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    Everything posted by JapanX

    1. All (silver and gold) badges are simply merit badges. No higher classes or grades (judging by case insciptions). The left column states that this badge was made by one of two main manufacturers of these badges. Middle - name of the society. Right - name of the badge.
    2. This is how diploma looks like.
    3. 吉信 - Yoshinobu
    4. Superior private Cavalry 會王(?)健治
    5. Private 2nd class Artillery 后飛利市 (?)
    6. I am afraid the color of the cord (red/purple ) doesn`t correlate with order (rising sun/sacred treasure). Superior private Infantry 笠山和三耶 - Kasayama Kazumaya Another possibility 笠山和三郎 - Kasayama Wasaburō I`ll look at the others a little bit later.
    7. I don`t think that it was intended only for participants of the 1920 incident. Looks like propogandical memorabilia Best, Nick
    8. That`s an interesting one. Jiandao (Korea) connection. Obverse June 1933 間島在住朝鮮人一同 - all korean residents of Jiandao Reverse 出征記念 - expedition commemoration 間島派遺軍 - Jiandao expeditionary army See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gando_massacre
    9. It`s Nick
    10. This is a collar emblem for officer cadets that was introduced in 1943.
    11. Looks nice. Could be the european work.
    12. Original decree and statute.
    13. Looks nice. Good luck!
    14. JapanX

      ask for help

      Case lid reads 記念 - commemorative Looks like a civil badge.
    15. Hope you are well, EJ. Yes.
    16. Yes, so called field cases. This one (rising sun) was captured during Khalkhin Goal/Nomonghan in 1939.
    17. Cloak brooch of musical official. See also https://starina.ru/item/135043215_Пара_петличных_знаков_чиновника_музыкального_учреждения_51645
    18. Two other cups bear 愛 - love 忠 - faith Sometimes the box for the 誠 - sincerity cup bears additional label 木杯 第壹號 - wooden cup № 1 Cordialement, Nick
    19. This urushi was made by a famous Kinto lacquerware store, Tokyo. Short exerpt きん藤漆器店(日本橋2丁目)  初代創業はさだかではありませんが、弘化2年(1845)頃埼玉から江戸へ出て、当時日本橋通南2丁目付近の横丁通称19文横丁に店を出しているうちに近くの太物商(反物)近江屋を譲り受けて屋号を、近江屋の近と小林藤右衛門の藤とを組合わせて「近藤」と名乗りましたが「コンドウ」と間違えられるところから、明治40年に「きん藤」と改めて漆器専門店に専念し、表通りに面して店舗を構え、神奈川・埼玉・千葉など近県にも積極的に販路を拡張して財をなしました。 大正の震災後昭和4年に近代的な鉄筋5階建のビルを新築し、1階は一般漆器、2階は有名作家の作品等高級漆器を陳列し観賞や商談のロビーとして使用していたが、昭和20年3月の空襲で罹災し21年に福井市の加藤氏に譲渡して廃業しております。 From 明治百年「東京漆器の歩み」 This urushi is a part of the bigger set. Column on the left reads 彰仁親王 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Komatsu_Akihito 日本赤十字社 - Japanese Red Cross Society
    20. 4th class from the Meiji epoch.
    21. 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes of this medal.
    22. Original 6th class with original case. The "body" of the order almost completely lost its gilding. Today it is known for a fact that this type of order was issued for RJW. Best, Nick
    23. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orders,_decorations,_and_medals_of_the_Republic_of_China
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