Hello, it is called the Zilveren Eremedaille in de Orde van Oranje Nassau / Honor medal in Silver to the Order of Oranje Nassau. It is awarded without the swords as it is a non military award in this case.
This class of the Order is no longer given. It was abolished in 1993 together with the Gold and Bronze class aswell. The class of Member replaces the three medals since then.
To my knowledge there are no books containing any lists. You could contact the chancery of Dutch Orders in The Hague through their website www.lintjes.nl and ask your questions there. If you want to buy the large size medal, they sometimes appear on marktplaats.nl. They are not expensive. My grandfather was awarded the same medal, it was given back to the chancery at his death and I bought one on this site for around 50 euro.
I hope this helps.
Success and good luck,