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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Hauptmann

    1. Hi Vic, Heavy sigh. Nothing like trying to put together something like this on an extremely limited budget! I do love the Gaz and the "German" half track though. Who knows... if I can ever afford to add one of each to my collection I might need you to run over and pick em' out for me. Dan
    2. Hey, the way I'm feeling (along with at least a few others) over this idiotic Stolen Valor Act... we might be in the market for a Revolution so guess we need to keep researching to find out what a good one would go for these days. Dan
    3. I'd seen one of those on Ebay and considered getting it but was short on $$'s so had to let it pass. Figured (hoped) there'd be another down the road. And don't think that one was cased. Really love the scene pictured on this as of course the uniforms look very much WWII and with me also collecting flags, banners, finials and the like the flag/finial pictured is a wonderful bonus! Just a great piece all around. Careful re: what appears to be a finger print on the upper field. You might want to carefully wipe that with a very soft cloth like you'd use for cleaning glasses... or some light tissue. That's the only bad thing about fingerprints on metal. I had just posted a hunting sword with engraved blade that has alot of finger mark damage on it because it wasn't cared for. Doesn't take much. I always make sure anyone looking at my blades handles them properly and I always give them a quick wipe down and put on a light coat of oil just in case. So far... no problems. And that's living in both the moist climate of Florida and the dry one up here in North Dakota. Very nice... and especially to have it cased. Always a plus to get things complete whenever possible. Thanks for sharing!!!! Dan
    4. Hi Eduardo, Terrific site! I'll be going through it in more detail later. Very enlightening and well laid out. And oh how I love the eagle on your coin! That is a beautiful piece! Many thanks for posting both. Dan
    5. A shame though that so many of these "patriots" are the ones who also voted to screw so many vets out of their medical benefits! But of course they won't bring that up will they? If they'd wanted to honor the vets then they should have left that one on the scrap heap of history. Politicians are all crooked as a dogs hind leg! Dan
    6. Hi Jacques, Again, sadly I no longer have this one. Traded it off a number of years ago. If I discover that it is possible to get it restored I will have to try to contact the person I traded it to as he most likely still has it. Perhaps he'll want to get it done. Would be nice to bring it back to some semblance of it's original glory. Dan
    7. Hi Eduardo, Emails sent. So many beautiful pieces and so much history in such small packages! It will never cease to amaze me. If only these small objects could talk... but of course that goes for so much of what we collect. One can only imagine the soldiers, merchants, politicians and rich and poor folk alike who all handled such coins and used them in everyday commerce. And they are also miniature works of art as well. An awful lot in such a small piece of metal. Love the one you posted last... have seen several on Ebay but generally they're fairly worn down. There's one particular one I have been dying to get an example of... but I'll have to find an example to show you. The Emperor might have been Vespacian but on the reverse is an eagle which is very similar to that used on our Washington Quarter all these years... well at least before the state quarters altered the reverse design. Dan
    8. Hi Vic, Kinda figured. Well, here's hoping it get to you mucho quicko and that you can then show it off in all it's glory. I for one can't wait! I'll be right there pacing the floor with you my friend. Dan
    9. Hi Paul, Many thanks my friend. Again... nothing really spectacular like from Marshals, Generals, Admirals and famous individuals... just good old, gritty down to earth, hard earned and proudly worn goodies. And on that Glory... I can't wait to be able to have the pieces on that bar and the other researched to A) confirm if they do belong together which I agree is doubtful... and if not at least uncover their history (knock on wood) and know the why's and wherefor's behind them. Perhaps she's got a great story to tell. If all works out then hopefully I'll be able to get going on all this in another few months and hopefully by the end of the year we'll know all there is to know (again knock on wood). Dan
    10. Hi Charles, Again WOW! You just have a terrific collection. So many great cased enameled goodies... and the groups... I would dearly love even one such group. Gives me alot to shoot for. Hoping for as nice a Soviet group and perhaps even a DDR one at some point down the road. Just spectacular! I'm constantly in awe of the things you come up with. Keep up the great work my friend! Dan
    11. Hi Charles, Hey, let the sarcasm fly my friend. I don't think this moronic legislation deserves anything less. I just can't tell you how upset I am over the whole thing and I know I'm far from being alone. Yet again in one fell swoop they have thrown the baby out with the bath water with no concern whatsoever over how this is going to effect innocent, law abiding historians, collectors, dealers, etc. I have no problem with going after those who would pose as war heroes, vets, etc. But there has to be a better way of doing it. It's just like what they've done time and time with the gun situation. The criminals could care less how many laws go on the books... it doesn't stop them for a second. I mean, think about it... they're career is breaking the laws!!!! The only ones it affects are those of us who obey the law. And as a reward we keep getting kicked in the backside by our own government! I mean, there were a few more pieces I'd have really loved to have. I was hoping to get the Commander of the Legion of Merit as well as the Officer's grade to finish out my set. I'd also have liked to get the Army Distinguished Service Cross and Medal and a Silver and Bronze Star. I think that would have been about it. Now, unless I go via the black market, etc. I'm probably going to have little chance of getting any of them... unless, by some miracle, they come to their senses and either amend or dump this insanity they've unleased. I can only hope organizations like OMSA raise Cain over this issue as well as dealers and collectors alike. I swear... I just get so tired of fighting just to be left alone. It seems that the powers that be will not be happy until they can install cameras and mikes in our homes in every room, nook and cranny as well as our vehicles, offices, etc., and track our every move from birth to death. Sounds alot like the DDR doesn't it? Well, I strongly suggest we all learn the following song: http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/STUDinfo/hilar...E/gedanken.html Die Gedanken sind frei, wer kann sie erraten, sie fliegen vorbei wie n?chtliche Schatten. Kein Mensch kann sie wissen, kein J?ger erschie?en mit Pulver und Blei: Die Gedanken sind frei! Ich denke was ich will und was mich begl?cket, doch alles in der Still', und wie es sich schicket. Mein Wunsch, mein Begehren kann niemand verwehren, es bleibet dabei: Die Gedanken sind frei! Und sperrt man mich ein im finsteren Kerker, das alles sind rein vergebliche Werke. Denn meine Gedanken zerrei?en die Schranken und Mauern entzwei, die Gedanken sind frei! Drum will ich auf immer den Sorgen entsagen und will mich auch nimmer mit Willen verklagen. Man kann ja im Herzen stets lachen und scherzen und denken dabei: Die Gedanken sind frei! Ich liebe den Wein, mein M?dchen vor allen, sie tut mir allein am besten gefallen. Ich bin nicht alleine bei meinem Glas Weine, mein M?dchen dabei: Die Gedanken sind frei! Used to drive the nazi's positively nuts! Perhaps it will do the same to these morons!!!! One can only hope. My thoughts are definitely free and they can't take that way from me. Sorry... this whole issue just makes my blood pressure go through the roof! Many thanks my friend. Let's pray that some sanity returns and they amend or dump this stupid law and we can all get back to normal. Dan
    12. Hi all, I let this go ages ago (Wish I'd kept it! ) but found my old pics the other night to post in the restoration section... and figured I should pop it on here as they might be of interest. This was how I got it and at the time I felt there was probably little hope of a restoration... but after seeing some of the work on the restoration thread I'm now beginning to wonder. Sorry the pics are not better quality but it's a scan from an old 35mm. Dan
    13. Row 3 (obverse/reverse) Row 4 (obverse/reverse) Row 5 (obverse/reverse) One can only imagine how many in the Roman Legions might have been paid with coins like these. It gives me chills how much history is in my hand every time I hold them. Dan
    14. Hi all, Just got back up from the bunker doing a bunch of scans. This has motivated me to scan all my ancients in the hope of posting to an ancients forum at some point to get them ID'd. I only have an ID of sorts on one in my collection. Anyhow here is my extremely humble contribution: Group shot (obverse/reverse) Row 1 (obverse/reverse) Row 2 (obverse/reverse)
    15. Hi all, Here's is my extremely humble contribution... all I have save all the singles with the various awards in my DDR collection: Also I've found this site to be very helpful: http://www.medals.lava.pl/de/ddr.htm Great thread! Hoping it goes for quite some time. Dan
    16. Hi all, So... out of curiosity... and I know tons of this is still up in the air... but does this idiotic new law only apply to "named" pieces/groups... or only certain awards or basically any and all U.S. awards? I don't have any named pieces. I'd posted what I have and have no idea if any of them are effected by all this or not: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=10730 I don't have any intention on selling any of it but it really ticks me off that due to this latest rubbish foisted on us by our moron politicians over here there's a potential of any or all of this now being worthless unless I take the risk of going on the black market. It's insane! As has been said, you'd think they'd have better things to do with their time and the money we pay them in taxes for them to turn around and stab us in the back like this! Cretins!!!! Well, like Rick said and I seconded in another post... they can come pry them out of my cold, dead hands! Anyhow, opinions on where I stand with what I have and what, if any effect I'm facing would be welcome. Thanks!!!! Dan
    17. Hi Paul, One thing on cleaning the coins though... be very careful not to remove any green patina! That is "extremely" desireable on ancient coins and folks tend to pay a premium for that. I've got a few ancients I can post... will have to pop down and do some scanning. Nothing fancy, and no silver yet. Well, I have one I got as a kid that I'm not sure about. Took it to a coin dealer who dabbles in ancients but he couldn't ID it one way or the other. But I've got to say... everyone certainly has some beautiful ancient collections going here. Barry... fantastic collection! I envy you. I've been after just one nice silver for so many years I don't even like to think about it. I guess I got spoiled once when I was in a coin shop and spotted the most beautiful silver Roman coin I'd ever seen in my life. Was only just under $60 and yet I was just short of that at the time. Had planned to go back. But he'd been robbed a couple of times, got rather paranoid and finally got out of the business. A shame as he had some terrific pieces. So I never was able to get that one. Whenever I look at another one I flash back to that and end up seeing how, at least in my mind, the ones I'd currently be looking at pale in comparison to that one. It was a nice sized piece... between the sizes of a U.S. nickel and quarter dollar. Seems anything in a decent size range like that always goes for more than I have to put out. But I haven't given up yet. But I must say, your's are gorgeous and certainly meet or exceed the quality of the strike, etc., that I recall from that one all those years ago. Thanks so much for sharing and I'd like to second Eduardo's motion that we should have a section to cover ancient items like these. Fascinating and sooooo much history in ones hands! Dan
    18. Hi Charles, WOW! I'm in love again!!!! That's ecquisite! Absolutely beautiful!!!! Now I'm guessing that it's super rare and really pricey, right? That's the way my luck tends to run with goodies I like this much. Please let me know though as if it's anywhere within my range at some point I'd sure love one of them. What type of case did it come in? Did it have classes or only just this one? Anything on the reverse? Takes my breath away... I just can't say enough about it. Thanks! Dan
    19. Hi Gerd, Very true... but as you say one could never be mad of him for doing it. He did mean well and he did indeed do a good job. And of course many vets would polish their awards so not like it was anything different than they would have done. Give it time and mother nature will put a nice new patina on it and as I say perhaps it'll be even better than the first one. I'll let your Homeland know that dad says hi and says greetings from across the pond. You'll definitely have to come visit sometime and see how it's doing. But plenty of friends to keep it company, that's for sure! Many thanks my friend. Dan
    20. Ahh yes... that one is a hoot isn't it? But it's just as I got it so I've just let it be. You just never know what you're going to find when collecting these things. Tons of oddball stuff out there. Thanks again, Dan
    21. Hi Gents, Charles... sorry to say I don't have pics of any of the others. Hopefully Gordon will be able to come up with some (thanks Gordon! ). Dan
    22. Hi Peter, Many thanks! I only wish I'd gotten one of their naval daggers and whatever others they had at the time as they were really cheap... about $35 each... including the hangars in most cases! Dan
    23. Hi Ferdinand, Welcome to the club. And many thanks for the compliment. On the MM... which one/post #? Dan
    24. Hi Jim, Yeah, the vet must have been super proud of it and just kept polishing away for every parade and event you can think of. I do hope it's an indication of something good that got it for him... or her for that matter. Hopefully I'll be able to find out down the road. Thanks, Dan
    25. Hi Vic, Mucho thanks my friend! Again nothing really eye poppingly extraordinary our exceedingly rare but to me every little bit is history in ones hands. Every piece has a story to tell. Thank goodness with the numbered Orders that we're able to get that story... at least a good bit of the time. I simply can't wait to start being able to research what I can. And hey, you're doing very well on your various collections and sets too. Congrats again on your latest coup. I know you'll let the cat out of the bag but assuming you're waiting till it arrives. Hope it's soon! In fact, I nearly get more excited waiting on everyone else to get goodies when I know they're coming then when I have stuff coming to me... and that's saying alot. Definitely can't wait to see great scans of your newest prize. That's one set I've definitely got to get put together myself one of these days. Thanks again, Dan
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