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    Everything posted by VtwinVince

    1. Other than as an exercise in Schnalle construction, I fail to see the point in 'restoring' this particular bar.
    2. Here are some images of my example. I also have a large file on Floeckher compiled by Eric Ludvigsen which came with this piece.
    3. I'm not sure what to make of this thread, but the tone of it I find ridiculous. These long-winded, prosaic apologies and the like seem pretty ludicrous to me. And yes, the manner in which this Schnalle was produced is exceptional.
    4. Did you acquire this piece from Trevor Ristow? I will get some photos of mine shortly.
    5. Yes, I believe this is the same cross I tried to acquire to reunite with my example, a later AWS piece engraved with this man's name.
    6. That is open to conjecture, as these have been circulating for many years. Some believe that the Poellath firm actually reproduced their own badges in the 1970's, but I can't verify this. I have only ever owned 3 pilot badges from Bavaria, two of the type you've shown and one hollow example with a pierced crown which is controversial.
    7. The first one is very nice, with all the typical attributes of a Poellath period piece. The second is a good copy.
    8. I don't think award rolls exist for that one. Interesting that there is no 'vor dem Feinde' mini on the Feldschnalle.
    9. Very nice group, and of course unusual to see the Oldenburg vet's cross and the Marianer Cross on a mounted group. Do you know the name of the owner?
    10. All very interesting. Of course we know of the close connections between the Chinese and German armies, and the same with Afghanistan. I guess you could call these cases of 'reverse cultural appropriation' with Asians trying to look like White people LOL.
    11. I would like to have this Schnalle in hand, but barring that, I don't see it as something put together. I have owned bars with missing bits, such as the Schleife, and this does not bother me.
    12. Sascha is correct, this is a pretty scarce 'small crown' version of the order in what looks to be pristine condition.
    13. I hope they have increased security after what happened at the 'Gruenes Gewoelbe' in Dresden.
    14. Sorry, I can't help with info on Waldeck, it seems to occupy a high place in the understudied principalities department, but that's a great set of minis.
    15. I think in the case of Wolff his age played the major factor in his being denied anything, and a testament to his willpower was his military CV. And Imperial Germany was certainly not the only country which had widespread anti-Jewish feelings, you need go no further than France or England to find such sentiments.
    16. Doubtful that he was denied officer status due to his religion, many officers in my grandfather's regiment were Jews.
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