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    David M

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    1. The story goes there house in Bretterode was badly insolated or very humid and thats the reason half the kids did.not make it. I met HVF (last of the original line of his family) 25 years ago, very kind old man who I am sure is no longer with us. The story of his family is one starting off so long ago and producing so many military officers, a.o. an Oberst and Cavalrycommander during the 1813-1815 wars.
    2. Good afternoon, Does any body know if there are Offiziers-Stammliste of bavarian regiments going back to around 1815?
    3. How interesting! How did you get by them? Are you related?
    4. I will get you the exact date of his CHGL2a in 1847 when I get home. If I forget, feel free to remind me.
    5. Good morning The Karl v. KNOBELSDORF I am looking for stood as a prussian Major and Commander of 1/7. Landwehr Infanterie-Regiment around 1843. He was an Oberst zD in 1876 and had served in 2. Garde, 14. Regt., 22. and 18 LR and the 18th Regt. according to the families history, belonging to the linie Fritschendorf-Deutsch-Sagar-Lättnitz-Gersdorf of the 2. Nieder-schlesisch-märkischen Linie. Hoping to find out some more about him here. Thank you so much before hand David
    6. Good morning! I was wondering if the Nimmergut series have entries on the kurhessian Dienstauszeichnungskreuz (1849) and the Dienstauszeichnungen für Unteroffizieren. If possible, I would like to acquire a Scan of the pages involved. Hoping s.o. is able to help me out here. Regards David
    7. Tirelessly working on getting online all the data I have on the Hausorden vom Goldenen Löwen. Just yesterday I got a file from the State archives in Marburg with a list of the recipients of the Dienstauszeichnungskreuz für Offiziere instituted 1849. I am planning to have most of it online by the end of this year.
    8. Thanks for that! Coelln and Cölln are basically the same. So that makes sense. I had no idea he received the EK2 ! Did you find this online?
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