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    Everything posted by VtwinVince

    1. Quite right, I heard a figure of something like ten generals KIA in WW1, whereas something like 200 were killed in WW2.
    2. Colors of Prussia are actually black\white, those of Germany are black\white\red.
    3. I never knew him, but do have a couple of his spanges in my collection, so I know he had excellent taste in medals.
    4. Some really outstanding miniatures in this thread. I wonder if that is the von Plato family that produced the RKT Anton-Detlev?
    5. I recently picked up a group of medals and documents to a Saxon Leutnant, Edmund Schill. He was with Infanterie-Regiment 15 Nr. 181, was made an officer in July, 1916, and received the EK1, Friedrich August Medal in Silver and the Albert Order Knight 2nd Class with Swords. If anyone can add any details, it would be greatly appreciated.
    6. The first one is signed from Onkel Rolf, wonder if he survived the battle of Moscow? The second looks like "unser ? gefunden", but my translation skills could be better.
    7. I think many Germans regarded the Danes as close cousins, and the ties between the two countries cannot be discounted. I believe Graf von Moltke the elder was an officer in a Danish regiment.
    8. That's interesting. My aunt's brother in law was from Apenrade, and was KIA in the Waffen-SS.
    9. Thanks, Sascha. It doesn't seem to be a very common medal, at least from what I've seen.
    10. Can someone tell me what the correct ribbon is for the Sachsen-Altenburg 1903 Duke Ernst Jubilee Medal? Many thanks.
    11. A humble medal, but in my opinion one of the best designed. I just got in a Godet spange, and to my surprise, it has the "luxury" version of this medal, gilded.
    12. Nice badges, Ferg, it's amazing how different the crown is on the variant pilot badge.
    13. Daniel, I'm looking for information on my great-uncle, Oberst Otto Heinemann. All I know is he received the HOHX in the artillery, but I have no date or unit.
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