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    1. I like how many of the 1960s medals have the year it was made printed on the cards.
    2. There are some on ebay, but just overpriced ?
    3. Warlord general Yan Xishan. Probably dates to post 1928 from the collar tabs he is wearing.
    4. I have seen a few online before (I assume real), and from what I remember, they came in a leather type case. Each medal is tied on to the medal bar itself. Other than that, it is very easy to make your own medal bars as they are plentiful and so are the medals itself. If buying, price the bar and medals separately.
    5. Yeah the ones that he posted are all fakes. The majority are ROC medals or badges and none would be hanging off a the Communist style ribbons nor made from the same colored light brownish material. There are some out there that have the Communist style ribbons as you said with the red ribbon with yellow stripes and thin hangers are real. They have baked on glass enamel in most cases. Some are very common and are more available than others. Of course they don't go for a few dollars. Hard to find ones do go for $150 or more and the common ones much less. For the actual prices, I would need to visit some Chinese auction or dealer sites. If you mean the ones with just red ribbons with the ugly looking thicker hangers then yes those are the "fake" ones. They have painted enamel in most cases. I guess if they were called "restrikes" maybe it would be ok, but they aren't near the quality and have different inscriptions in some cases. For the most part, most collectors have called them "fakes." The original issues that I have. These are the common ones out there, not $100+ rares, wished I have a few examples, but they are too costly as CCP medals are not my big focus.
    6. lol. You have to prove to us what you are saying is real, because I doubt you will find anybody on here that will believe any of what you have wrote. At least you got the part they are worth a few pennies right. They are basically worth its weight in scrap metal value.
    7. Wait, you believe these are real medals? I am curious now as to where you are getting all this information from.
    8. The letter is dated 1950, which doesn't represent the photo of Chiang's (it looks like him to me) uniform which is from the Northern Expedition period. I don't know if his signature is his or not as aides would sign in his name at times too when he has them write down notes.
    9. Oh yes, 1960s hat a lot of insignias and medals were anodized aluminum. The medals just had paint enamel, not that great looking. Right, prior and post were better. I think some current high rank issue medals are silver again. I went back and checked, my uncle was awarded the 10yr medal in 1987. Too bad the govt stopped matching medal number on the certificate.. the medals and certificates have different serial numbers.
    10. I have the service medal, 10 year one. My uncle gave it to me with the certificate, since he had others. I don't know what the material it is made out of, its heavy, but its not aluminum.
    11. hc8604

      Chinese Badge

      Your welcome... hopefully more information is found.
    12. hc8604

      Chinese Badge

      I have seen more post war badges with nickel plating than pre-1945 badges. Nickel was probably a war material that was hard to get in China and probably wasn't a good idea to embellish badges. Anyways, if it is HK during WWII, it was occupied by the Japanese and I doubt there would be any sun/KMT symbols being used at that time.
    13. hc8604

      Chinese Badge

      Traditional characters for reference to compare to the badge: 親愛精誠 (on the badge is read right to left). Yeah it looks like it. I am guessing the members are associated with the military academy probably. Or they fled from the communists in 1949 and established themselves as a music club instead. Is the badge nickel plated? or some type of silver colored metal finish?
    14. hc8604

      Chinese Badge

      The top line is hard to read, but the bottom is 香港國民同樂會 Google translate gives "Hong Kong National Music Club." It is probably a defunct organization as search engines don't give any results. Middle shows the blue sky and white sun surrounded by plum flowers. Probably 1940s-50s badge. Could be newer or older.
    15. It should be third class, second grade. The second class has coral in the middle too and has a different design for the neck version. Third class has the blue glass and should all be neck awards, even though its quite large. Maybe somebody felt it was too big and heavy to be worn on the neck and had a jeweler create a smaller version. I have seen several examples where some of these were converted to breast stars because they are really big lol. Chinese medals were kind of crude overall. The enameling is quite the artwork though.
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