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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by HeikoGrusdat

    1. a close up of the Mecklenburg 1870 cross would help - I don`t like it from what I see now...
    2. Timo ...... I have a bad feeling with the first bar the second bar looks like it is the ribbon for Sachsen freidrich August medal.... but mybe the picture doesn`t bring out the colours as in reality...
    3. Stogie are you shure about N?4??? Would it be possible to give this man a name with the Milit?rVerdienstKreuz?
    4. Hi all, today I have got this photo for my "colonial photo collection"............................. BUT.......................... Can someone please explain me this medal bar???? And I am talking of position N?1,2 and 4 of course....... is this what I think it is???? and would this really be possible???? Thank you very much!!! Heiko
    5. Stijn.....this is the german medal for china - not for africa......this guy has never seen africa during his military career - maybe on holidays...
    6. Wild Card.......one moment, please no misunderstandings........ these are not medal bars that have been stolen from my collection!!! I sold these medal bars some months ago on ebay and then the buyer "upgraded" them by himself - no stolen material , only destroyed history - and that seems to be legal in the eyes of Justicia - of course not in the eyes of us collectors....
    7. Leutnant 18.8.1895 Oberleutnant 13.09.1906 Hauptmann 1.10.1912 Major 20.09.1918
    8. ok, some more points to think about.... 1. I know only some men who got all three hanseatic crosses, all were admirals generals or the emperor... I can`t remember a "normal" soldier with all 3 crosses... 2. all combattant awards and then in position 2 a Baden war aid cross???? 3. without baden, Finland and the Silesian eagle my first shot with that combination would have been: Navy... Mediterranian sea...SMS Goeben but with these other awards...hmmmmm, a bit unreal... Ok, that`s from me for the moment..... next one please
    9. one more point...... there were not only "inofficial" clasps..... there were also "completely private made" clasps.... don`t know how to call it ;-) look here... got it on a bar from Tony Colson 10 years ago...now somewhere in the world under the pillow of a thief bastard
    10. Rick, just because I am a bit confused............ this last one (42) was part of my stolen collection!!!! Do you want to say it is an ACTUAL picture from a german seller now for sale or is that picture some years old???????????? Please get back to me....
    11. Prussia long service cross 15 years for NCO`s Preussen Dienstauszeichnung f?r 15 Jahre f?r Unteroffiziere
    12. that`s life gentlemen..... new markets - new prices !!! last years all prices for items related to imperial russia and osmanic turkye went up like a rocket to mars...no better to Vega... no chance to follow this way...
    13. this seller always sells a lot of medal bars from 1870 - 1918 with all the same mysterious reverses.... My personal opinion: ALL are new made!!! By the way, the battle clasps on the actual bars are for sure.......................... fakes
    14. Hi wild card, you are right.... the clasps for the 1870/71 medals were issued in 1895, the 25th anniversary of the war..... What was official were the names of the clasps - what was inofficial was the purchase of the clasps.... every soldier who wanted a clasp or two or three could go to a jeweller and order them - normally every soldier or vet could get the clasps for the battles listed in his military pass. that`s why there are different types of clasps, different types of writing, different materials..... every jeweller made it a little bit different. Then there are some more completely inofficial clasps for some Vets that wanted a different writing for some special battles - completely inofficial: for example: Cernierung von Metz, Vor Paris, Champigny.......
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