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    Michael Johnson

    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Michael Johnson

    1. A cigarette butt - Canadian Army WO (a bit rushed going on parade?)
    2. Not all of it was, Ed. I know that my notes on the S.E. Asia clasp to the G.S.M. seemed to have been incorporated entirely, plus notes on several other clasps to both the G.S.M. and I.G.S. medals.
    3. From the description: That's a helluva way to refer to His Majesty King George VI.
    4. I just landed an India General Service Medal 1936, with the NWF 1936-37 clasp to the 3-1 Punjab Regt. It was shown as named to 11708 SEPOY KARAM DAD KHAN 3-1 PUNJAB R Now as is my custom, I ran him with CWGC, and was returned "no records". Fortunately I thought back to my 9th Cavalry group to L/Dfr. Ghulam Rasoul Khan, and the naming of the later medals. I ran "KARAM DAD", and bingo, there he was, still a Sepoy, still with the 3-1 Punjab, November 30, 1941, aged 27. A casualty of the Battle of the Libyan Omar. And next-of-kin in Pakistan, so I have no qualms adding the WWII medals. And I've got my Africa Star group that I needed to complete my set. Khan is an honorific, and may not show on a search.
    5. And unfortunately, I've found IGS 1895s "upgraded" the same way.
    6. There is an excellent history of 426th Squadron post-war: http://www.chapters.indigo.ca/books/item/b...r+Peace+-+Books It's about 3 inches thick. Well worth ordering.
    7. Radar Operators School - Clinton turned out the personnel who (wo)manned the Pinetree Line of radar stations. http://www.pinetreeline.org/articles/resartf.html
    8. Not from government sources - there is a 120-year limitation on personal information. My mother's cousin was killed in 1918, and his file won't be open until 2015! His uncle's only came open in 2004.
    9. The letter has it correctly: Air Crew Europe Star and France and Germany clasp. However, the medal issue slip makes it clear that the order picker misread his/her instructions and grabbed a France and Germany Star instead. Fortunately this is recorded on the slip. So it's perfectly pukka, if not regulation. And since they're not going to be worn on parade, who cares about the regulations?
    10. Larry, what's his Korea service? Most R.C.A.F. types didn't qualify for the Queen's Korea (didn't get past Japan). Exchange pilots with the U.S.A.F. got it, maybe some serving as Army Co-op. He might have been 426 Transport Squadron. I'll have to check at home.
    11. Here's the answer: http://swansongrp.com/ara_cards.html Doesn't help identifying the ship, though.
    12. Hendrik, I used those terms to distinguish between the Second and First classes. It would probably be more precise to use "silver-gilt" and "gilt" for the two classes.
    13. The second issue was awarded 12 ao?t 1939 - 5 juin 1953, so only 14 years, and only two classses (Or was created March 28, 1977). So I would guess that every recipient, practically speaking, would have had wartime service. I wonder if the cheminots who were shot by the Germans, or died in Germany after deportation were awarded the medal after Liberation. Unfortunately I have yet to find a complete roll of SNCF war dead. http://www.memorial-genweb.org/html/fr/index.php3 does have some SNCF memorials, but not for all regions yet. I have found names that match a couple of my medals on other memorials, but have no way of knowing if they are the same men or not.
    14. I wonder if the Department had run out of France and Germany bars, and so issued the medal instead. Or whether the clerk was unaware that the A.C.E. and France and Germany Stars can't be worn together.
    15. I vaguely remember an officer's memoirs, where after witnessing a conspicuous act of gallantry on the part of one of his men, he told the man "I'm putting you in for a D.C.M.!" only to have the shocked soldier protest "But Sir! I didn't do anything wrong!" There have always been more District Court Martials than Distinguished Conduct Medals.
    16. Perhaps by analogy to the M?daille d'Honneur du Travail, it is an addition to the M?daille d'Or. The website doesn't mention a palme, but it is there in the photo of the classe d'or: http://france-phaleristique.com/chemfer4tar.htm I think maybe it is to help distinguish between the vermeil (gilt) and or (gold) classes.
    17. The Class C was also given for service in Canada. My grandfather received it after being invalided in 1916.
    18. Yes, it is. 5.8 cm (about 2.5") and quite heavy. As you can see, they were issued named. Yes, that is the English translation of "Defense Passive".
    19. And the reverse: [attachmentid=58550] When you consider that over 800,000 French civilians were killed in the war, these people were very busy.
    20. Many thanks to Djedj for facilitating this one for me. I love this art deco medal. The Commemorative Medal, bar Defense Passive wasn't authorized until 1949. [attachmentid=58549]
    21. Well, here's what a 104th grenade looks like (copy or no) http://cgi.ebay.ca/BENGAL-FUSILIERS-104TH-...1QQcmdZViewItem And here's the Northumberland Fusiliers http://www.arbeia.demon.co.uk/srs/collect/...s/nmbr/nmbr.htm I'd go with the 104th, as the flames seem lower, plus the badge does not appear to be voided. The location of the units in that period might decide the issue.
    22. For my money, the Queen's Sudan is well up there on the list of most aesthetically pleasing medals. My first was in a group to the Royal Irish Fusiliers 30 years ago, and I've also had groups to the 1st Bombay Lancers and 35th Sikhs (that one had a Malakand IGS 1895 as well). All gone now
    23. Do what I do, and recycle some extras, or areas where you don't have as much interest. Damn! Now I wish I still had my QSAs And my Indian Army Medals And my British Medals.
    24. You could do a Ernest Hemingway display: "A Farewell to Arms" Buy it - they aren't getting any cheaper. Battle bars are getting very scarce, especially the early ones. And Spion Kop.
    25. Gorkhas from the Rai and Limbu clans were recruited into the 7th and 10th G.R. As both of these regiments went to Britain, Rais and Limbus who opted for India needed a regiment. I have an Indian Independence Medal, War Medal pair to Rfn. Dalasor Rai, 11th G.R. The Independance has his pre-`47 British regimental number (114575) and the other his post (9402213). From the former it is clear that he was 10 G.R.
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