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    Everything posted by hucks216

    1. Generalleutnant Friedrich Weber Born: 31 Mar 1892 Died: 02 Sep 1974 Kdr Inf.Rgt 481 Führer 256 Inf.Div Kdr 334 Inf.Div Führer 298 Inf.Div Kdr 131 Inf.Div Kdr Div.Warschau Ritterkreuz - 08 June 1940 DKiG - 22 April 1942 Image: Soldbuch
    2. A sunset sky over the Suffolk countryside, taken in May this year.

      © Kevin Huckfield

    3. Taken on a crisp Autumn morning during a visit to Rotterdam.

      © Kevin Huckfield

    4. Taken during a nice evening stroll through the streets of Amsterdam during a short break in early October

      © Kevin Huckfield

    5. If it has a Latvian link you might be better off posting this in the Northern European & Baltic States subsection in the European States section of the Forum.
    6. Nice selection of images. Is the first one on the bottom row taken from some sort of Ausweis or Wehrpass?
    7. Major Willi Dallmer-Zerbe Born: 05 Aug 1898 Sausgörken Died: 25 June 1941 - KIA at Pruzana Highest rank reached: Oberstleutnant Kdr Pz.Abw.Abt 27
    8. Oberst Günther Franz Adolf Irmisch Born: 03/10/1892 Berlin Kdr I/Pz.Rgt 8 Kdr Pz.Rgt 25 Stabsoffz. Gruppe Verkehrsregelung, Stab H.Gr B Armee Kraftfahr Offizier AOK 6 Kdr Schützen-Ers.Rgt 23 kdtr z. Heersnachschub-Führer kdrt z. mil.Befh. i. Frankreich Kdt Feldkommandantur 669 Possible Kdr Gruppe Irmisch (LXXXV Armeekorps) Oct-1944 Thanks to Dave Danner for the details of Irmisch.
    9. That is an outstanding amount of information, especially at the speed you've been able to identify him. Thanks alot.
    10. And another one. This time it is an Oberst serving as an Abteilung Kdr in 1938 - I/Pz.Rgt 8. If he remained in service I would imagine that he made General rank...
    11. I have a Soldbuch to a Generalmajor and was wondering if anyone can identify any of the following signatures please. I did originally think this was the signature of Werner Richter (Oberst i.G & DKiG) but the more I look at it the less sure I am. The unit entry is Oberkommando HG Nord.. The next two I have no idea about. The Abteilung in question is OKH P2...
    12. Oberstleutnant Georg Seegers Born: 09 Mar 1899 Died: 02 Jul 1989 Highest rank reached: Generalmajor OKH Kdr III/IR 432 Kdr IR 432 OKH P2 Kdr IR 431 stellv.Kdr Fallschirm.Pz.Gren.Div 2 'Hermann Göring' OKH Reserve DKiG - 15th Dec 1944
    13. General der Infanterie Bodewin Keitel Born: 25th Dec 1888 Died: 27th Jul 1953 Chef das Heeres-Personal-Amt im OKH Stellv. Generalkommando XX Armeekorps Inspekteur für das Fürsorge- und Versorgungs DKiS - 2nd Oct 1942 Image: KvK Citation
    14. Thanks for the reply Dave. As he commanded the HG-2 Division for a couple of months in 1945 in East Prussia he was still an active serving officer. So I think it might be worth while looking into what is at NARA. In a week or so's time I'll have his WW-1 & 2 Soldbucher in my collection so any light (or potentially) that can be shed on him that won't be in those would be great.
    15. A quick question for anyone that might know of the answer. If I am seeking a copy of a personnel file (or whatever is available along those lines) for a Generalmajor would NARA hold a copy? Specifically Georg Seegers (OKH P2, IR 432, IR 431 & Fallschirm-Pz.Gren.Div 'HG' 2 as well as WW-1 service in IR 77)
    16. File Name: A) Inf.Rgt (mot.) GD Kompanie Establishment 1939 to April 1942 File Submitter: hucks216 File Submitted: 22 Sep 2013 File Category: Germany Spreadsheet of Inf.Rgt Großdeutschland officers and their positions from 1939 to April 1942 down to Kompanie level. This is very rough & ready and will forever be a work in progress as new names are found (or amended) and incorporated. Think of the Remarks (RMKS) column as being my equivalent of border notes on the page of a research book and positions are a mixture of English & German. If anyone has extra details that would be of benefit to the file please feel free to contact me so I can incorporate the details. There are two more such files spanning April 1942 to Wars End and will be uploaded in time if there is sufficient interest. Sources used are the many publications & websites concerning GD and details taken from numerous Citations & Wehrpasse/Soldbücher. Click here to download this file
    17. Coming from a WW-2 German citation collector perspective, I wish that the Third Reich had continued with such ornate designs for the EK citations even if the printing or issuing of them was more centrally controlled.
    18. Hopefully members will be able to help. And thanks for the additions to the Signature Database - any and all additions are very welcome.
    19. I have a KG-53 Wehrpass & citation set to an air gunner/radio operator who also flew on 10 air-launched V-1 operations against the UK - listed in the Wehrpass as 10 Sondereinsatz gegen England. A good book covering the air-launched V-1 campaign is Air Launched Doodlebugs by Peter Smith.
    20. I can't be 100% sure but I believe it is the English translation of his German book on the unit... http://www.amazon.com/Kampfgeschwader-Legion-Condor-Erlebnisse-Dokumente/dp/3879439478/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1379017615&sr=8-1&keywords=chronik+Kampfgeschwader+53 But it is cheaper to buy it from the UK Amazon site than it is from the US one (for once!)... http://www.amazon.co.uk/Chronik-Kampfgeschwader-53-Legion-Condor/dp/3613031760/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1379017651&sr=1-2&keywords=Kampfgeschwader+%22Legion+Condor%22+53
    21. Are you aware that an English language history of KG-53 is soon to be published?: http://www.amazon.com/Kampfgeschwader-53-%2522Legion-Condor%2522-Complete/dp/0764344757/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1379008602&sr=8-1&keywords=9780764344756
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