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Everything posted by David M
Where did the upper-half of the chain go?
Hi I found some data on Johann Kohler in the Militärhandbücher of the Kingdom of Bavaria I found online. I know he was a Stabsauditor since 23 May 1850, he served with the Strafbayern in Kurhessen and was awarded the CHGL3. However there is no trace of him in the next online available Militärhandbuch (1857) and I was kind of hoping to find someone here who could tell me more about his life and career in the bavarian army. regards David
Hi Chris Thanks for that, but he already had that one covered as the eiserne Halbmond (I think this is the Gallipoli star?) If not, please correct me, as the site you refer to does confuse me. Just to be sure, these medals are mentioned in the KTB 24.09.1915 königlich preussischen Seefliegerabzeichen. 25.05.1916 kaiserlich bulgarischen Tapferkeitskreuz IV. Klasse. 04.06.1916 königlich preussischen eiserne Kreuz II. Klasse. 02.09.1916 kaiserlich osmanischen Kriegsmedaillen. (Gallipoli Star?) 02.09.1916 kaiserlich bulgarischen Militär Verdienst Kreuz. 23.07.1917 königlich preussischen eiserne Kreuz I. Klasse. 23.03.1918 kaiserlich bulgarischen Seeflieger Abzeichen. 23.03.1918 kaiserlich osmanischer eiserne Halbmond. (Gallipoli Star?)
Bulgaria My Bulgarian collection
David M replied to Valter's topic in Central & Eastern European States
Hi I have a question. An ancestor of mine received the bulgarian Tapferkeitskreuz IV. Klasse and the bulgarian Militär Verdienst Kreuz during WWI. Do you have these in your collection and what do they look like? regards david -
Hi Naxos Thanks, I had most of his militairy record. Although born in Kurhessen he and his brother Louis and one of their uncles were all unable to acquire a job in the militairy. Their grandfather was to blame, he had been Generaladjutant under Kurfürst Wilhelm II. His successor, Friedrich Wilhelm I. had a bad relationship with his father and with Müldner. I don't know why the specifically chose Hannoverian in stead of prussian service (the grandfather was a supporter of prussian supremacy in a german union), but they did. Louis MvM militairy record reads as follows XIb Louis II. Ernst Wilhelm Friedrich Müldner von Mülnheim, geboren Nentershausen 06.08.1840, getauft 29.08.1840 (Pate: den Oberschultheißen Ernst Wilhelm Friedrich Frankenberg zu Kassel, Vater der Mutter des Kindes) auf Spangenberg und Elbersdorf, auf Kaltenbach sowie auf der Meierei Eltmannsee; Ritter des Eisernes Kreuzes II. Klasse (Königreich Preussen) (für den Schlacht bei Vionville-Marsch-la-Tour am 16.08.1870) , 14.05.1859 in königlich hannoverschen Diensten als Volontär-Kadett im 5. Infanterie-Regiment, 30.11.1859 als Secondelieutenant zum 7. Infanterie Regiment versetzt (Garnison: Celle), nach den Schlacht bei Langensalza 09.03.1867 in die preußische Armee übergetreten als Secondelieutenant im 2. schlesischen Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 11 (Garnison: Breslau), dann zum 11. Landwehr-Regiment (Garnison: Breslau), 25.07.1870 wiedermal zum 2 schlesischen Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 11 diesmal zum 3. Kompagnie, 1870/71 Feldzug gegen Frankreich, 6.8.1870 Vionville-Mars-la-Tour, 18.8.1870 Gravelotte-St.Privat, 19.8.-27.10.1870 Einschliessung von Metz, 1.9.1870 Noiseville, 6.9.1870 Premierleutnant, 24.11.1870 Artenay, 3./4.12.1870 Orleans, 7.1.1871 Epuisay, 10.-12.1.1871 Le Mans, 1873 ausgeschieden als Hauptmann mit Erlaubnis zum Tragen des Armee-Uniforms des 2. schlesischen Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 11, Fideikomissinhaber in Condominat mit seinem Bruder Carl, verstorben/begr. Hildesheim 25.5.1890/Spangenberg, verheiratet 1871 Justine Louise Emilie Dorn aus Hamburg. EKII: He took commandant of the 11th Compagnie of the said Regiment as Hauptmann v. Bongé was wounded. His brother Carl was in the 1st Leib-Regiment: Carl II. Louis Theodor Müldner von Mülnheim, geboren Nentershausen 29.8.1838, getauft 5.10.1838 (Pate: Generalmajor Georg Karl Wilhelm Müldner von Mülnheim in Marburg, Vater des Kindes Vater) auf Spangenberg und Elbersdorf, 31.10.1871 Kriegsdenkmünze 1870-1871 (Königreich Preussen), Ausbildung: Privatunterricht, progymnasium Rotenburg, Gymnasium Hersfeld, 1.2.1857 in königlich hannoverschen Militärdiensten , Kadet 3. Infanterie-Regiment, 6.4.1858 Leutnant im Leib-Regiment , 24.5.1860 Oberleutnant, nach den Schlacht bei Langensalza übergetreten in die preuß. Armee 1.1.1867 ausser Dienst, 9.3.1867 in preussischen Dienste als Oberleutnant mit Patent von 9.8.1864 N dem Infanterie-Regiment Herzog Ferdinand von Braunschweig (8. westfälisches) Nr. 57 (Garnison: Wesel) aggregirt, 22.3.1868 in das Regiment eingereiht, 4.1870 Füsilier-Regiment General-Feldmarschall Graf Moltke (schlesisches) Nr. 38 (Garnison: Glatz), 1870/71 Feldzug gegen Frankreich, 10.8-13.8.1870 Belagerung von Pfalzburg, 19.8.-25.8.1870 Einschliessung und Beschiessung von Toul, 19.9.-31.10.1870 Einschliessung und Belagerung von Paris, 30.9.1870 Hauptmann und Kompagniechef, 26.1.1871 der Abschied bewilligt, Postdirektor in Neuss a. Rhein, dann 29.1.1874 Postdirektor in Angermünde, 1897 in Wriezen, Fideikomissinhaber , anfänglich in Condominat mit seinem Bruder Louis, später alleiniger Inhaber, verstorben/begr. Hildesheim 23.4.1915/Zentralfriedhof, verheiratet 11.1871 Wilhelmina Mathilda Natalie Wyneken , geboren Syke 8.8.1842, verstorben/begr. Hildesheim/neben ihrer Mann 24.6.1921 T.d. Friedrich W. u.d. Emilia Schmitt
Hi Doc Wilson Seems like we share some family background! My greatgreatgreatfather fled the german occupation in the late 1870's Although he did not see actuall action, a distant relative did. I found out recently that one time the noble Müldner von Mülnheim and my humble ancestors lived in the same house together! Do you happen to know which prussian regiment the 1. Infanterie-Regiment turned into (would it be as simple as the 1. hannoverian Regiment?)
Bulgaria My Bulgarian collection
David M replied to Valter's topic in Central & Eastern European States
Hi! Congrats on the pieces! Is the center one a seefliegerabzeichen? regards David -
Hi As I am picking some things up after feeling a bit drifty for the last couple of weeks, I am back at the transcribing business, which is one of my favourites. Amongst stuff I received from felow-members in the mean time, I have a little something of my own: the personal account of Carl Louis Theodor Müldner von Mülnheim, Premierlieutenant in the 1st Bataillon of the Royal Hannoverian 1. (Leib-) Infanterie-Regiment of his endeavours durin the final days of the Kingdom and the action he saw at Langensalza. Looking for some pictures to go with the story, I did find some pics on the battle and some other on several charges. What I did not find however, is the picture of a (Premierlieutenants)Uniform of the said Regiment. Hoping someon with some interest in the hannoverian army or just a book on it with a pic for me...who can help me out regards David