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    Everything posted by Mossy

    1. Just got this medal in. There were only 815 Edward VII Colonial Auxiliary medals issued to aussies, and most of those probably would have been to eastern-staters (victoria, queensland, new south wales. the gits.) This one is named to A Lindsay, a gunner in the South Australian Artillery. The medal was awarded on the 04/07/1905. Full naming: "32 GUNNER A. LINDSAY S.A. AUS. FIELD ARTY. 4.7.05". I'll be looking into both the Boer War and WW1 rolls, although it's not terribly likely he's in either. Reason is only NSW sent arty to South Africa, and to get this medal he needed to serve at least 20 years, which might make him too old to have gone off to WW1. I'll also be chasing down records in the SA gazettes. Anyway, heres the pics, enjoy! Sam.
    2. I recieved the same email, 'world of medals' wasn't it? I'd be more than wary. Sam.
    3. On a similar note; is there any way to get ahold of anything on 1793-1840 NGSM recipients other than their bar entitlements and ships? ie. birth, death, years served, etc. Sam.
    4. Rick: Thanks for the thumbs up! I had guessed the reserve long service was for the time between the wars, but wasn't positive, as i know wartime seemed to have an odd effect on determining the years served. The proper precidence seems to be a bit out of the norm for most Weimar-era bars, right? Joe: You're not wrong. Thats why i love these multiple wars bars so much, the stories inbetwwen are often as interesting as the combat ones IMO. Willi: Thanks! Sam.
    5. Here are pics of my new colonial and WW1 medal bar that i picked up recently. It looks ok to me, but always like to let others who are more knowledgable have a gander. (And once you've done something about the goose, you can look also! ) Sam.
    6. Thanks Paul. The repairs went well. Until we started the car and thick black smoke poured out. once we fixed that (turned out to be a blocked PVC system) the car works absolutly fine. except for that CV boot that blew last weekend. i just love cars. Sam.
    7. lets try again, heres the rear. sam.
    8. and finally rear. any thoughts at all? sam.
    9. How does this medal sit with you guys? It's a Naval general service medal with a clasp for the seige of Beirut in 1840 to a Daniel Davies, an able seaman on the Bellerophon. It looks ok to me, but this would be my first NGSM and thought it was best to ask. Also, is anyone abe to check the roll for this man? any help would be greatly welcomed! sam. ps. ive requested further photos of the rear and naming from he seller.
    10. Nice set! The Romanians made some beautiful orders. stunning work. sam.
    11. Ah, yes. sorry 'bout that, it should be 'armed services long service' Thanks kev. Hendrik, it looks like it could indeed be the Order of merit. Chronological sequence is an unusual system for a ribbon bar, have you seen this sytle on bars before? Sam.
    12. This ribbon bar, currently sewn onto a post ww2 naval officer jacket, reads as follows: First row: Medal for valour, War merit cross, WW2 service Second row: Albanian campaign, (Unknown, any ideas?) , Long navigation Third row: Army long service The ribbon looks like it could be the Eritrean army corp. cross, but i'm not really sure on that. Thanks to Chris L, who helped me alot with the ID thusfar! Sam.
    13. and the backs and the jacket.
    14. I couldn't find a thread for these already, so i'm starting a new one. I personally think the Hungaria stuff is really overlooked. But then, so is alot of the axis nation stuff, it all seems to hide in the shadow of the TR. Which is just fine for me! These three medals are for the capture of south and eastern slovakia, transylvania and parts of yugoslavia. There's also a pic of the paratroop jacket they are with. Sam.
    15. Here's mine. A black for April 1945. Any ideas where this unit was at the time? Sam.
    16. Yikes! talk about badges! But, please, lets see some more of that Norwegian stuff. We've seen the TR stuff up close, now its time for the unrecognised allies and puppets! (of course, that could be just me. ) Sam.
    17. Nice! I know a fellow forum member, Reini, collects these and i think he may have one under the 10,00 mark. I'll send him an e-mail directing him to this thread. He seems quite knowledgable on these. Sam.
    18. Dan, Agreed, as much as we don't like to admit, the money side of things is very important. After all, the more people start paying, the more prices in general will rise and so on, at which point many collectors will be excluded from the hobby due to price rises. I think everyone is guilty of a little bragging occasionally (I know i am), but doing it on a constant basis is just silly. "between 5th and 13th December 1927" Wow, definetly can't complain about that! Especially when so many TR awards are simply anonymous, with us know nothing of when or to whom they were awarded. This looks to be one of guys who joined during the early stages, or just before, the great depression hit germany. Man, this stories this thing could tell, eh? Tough times. Don't get down off that soapbox for too long. Although many people do say it these days, it really does need to be pushed, knowledge is vital. Know as much as possible about what you are looking at, ignorance is may be bliss, but to be knowledgable is to be ecstatic! (On the other hand, too much may drive you insane and make you worship long gone queens... ) Some of the first things i bought when i started collecting commonwealth medals were books, not only on the medals themselves, but also on the campaigns and people, to help me better understand not only what the piece was, but what it meant. There aren't many good war museums down here, i think there may be one, but i'll start work on the puppy dog look tonight. I just hope the mirror survives! I have myself started moving into soviet items, some of those medals are just , but i've started off with some smaller groups, like this one here: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=7944. What attracted you to the soviet area? I'll get scanning some of my TR stuff, and post it after the weekend. No internet on the weekend sadly. Thanks for the info on the Westmark badge. Interesting, i wonder if there were similar ones for different regions? Sam.
    19. Thanks, Dan. The reason i said it was rude was that i know a few people who don't like talking about prices and so forth, believing it "Isn't proper". I personally see no problem with it, as it helps us collect smarter and more safely. I wouldn't be suprised if the number did come up eventually, probably in the middle of something completly unrelated. I wonder whether there is a way to 'date' these, by using the numbers of IDed badges as rough guide, similar to the system used in the soviet awards section below. I myself don't collect TR items much, but i must admit to having a soft spot for some of the political items and documentation. I guess i'll have to dig some of it and post it now, eh? Whoops, back on to the topic, what is the DVG Westmark badge for? Probably something amazingly simple and obvious, but i can't for the life of me recall it. Sam.
    20. Noice GBP! always liked these awards, very simple and elegant, yet what they meant was far beyond any rack of medals. I'm presming that tracing these would be impossible? A bit rude of me, i know, but what do these sell for? Sam.
    21. I THINK (not entirely sure) that the UN 'Korea' medal classes as a foreign award and should be placed behind any Canadian medals. The mounting style is weird but probably nothing wrong with it, just the original owners personal taste, or the mounters. Sam.
    22. Agreed! This Napoleonic-era stuff is VERY lovely, both in a historical and visual sense. Unfortunatly, they are always out of reach, well for me at least. I would imagine research on these would be exceedingly difficult to do. But, as has been proved here before, certainly not impossible. I have a few bits and pieces on the battle of Waterloo, i'll see if i can find mention of the 15th KH. Sam.
    23. Nice stuff! I haven't heard much about the Karpathenkorps before, they would have been involded in the Western front, Romanian and Russian campaigns i'm guessing? Lets hope someone can figure out that writing! Sam.
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