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Russian Federation Commemorative Medal "Marshal Vasily Chuikov"
chechaco1 replied to TacHel's topic in Russian Federation
To be honest, a soldier, especially a demob, is like a magpie - he clings to everything brilliant, without even reading what is there. The translator, of course, will lose the rhyme, but you will understand the meaning: The Cossack was walking somewhere in the distance. There was a medal on his chest: "For courage", " For victory», "For a pleasant conversation», "For scientific works», "For the protection of the entire environment», two cosmonaut medals, Order of the Warcraft Player, TRP delivery symbol, "The passage of the», Pregnant women's Club " Zhuravlik», Wardrobe DC " Gidravlik», "Altavista dot com», "Society of Fungal Patients», Captain of the game " Zarnitsa», "Gomel Mental Hospital», snuffbox, and flint, eight beer lids, "Gypsy Dance Festival» "Crane operator, work in a helmet!» "Watch out for the bike», "Thirty-eight years of Victory» Order of the RSFSR, The secret Order of the Templar», gum liner " Lelik-Bolik», "Anonymous alcoholic», "Club of Wine connoisseurs», The symbol of the punks, "SUSE-Linux", " Business Team», "Tynda-twin city» "The most experienced driver» "The best boar-producer», badge of " Honorary diver», sticker " Yeltsin-motherer», October Star, "The heroine is the mother of labor», blood type, and AI-Pi, and a pacifist on a chain. Suddenly a Cossack slipped... And medals-herak! And now the medals are all over they rolled down the highway. Kids! Uncles, aunts! If you find it somewhere: Order of Glory, Order of Peace, button with the coat of arms of Algeria, baubles, can opener, a malachite brooch, Red Cross, Peter's Cross "City of Prague", " City of Brest», "Regimental nurse», "Childhood is a wonderful time», "Esperanto", " CSKA», personal number of the forester, cufflinks for military uniforms, "Best turner", " Exhaust is normal», "Lose weight in five minutes», Sohnud Youth Club», "KGB", " Honorary donor», "The Elena Bonner Private Foundation», "Chechen Fashion Festival», the number of the feed node even with a medal, even with a badge share it with the Cossack! -
Russian Federation Commemorative Medal "Marshal Vasily Chuikov"
chechaco1 replied to TacHel's topic in Russian Federation
This penny garbage in various versions of the piece of iron, along with clean certificates, is packed into all souvenir tents, since enterprises, in addition to the official order, stamp heaps. Once the machine is plugged into the socket, then what can not be done. The current Russian Federation stamps this from various ministries with dozens of names, and when the name of the ministry is changed, they stamp everything new. Tinsel is everything, dog joy, on the collar. After the medal "For participation in the parade", nothing surprises, soon there will be medals "For giving a military salute", "For being in the white world at all" in seven degrees. Even children in cadet schools have more medals than L. I. Brezhnev in his entire life. Does anyone really take all this scrap metal seriously? -
The practice was such that the medals were initially awarded with temporary certificates, which were then exchanged for permanent ones. The presentation of medals is mutual, some of the awards were passed to the opposite party for presentation. Of course, the documents were signed by a representative of the performing party of delivery - the commander of the Soviet military unit or a Polish official. Sometimes even by the embassy.
Soviet made Polish medals
chechaco1 replied to Igor Ostapenko's topic in Central & Eastern European States
Тогда уже добавить и Крест заслуги советского производства. На картинке показан серебряный без кольца рядом с последующим типом от "Каритас". Относительно редок. -
Polish Order of Polonia Restituta
chechaco1 replied to Alex .'s topic in Central & Eastern European States
The "Stalinist" type of this order was made under Stalin at the Krasnokamsk Mint, from gold, in the amount of 570 pieces. Everything else is Polish crafts, first the matte reverse and towards the end of the 1960s-shiny. -
The Oder-Neisse-Baltika medal shown is not uncommon. This is the second type of medal. The first one looked different - the eagle was large, the map had no cities, the eye of the medal was different.With a total circulation of more than 320,000 of this medal, this first type with a large eagle and a map of Poland without cities produced by Grabsky is only 7,550 pieces. and it was mostly handed over to Soviet servicemen, so it is relatively rare in Poland. The type of this medal in the photos of the cavaliers is clearly distinguishable. On the poster depicting the awards of the People's Poland, the medal "ONB" is of the first type.
Austro-Hungarian Red Cross collection
chechaco1 replied to graham's topic in Austro-Hungarian Empire
My first Order of the Red Star
chechaco1 replied to Tupper's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
Yes, I forgot to mention that I was busy selecting your award documents for the order of the knight. It was discussed on the profile forum and the number was recognized as correct, native. -
Unknown Ribbon on Soviet Bar
chechaco1 replied to John F.'s topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
OK! + -
Wilhelm Cross with Swords, 1915, Württemberg. The general roundness of the rays, a flat ring, a light ribbon with a dark narrow band.
Polish awards for the Liberators of Poland
chechaco1 replied to chechaco1's topic in Central & Eastern European States
Также в СССР Краснокамский монетный двор штамповал медали «Польскому патриоту» («Заслуженный на поле Славы», Ленино, 1943 г.) в золоте, серебре и бронзе и «За воинские заслуги» («Заслуженный на поле Славы». ", 1944). Согласно отчетной документации Краснокамского двора, Медаль Польскому Патриоту 1 ст.-16 была присвоена Медаль Польского Патриота 2 ст. - 132 медаль Польского патриота 3-го ст. - 224 Медаль «За боевые заслуги» (серебро) - 2304 Медаль «За боевые заслуги» (бронза) - 9052 г. Ниже я показываю бронзовую медаль Краснокамского монетного двора. После войны, в 1945–1951 годах, медаль образца 1944 года изготовила предприятие инженера Добровольского «Каритас» в серебре трех весовых категорий и в бронзе. По тиражам около 20 тысяч серебряных и 30 тысяч бронзовых. Медаль встречается часто. Про серебро говорят, что есть еще и хорошо посеребренный томпак. Изменился орел, основное отличие - рубленые «угловые» лапы и чуб, как у попугая, на реверсе сечения веточек не полые, с черточками. Медали КМД имеют полые сечения из прутьев. Ниже представлена серебряная медаль от тяжелой (более 40 грамм) формации "Каритас". Легкий вес около 28 грамм. В основном -36 грамм плюс-минус. Well, I don't want to write about the subsequent medals of the Warsaw Mennitsa. There are a lot of them, with the mint logo and without, this is already so, things are not serious. -
The topic is just a reference. The Cross of the Brave of the sample of 1943, the production of the Moscow railway stamping and mechanical plant. The circulation is less than 1000 copies. Specimens are found in Poland and on the territory of the USSR. According to legend, the sample (a cast of the form) was made from the cross of 1920 by one of the soldiers of the Polish Army. By the way, all pre-war Polish awards, including those for the war with Soviet Russia in 1920, were openly worn in the Polish Army. The Cross of the Brave sample of 1944, the production of the Moscow railway stamping and mechanical plant. The circulation is about 10 thousand. The eagle is no longer crowned. Cross of the Brave sample of 1944, made by the company of engineer Dobrovolsky "Caritas", Warsaw. This type was awarded after the war until about 1951. More precisely, they were awarded for exploits during the war (the award found a hero) and post-war events in Poland. It occurs quite often. The pattern of the eagle has changed - it has become elegant, spindly body. The two parties are distinguished by the pattern of the tail feathers, but these are trifles. The following Crosses of the Brave were issued after 1951 by the Warsaw Mennitsa, the eagle on them is ugly, instead of a tail some pile. This type of cross was used in the famous Polish comedy thriller "Three Poles, a Georgian and a Dog" in 1970.
Unknown Ribbon on Soviet Bar
chechaco1 replied to John F.'s topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
Let's think logically. The commemorative Czechoslovak medal for 25 and 30 years of physical education with three stripes was issued in 1978. On the presented bar there is no ribbon of the medal "60 years of the Soviet Army", that is, this year he was neither an officer nor an ensign. The bar was assembled after May 15, 1988. Yes, it is possible to assume that the cavalier served on the territory of Czechoslovakia in the period from 1976 to 1980 and for participating in some competitions he was suddenly awarded a ministerial civil medal, but there are a lot of" minus signs " for this version. Even a lot. I know the Soviet Army. )))) Soldiers were awarded very rarely, and the Czechs were not enthusiastic after the Germans and the Russians taught them to order, and the awarding of a civilian medal for the development of sports in Czechoslovakia to a Soviet conscript. Nonsense. Then the cavalier served in the OKSV DRA as an ensign or officer, where he received the Red Star, 10 years of service and the medal of 1988. Then they issued the badge established on 28.12.1988 " -
1. I'm sorry, I translated the starting post into English, but during the editing process (some semantic intonations were lost during translation), it got lost in Russian. I was just trying to calculate the number of Mecklenburg soldiers who participated and survived in the Franco-Prussian war, and, based on this, determine the approximate circulation of the crosses. Although, perhaps, there were awards to them and soldiers from other lands of Germany, I do not know. 2. More images of the first cross, "for history" ) The core of the cross has a crack, clearly visible on the reverse. The cross was in the water for a long time.
chechaco1 replied to numis's topic in Austro-Hungarian Empire
There are a fair number of pictures of this medal in the network. The one I showed is a stamp. I distinguish, holding in my hands, the casting from the die. But, in this case, I'm sorry, I'm not interested in further proceedings in relation to mine. ))) -
My first Order of the Red Star
chechaco1 replied to Tupper's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
chechaco1 replied to numis's topic in Austro-Hungarian Empire
Everything is fine there, it's a stamp, the ear was broken off, the medal was mocked. The ear was soldered. But in what box the medal is now - I do not remember. This regiment is mentioned in Hasek's novel The Brave Soldier Soldier Schweik. The ribbon, if I'm not mistaken, is blue and there is a red-white-red stripe in the middle -
My first Order of the Red Star
chechaco1 replied to Tupper's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
In the battle during the expansion of the bridgehead on the western bank of the Oder River on 17.04.45 during the assault on hill 49.9 under heavy enemy artillery fire, he repeatedly went to the line and eliminated frequent gusts of the line from artillery shells. the enemy, continuously kept the communication of the regiment commander with the battalion commander. 18.04.45 during the assault on the city of Seelov, under fire from a heavy machine gun, he made contact, which made it possible for the rifle battalion to reach the specified line. -
My first Order of the Red Star
chechaco1 replied to Tupper's topic in USSR: Soviet Orders, Medals & Decorations
2151441 Ткаченко Георгий Корнеевич 1925 Гв.красноармеец Телефонист 170 гв.сп, 57 гв.сд Приказ 57 гв.сд 01.05.1945 018 / н Взаимодействие с другими людьми 2151441 Ткаченко Георгий Корнеевич 1925 г. Красноармейская Телефонистка 170 г.в. sp, 57 г.в. сд Заказать 57 г.в. сд 01.05.1945 018 / н Медаль: «За отвагу», Медаль: «За победу над Германией в Великой Отечественной войне 1941-1945 гг.», Орден Красной Звезды, Орден Отечественной войны II степени, Орден Славы III степени. Вот написание номера этой серии, например. -
17-я дивизия была одним из самых смешанных подразделений немецкой армии, сформированной путем слияния контингентов ганзейских городов с контингентами Великого княжества Мекленбургского. 33-я пехотная бригада дивизии состояла из контингентов из Гамбурга и Бремена (и до формирования 162-го пехотного полка в 1897 году - Любекского полка). 34-я пехотная бригада дивизии (великий герцог Мекленбургский) состояла из пехотных контингентов великих княжеств Мекленбург-Шверинский и Мекленбург-Стрелицкий. Дивизионная кавалерийская бригада была 17-й (великий герцог Мекленбургский) кавалерийской бригадой с двумя драгунскими полками из Мекленбурга-Шверина и в разное время в своей истории прикрепленными к прусской кавалерии. 17-я артиллерийская бригада состояла из полка из Гольштейна и полка из двух великих княжеств Мекленбург. № 34. Пехотная бригада. Мекленбургский гренадерский полк № 89 (1668 человек (на 1914 г.), 204 убитых во франко-прусской войне) Мекленбургский фюзильский полк № 90 (1694 человека в 1870 году, 300 погибших) 01.10.1867 Mecklenburgisches Jäger-Bataillon Nr. 14 (794 человека в 1870 г., 66 погибших) кавалерийская бригада: 1. Mecklenburgisches Dragon-Regiment Nr. 17 (655 человек в 1870 г., 25 погибших) 2. Mecklenburgisches Dragoner-Regiment Nr. 18 (634 человека в 1870 году, 27 погибших) Mecklenburgisches Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 60 (четыре батареи по 200 человек в каждой). Всего путем сложных арифметических расчетов выясняем, что в живых осталось 5650 солдат из Мекленбурга. Сколько было наград? Наука этого не знает, наука еще не осведомлена о ситуации. Если награждены абсолютно все, то 5650 крестов обоих классов. Ну, если по аналогии с Прусским Железным крестом 1870 года, то немецкой армии было выдано 47600 крестов на полтора миллиона, это каждый тридцатый. Ну, потом кресты там сделали. 5650 делим на 30, и получаем 188 мекленбургских крестов обоих классов с датой 1870 года. То есть сделали не больше одного креста, но вряд ли больше пяти с половиной тысяч. Вот, например, кресты Мекленбург-Стрелиц были награждены на боевой ленте всего 269. Однако кресты Мекленбург-Стрелиц гораздо реже, чем кресты Мекленбург-Шверин в Первую мировую войну. Так что, может быть, и здесь пропорция такая же. Чего я не знаю.
75th Anniversary of the fall of Berlin
chechaco1 replied to SovPha's topic in USSR: Soviet: Other Militaria
According to a relative who also signed on the Reichstag, the stench was strong from the corpses and, in addition to the painting, everyone considered it their duty to go to the place where the war came from and relieve themselves there. But the military units were hastily withdrawn from Berlin, as there was nothing for the mass of troops to do there, plus they were afraid of infection. -
Сержант (позже капрал) Уильям Смит 3/3133 служил в 8-м батальоне Черной стражи, которому командовал полковник лорд Семпилл. В истории полка телесный с таким фамилией числится полковником-ординарцем. The star of 1914-1915 (for being in the theater of military operations in a certain time period) was issued for a sergeant (SJT), and the medals established later for participation in the war were already issued for a corporal (CPL). Скорее всего, звезда выдавалась по «загрузочным» листам (спискам выезда) для отправки во Францию, when he was a sergeant, а медали уже выдавались по общим спискам воинской части на момент окончания боевых действий, when he was a corporal. Других сержантов / капрала с такими данными в RH не обнаружено.
Russian Federation Commemorative Medal "Marshal Vasily Chuikov"
chechaco1 replied to TacHel's topic in Russian Federation
Показанные кресты были изготовлены после 1952 года, когда Польша не участвовала в боевых действиях. Поэтому кресты эти «мирные». Но более ранние образцы крестов народной Польши - производства СССР и «Каритас» награждались за участие во Второй мировой войне и участие в боях с террористическими группировками. Поэтому говорить о том, что абсолютно все Кресты за заслуги народа народа Польша не военная. Вам нужно посмотреть на производителя награды.