ober-Jäger Second Lieutenant so the name of the recipient of your cross should be Eduard Frentzel
    10. FYI That is not a complete list of Liberty Cross awards to Kgl. Sächs. Karabinier. Regt. There were at least 22 crosses and two Liberty medals awarded.
    11. Thanks! I have updated it now. I only learned basic school german many years ago of which I remember very little. Our substitute teacher didn't speak german so we watched Das Boot (with Swedish subtitles) several times instead of learning the language.
    12. That happy day has already come! It's sad that Rick didn't get to see it... Here is the list: Egenutgivna böcker - Medalj-forskning.se There will also be lists of Swedish recipients of the cross of Liberty 1918 and German recipients of 1941-1944.
    13. Here is another un-ID:able minibar. Order of Wasa and two shooting medals. And a tiny miniatyre Wasa-Order. It´s only 8mm wide. Notice the tiny drops of white enamel in the crown...
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