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    Paul R

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    Everything posted by Paul R

    1. Sounds like an enjoyable trip. Do you have a photo of the remainder of the tunic? Regards Paul
    2. Paul R

      Atribuited ribbon bar

      I agree!!! There is nothing better!! I hope that the ribbon bar and tunic dont become too far separated! Paul
    3. And a nice set to either an Elevated or Highest Grade Career Level Major. Notice the bright red nebenfarbe. Not to forget, BRIGHT RED was used to represent: General Administrative Services, Construction Administrative Service(until Jul44), Agricultural Service, Surveying Service, Technical Machine Service, Technical Electrical Service, and clothing craftsmen(Jul44).
    4. Just in!! A nice worn example to a Hauptfeldwebel equivalent, in the Medium Career Level. Notice the silver cording in the middle of each braid. Also notice the pink nebenfarbe. This strap was converted to a slide in type, from a sewn in. Not to forget, PINK could represent: Photo Service, Motor Transport Service, Ordnance Service, Weapons and Ammunition Service, Technical Aircraft Service, Cartographic Service Lithographic Service, or Other misc Craftsmen
    5. I dont think that they are Luftwaffe... There are parts of me that doubt that they are even WW2 period made pieces. Can you please post some clearer/closer photos? Regards Paul
    6. I never even heard of this suborganization. Were these men from the Gestapo, like the GFP in the Heer and Luftwaffe? What type of insignia did they wear on their uniforms? Paul
    7. Thanks Gene. The only way to know that is an in hand inspection(looking for fading under the edges of the CT). I will ask about that. I sent you a PM. It is great to see you! Paul
    8. Hello, I am not at all experience with Hermann Goering cuff titles. I am in need of some opinions here. Thanks in advance. Paul
    9. Francois, That HG Div Fliegerbluse portrait is one in a million!!! Great catch with the pin, Harvey! I wonder why he would be wearing it?
    10. You never cease to amaze me with your expanding collection. I have learned much following this thread. Paul
    11. With the help of an online translator service. I am about 1/3 rd of the way through it. I wonder of this man is still alive? Was this unit reformed after it was destroyed? I wonder what Romanian medal he could have been awarded?
    12. The author was awarded a Romanian medal for rescuing wounded Romanian Soldiers from a minefield... I wonder which medal it could have been? "Was nun passiert ist, ist grausam. Einige 100 Meter vorm Wald waren total vermint. Man h?rte nurmehr krachen und schreien. Die Rum?nen sind hier in ein ganz brutales Minenfeld geraten. Sehr viele waren tot, bei sehr vielen waren Hand oder Fu? weggerissen. Da ich in Stalino einen Sanit?tskurs gemacht hatte und aushilfsweise auch mit dem Sanka fahren mu?te, half ich, die Fu?verwundeten aus dem Feld zu holen. Das war sehr gef?hrlich, es hat auch noch sehr viele Helfer erwischt. Wir mu?ten die verwundeten Rum?nen in den Wald tragen. Wir setzten sie einfach zu den B?umen hin. Dann fingen rum?nische ?rzte zu amputieren an. Was ich da ansehen mu?te, bringe ich mein Leben lang nicht aus den Augen. Sie schnitten die Haut rundherum auf, schoben sie etwas hoch und s?gten den Knochen mit einer Knochens?ge einfach ab und hefteten die Haut wieder dar?ber. Dann setzte man sie wieder zu einem Baum. Man h?rte dort keinen schreien, sie kr?chzten nur vor Schmerzen. Es waren an die 100 verwundete Rum?nen. Ein rum?nischer Offizier verlangte mein Soldbuch, sp?ter wurde mir eine rum?nische Medaille geschickt."
    13. This Diary is great!! I like the part where the author is injured due to the punishment of a NCO and the NCO is instantly demoted by having his shoulder boards cut from his uniform and sent to a punishment battalion!!! Als mich der Sanit?ter sah, sagte er gleich zu mir: "Was hast denn Du ausgefressen?". Ich habs ihm kurz erkl?rt, er hat die Lage gleich erkannt und rief den Arzt an, der gleich kam. Der Sanit?ter berichtete dem Arzt, der nur so staunte und zu mir sagte: "Sie sind doch Putzer beim Hauptwachmeister?" Das wohl, aber wir haben bei der Deutschen Wehrmacht gelernt, jeden Befehl auszuf?hren, antwortete ich. Der Arzt rief den Abteilungskommandeur Major Geidu? an, der auch schnell hier war. Der Arzt erz?hlte die ganze Geschichte, der Major redete garnichts und schickte den Sanit?ter zum Unteroffizier Grauer mit dem Befehl, er habe sofort im Dienstanzug in der Ambulanz zu erscheinen. Es dauerte eine Weile, wahrscheinlich hat er die Stiefel schnell ein bi?chen gewaschen, weil sie noch ganz na? waren, als er eintrat und meldete: "Unteroffizier Grauer zur Stelle!" Major sagte zu ihm: "Sie haben sich an Stelle eines Wachtmeisters zu einem Schweinehund gemacht. Wir brauchen gesunde Soldaten und keine Kr?ppel." Er nahm sein Taschenmesser aus dem Hosensack und schnitt Unteroffizier Grauer an Ort und Stelle die Schulterst?cke, wo auch die Wachtmeisteranw?rterlitzen schon drauf waren, herunter und sagte: "So, degradiert zum Kanonier. Vier Wochen versch?rft, en Arrest, anschlie?end Strafkompanie. Nehmen Sie die Strafe an?" Das z?gernde Ja konnte man fast nicht mehr verstehen. Grauer wurde sofort abgef?hrt. Wir haben nie wieder etwas von ihm geh?rt. Gro? war der Jubel bei allen Kameraden, da? dieser Tyrann endlich weg war, und sie waren mir sehr dankbar, da? ich auf ihr Dr?ngen doch noch zur Ambulanz gegangen war.
    14. That is a powerful passage. I hate to feel what those men were thinking, at that particular time and place...
    15. Filip, I do like your photos... especially the Winter War examples! Richard, Definitely a photo to be envious of!!
    16. Does anyone know the date that the East Medal (Winter War) medal was established? I thought that it was awarded from 1941 until the end of the war. Recently, I was informed that this was not the case. Can anyone please provide some clarification on the award criteria and dates? Thanks Paul
    17. That is a marvelous flag you have! I am green with envy. What publication did you get the photos from ? I really like the chart that illustrates the evolution of the Kreigsflag!
    18. Thanks for the outflow of data and enthusiasm on this piece!! I have learned a lot from Harvey's contributions here. I did not think that such information would be available!! I look forward to seeing anything on Helmut Maier. I thought that this medal was awarded to anyone who took part in the Eastern Campaign... Here are some more pics of the tunic in question... http://www.germanmilitaria.com/Luftwaffe/photos/L000358.html
    19. WOW I am surprised!! That is a lot of information. Thank you all!! With the ribbon bar... oh well. It is still a great bar with a very uncommon combination. Maybe I will replace the bar with a simple EK2/Ost medal combination. There are loops for three badges, so maybe an EK1, Flak, and WB would be most appropriate. Thank you Bill for adding the needed photos. I can hardly wait to read all of the data you kindly offered, Hardy!! It seems like this is a well known unit!! Where can I find that MIA book you mentioned? PAul
    20. Thanks for posting those John! I really like that Air Rescue hat badge!!! One day... I have seen that first set... somewhere... I will check my books when I get home./
    21. It reminds me of the Sea rescue hat badge... I will have to hit my books when I get home. I have never seen an insignia with an enameled swastica.
    22. The tunic is even named!! I hope that there is a way to verify the bar! :jumping:
    23. This ribbon bar is on a tunic I am in the process of obtaining from the Collector's Guild. Is it traceable? I know that there were not too many Lifesaving medals issued during the TR period.
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