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    David M

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    Everything posted by David M

    1. just realise this one should move to the uniforms section.....sorry moderators, please move it
    2. Hi As I am picking some things up after feeling a bit drifty for the last couple of weeks, I am back at the transcribing business, which is one of my favourites. Amongst stuff I received from felow-members in the mean time, I have a little something of my own: the personal account of Carl Louis Theodor Müldner von Mülnheim, Premierlieutenant in the 1st Bataillon of the Royal Hannoverian 1. (Leib-) Infanterie-Regiment of his endeavours durin the final days of the Kingdom and the action he saw at Langensalza. Looking for some pictures to go with the story, I did find some pics on the battle and some other on several charges. What I did not find however, is the picture of a (Premierlieutenants)Uniform of the said Regiment. Hoping someon with some interest in the hannoverian army or just a book on it with a pic for me...who can help me out regards David
    3. so that still is for just 1 decoration, right? or did the lippe deco's have the same ribbon, I mean this is so broad-looking...
    4. and I guess congrats on your 12-year anniversary....talking about a long service...is there a medal for 4 years aswell?.....
    5. but thats easy as in German they have long words for many in other languages
    6. thanks Andy, appreciated! I do still have some CHOEH-knights to go, mainly NCO and regulars. these will prove ot be somewhat more difficult to find! regards David
    7. Hi! I am looking for the name and career-info of an Oberst NN v.d. Gröben. He shoudl have been commander of the 10 landwehr-Brigade (prussian) in 1827 and at the time held the: CHOEH (hence my interest) EK FEL PROA3 hpoe you can help me out here!! thanks and regards David
    8. Wooow what is that last skull-thing? Something russian? Does it have an obscour reverse as well? regards David
    9. Hi Just out of curiousity I have two questions: 1. what is that stunning looking second from last brown thing with brown ribbon? 2. Why do ribbons from the same periode on one good bar look brand new here and completely worn out on another bar? regards David
    10. They are? That would be really interesting, as 2 of my relatives were in the hannoverian army in 1866 1 in the 7th IR the other one in the Leib-Regiment. Do you have more details on the muster rolls?
    11. Apperantly he is also one of the 2 germans who did not get an EKII?
    12. Just sent of my request to the ONB in Vienna for the scanning of the entries of my near 30 austrians (they are not all christmas trees) I expect at least 14 of them to be in there (as they lived after 1876) So lets keep my fingers crossed and wait what monday mail will bring us....Will kee you posted David
    13. I thought of that to, hence my idea for the digitalisation. BTW I found this in the catalogue of the ONB and was wondering if you have it or anybaody knows if it maybe the same sort of source Ordens-Almanach für die k.k. österreichische Armee (1861) David
    14. I get the idea as I said I will try and get the rest of the around 30 austrians I am still looking for (of which only 14 I know for sure lived past 1876) via either the Leipzig University Library or the Austrian ONB ... if that does not work out, I will have to think of something else....I don't guess any other member of this forum has a copy...and 2 eyes Still the book is a beauty and the only source I know of for austria which is like that David
    15. dont you just love googlebooks!! found some Staatshandbücher from various states dated 1850-1866!

    16. Althoug replying to myself, I accidentaly stumbled on another KCmD, this time a dutch MWO was given to an officer by his men in 1816 and the wearer later was allowed to wear this by king Willem I. A rather strange case, but still yet another one. I seem to get the impression that this KCmD was a thing of the pre-imperial times... regards David
    17. Hi on some of my generals I just have that their data was found in Kleist. Although I do realise it is a standard work, I cannot find the bibliographical details I am after for in my sources-section. Could you tell me thet complete bibliographical description of these volumes= Thanks in advance regards David
    18. Hi recently I learned from Rick that one of the guys I am looking for as a recipient of the CHWO4 also got a swedish sword order Knightscross......with diamonds.....Well I did hear ofcourse of breast stars in various grades awarded with brilliants. but never of a KC! Does anyone have something similar in their database or even more a picture. I am not curious just about the swedish order, but about low grades with diamonds in general, that´s why I posted my question here. regards David
    19. Woooow that must have been a life-threatening situation for them and confusing for both sides as well....Imagine seeing imperial troops facing their enemy in former ally uniforms!(Please don't think I do not trust your recollection, I am just imagining what it must have looked like)
    20. Well he could come from another countries service first....just like the other aide of the Duke, Ziemicke von Ziemiecin. I would be really interested in the listing of his ODM in both of your volumes, just like the ones for Friedrich von Bose, another aide to the Duke who also received the CHWO. thanks and regard David
    21. Hi Rick did you find the Staats and Adresshandbuch für Nassau 1861 online, or do you own it privately? If online, could you please post a link? Thanks regards David
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