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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Hauptmann

    1. Hi all, Was going to post my Bulgarian collection on it's own but I did a search and found this thread so figured I'd just keep going. Hope no one minds. I started into Bulgarian PR awards and militaria when I started to see Soviet stuff going up a bit and my budget sadly going the other way. But I still wanted to keep adding to the pile and this was the solution. At the time they were going for dirt... the next DDR in a way. But I saw a ton of pieces I liked so figured, why not? Although not generally on a parr in quality with Soviet awards they do have some very nice pieces. I was lucky in being able to deal with Boyan Savov (known as Bou on Ebay). A very nice gentleman and he gave me some great deals over time. I still buy from him on occassion when something strikes my fancy and the price is right. In fact, he's the "only" dealer in Bulgaria (he also has a home in Canada I believe... used to be in the states down in one of the two Carolina's... I can't ever keep them straight. ) that I will order from. His service was always top notch... well packed shipments for very little money, either in the items themselves or the shipping. He was always happy to share of his knowledge and never hesitated to give me a helping hand whenever it was needed. I won't go in any particular order but will just pop them up. One more thing... facts on these such as dates of institution, types, varieties, etc. are from Boyan's book on Bulgarian Orders and medals. This has been out of print for some time but I believe he still has copies on Ebay as E-books. I'd love an actual copy some day but I do have the E-book. Sadly the pictures are not high quality depending on how you view them. It's a long story but he and his partner had a split, his partner ran off with the "good" quality copy and left him with the not so great "proof" copy on disk. When I got mine they were running $8 "Buy It Now". Once paid he sends it to you for download into Adobe Acrobat Reader. It's well worth it if you want to learn more about the Orders and medals of the Bulgarian Peoples Republic. Jubilee medal for Soviet 100 Years Capital of Bulgaria, instituted April 2, 1979: [attachmentid=43534] [attachmentid=43535] [attachmentid=43536] [attachmentid=43537] Inscription on the reverse is: Sofia 100 Years Capital Of Bulgaria 1879-1979 This turned out to be a great set. It's in pretty near mint condition for one thing. Got it when they were running about $14 a set if I remember correctly. The case is beautiful, especially considering that nearly all the Bulgarian award cases I've run across don't even have an interior base. They're basically just fancy boxes. The award itself is rather on the heavy side and the enamel is beautiful and overall everything about it is very well made. For what in essence is a commemorative award they really seem to have gone all out on it. I only wish I'd picked up a few more.
    2. Wow! Door to door service with a smile! Many thanks! More than I've known by a long shot although I'd certainly like to learn more about many of the Hungarian communist awards. I love their enamel... beautiful stuff. And this has a most unusual design as far as it being made more like a tinny yet it's very substantial in person. Again many thanks for that info. Sure hope I can find some more to add to my pile. Thanks! Dan
    3. Hi all, I only have a couple modern Hungarian awards. This one is a labor Order I believe. I actually wanted the one that has the Hungarian coat of arms in place of the star so still hunting that one. But I love this one too... especially the light blue enamel. It really stands out. [attachmentid=43531][attachmentid=43532] The other is my cased Hungarian sports badge. [attachmentid=43533] More on which you can find at: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=7303&hl= What little I know so far that is. Dan
    4. Hi Peter, Oh, it's a beautiful piece... but much thinner than I'm used to with old world European quality. I put my Romanian Order of the Crown star by this one and it's like the difference between night and day. Thinner, cheaper, lack of good enamels, lack of a good heavy solid pin, etc. The manufacturers lost their way. The old skills are nearly if not completely gone. No one wants to go to the expense they once did. I look at my Order of the Griffin and could almost cry when I look back at this one. Sigh. But it's like nearly everything else anymore... throwaway technology, planned obsolescense... you name it. They used to build things to last. As far as variations and such I'm probably in a worse boat than you are as I know next to nothing of these. This was one of those "It's pretty, it's cheap, I can afford it, I'll grab it." kind of deals. But I'd love to know more. Hopefully more members will comment over time and we'll all learn more. I'd also love to see more examples. Many thanks for posting yours. I know the neck Orders and sash badges turn up on Ebay on occassion. Hoping I'll find those cheap at some point to go with my star. Thanks! Dan
    5. Hi Stephen, I deeply appreciate your checking around on this for me and yes, the pizza will be about the size of a planet... probably a Jupiter size one at the very least! Methinks my local pizza place employees will all keel over if you come and visit and we put in that order! But hey, it'll be worth it! And to be honest... after reading your update I'm thinking I'm a total moron for letting mine go. But as they say you can't keep it all. I just hope selling it and the rest will help me in attaining my life long dream. You are truly a Gentleman in every sense of the word. I salute you sir! Along with the pizza, if I do end up getting my "dream car" you'll definitely have to come for a visit and take a ride! Again thanks so much for all your help and support in this. Dan
    6. Hi Doc, Veeeeeeery nice! Especially the first one... love the Aurora on the reverse and the enamel on the front! My favorite part about the second one funny enough is the ribbon! Very colorful. Great pieces! Dan
    7. Hi Marcus, And here I was in the good company of George Patton and everything. Oh well, I'm "sure" there'll be a next time! Thanks! Dan
    8. Hi Hendrik, Nice one too!!!! I see quite a few of these assorted Thai awards pop up on Ebay yet most seem to be for the ladies. I'd dearly love a cased set of the breast star, neck order or even sash order at some point. I've always wanted a breast star/neck order cased combination of some nice looking Order. But sadly they all seem to be waaaaay to much for my blood. Hopefully someday something will pop up. And I have seen that same attachment in different variations over the years... some smaller some larger... assume manufacturer differences. My mom "loves" elephants so when I originally got my first of these it was primarily because of the Order of the Elephant. I gave her a set which she'd occassionally wear as jewelry, like a pendant. She loved them! But when she was moving she sent them back to me for safe keeping. And now they're packed lord only knows where in my stuff after our move. One of these days we hope to get through everything and sort it all out. I keep running up against things I know I have but can't find... in storage in a box and can't get to it. Sigh. Beautiful pieces though! Thanks, Dan
    9. Hi Marcus, Geez! I had no idea about any of this! Seems I put my foot in my mouth once again... I'm in good company on that though as George Patton used to do it all the time. But I should have figured something like that would be the case. Seems whenever you seal up one entrance, they find another way in. But again that's one reason I've all but pulled out of TR. Just got soooo tired of it all, when it got to the point where hardly anyone knew what was real and what wasn't. And of course it can get to that point in nearly any facet of collecting. I often think we're like herds of some wild beasts... roaming from pasture to pasture. We graze on the "good stuff" till it nearly runs out then we move on. Once in a while the pasture up ahead looks soooo good, and we get there only to find that it just doesn't taste too good. So we have to move on again till we find the good stuff once more. But I guess it's all part of the challenge. The vultures and parasites of any hobby are always going to be there. Folks who only care about money. All we can do is continue to learn all we can and educate our fellow collectors in the hope that we'll keep the baddies at bay just a while longer. Thanks for the update! It's been filed away in the memory bank for future reference. Dan
    10. Hi Mike, Many thanks! Stupid me, I should have put the translation up there, but very much appreciate your doing so. Have just been so busy putting stuff up between "life" hitting me in the face that I got to worrying with the forest and not paying much attention to the trees. Thanks for watching my back on this one! Again I'm assuming many such badges were made for various events throughout Germany after the war up to the present day. But she's a pretty one... nice design, very pleasing to the eye. Thanks again, Dan
    11. Hi Marshall, Many appologies for the pics... I know... I "desperately" need to get an Epson scanner but for now my poor overworked digital camera is my only option. Plus I was kind of rushed when I did those shots but got the best ones I could under the circumstances. But many thanks on the rough valuation. It's really what I needed for them as they'll never sell this stuff. But especially once I found out last night that their collections are not insured... I nearly fell off my chair! I really need to push on getting them values, even rough ones, so it will make them realize that they are sitting on top of a gold mine and if anything happens they'll get nothing and won't even be able to repair or replace anything that might be lost or damaged. Hence it will be a huge loss for our community... and we're not really big enough to take such losses lightly. But I pray that never happens. About the only things we have to worry about up here are tornadoes and fires. But that's bad enough. But I figure all I can do is my best... I'll gather as much info on all this that I can... try to help them do better displays and then they have to run with it. It's a group decision so I'm only one small voice. But as I'd hoped, when I gave them that info last night, what little there was, and especially the values, they really sat up and took notice. So perhaps the winds will blow my way for long enough to get the job done. And I couldn't do it without the fine members of this club. Contributions like Tom made as well as those like you just made, your time and knowledge are all very valuable and deeply appreciated! But that's what I feel we're here for... not just in the club but in this life. We help each other along because at times we simply can't do it alone. Again many thanks! And of course I'll continue to keep everyone updated on how things progress. I did get some more pics of a few of the items so getting ready to post the new info and pics today (knock on wood) work and family permitting. Have a great one! Dan
    12. Hi Don, No biggie. Don't feel bad... Kim had a great aunt who "insisted" on calling me David till the day she died. I seem to get David or Dave more than anything else so "Pat" really jumped out! Thanks! Dan
    13. Hi David, Definitely concur. Check out mine at: http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=7491 As I also had mine apart, although I didn't get into as much detail with the spring catch, etc. But details like that and the moulded makers marks, numbers, etc. in the bases would be things I feel the fakers would probably not do well if at all. Dan
    14. Hi Pat, No idea on my part. I loved it mostly because it had the lion (I'm a Leo so kinda partial to them) and a Stahlhelm (I'm part German so I'm kinda partial to them too! ). I'm assuming they just continued to make such pins for reunions, veterans events, beer festivals, Octoberfest... you name it. But would love to know more if someone out there knows. Thanks, Dan
    15. Hi all, Have begun to get comments on the headgear and one of the gasmasks but was also hoping for some on this beautiful pipe. Am surprised no one has commented on that. It was buried in the cabinet and I'd never even known they had it... and they didn't even have the foggiest idea what it was. I've seen these before but never near as complete as this one seems to be. Would deeply appreciate any or all information, opinions, comments and possible valuation on any of these pieces as well as the pipe. Many thanks! Dan
    16. Hi all, Any additional info you could provide on this would be deeply appreciated. Am trying to work up a report on the museum's militaria collection in the hope that if they see how valuable this stuff is, not only in historical terms, that they'll be willing to put more money into it's display and preservation. So far, all these years it's all just sat there gathering dust. Any ideas on manufacturer on this one? How about rough idea of value? Again would deeply appreciate any info, opinions, etc. on this or any of the items I've posted from the museum. Mucho thanks! Dan
    17. Hi all, Deeply appreciate all the info so far. Could also use any ideas on value... am trying to do a report for the museum and the more information I can provide the better. This part of their collection has just sat for soooooo many years and I really am trying to provide more info. If they feel it's valuable then my hope is they'll invest a bit more in display not to mention in preservation of such artifacts. Again any help is deeply appreciated! Thanks! Dan
    18. Hi Spotter, Will definitely give it a shot on more pics. "Might" be able to at tonights meeting but generally weekends work out much better as not as many folks popping in and out and taking up time. Depending on my schedule I'll try to put in for sitting over there again if I can and if so those are the best times. But can probably sneak that one in tonight (knock on wood!). I did one of my big shell and casing yesterday but ran out of time to post everything. And todays been pretty tight too. But hopefully by tomorrow if all works out if not sooner. I've also got a ton of other smaller pieces that I hope to do... shells, grenades, etc. but have to dig them out and get some pics. Rest of the week should be alot easier time wise so hoping to get much of this done soon. Will send over more pics on the museum ones as soon as I can. Many thanks for the help! Thanks! Dan
    19. Hi Doc, Many thanks! That Polonia Restituta... I'd absolutely love a cased Grand Cross set on that one! Keep hoping to pick one up. Just depends on finding a deal I can't refuse! There was another one that I keep seeing on Ebay too... has these really beautiful leaves as part of the design on the breast star but can't remember which one it is. I'll have to do some digging. I had soooooo many pictures I kept for research and before I could manage a backup my other drive died. Was a total loss. And pretty sure I had pics of it on that one. But they turn up quite alot so keeping my fingers crossed. And I'll definitely pop over and check out your collection as it sounds fantastic. Can't wait till you get the GC set and post that... drool, drool! Gotta run for now though. Thanks!!!! Dan
    20. Hi Joel, Wow... my brain must have been on vacation... or my eyes are really going, but I didn't even notice that your's didn't have the curved quillon. Geez, I either need new glasses or new brain... whichever is cheaper! I had hoped to post my two Arisaka's yesterday but got into posting other stuff I was backlogged on and then with sizing all the pics I took the day just few! Then today Kim comes home from a meeting and said it was such a nice day she wanted to go up and have a picnic. So off we went. Just got back a bit ago but now have to go up and vote in a few minutes. Then historical society meeting at the museum, then work tonight at 10:30 p.m. But hoping between all that to have time to get more posted. Then tomorrow (knock on wood) should be a clean slate except for my usual research work. So keep your fingers crossed and I'll have more up soon. Definitely looking forward to seeing more of your great stuff too!!!! Please keep it coming! Thanks! Dan
    21. Hi Gerd, Mucho thanks! And thanks again for the DDR goodies!!!! I really love them all, and especially the sport with pendant and the full and half sized set of badges. Gonna have to find a case for those if there were any. I've seen the Soviet/DDR friendship badges in a matched set like that. Keeping my fingers crossed. Just great stuff. Thanks!!!! Dan
    22. Hi Jacky, Not too bad. Course it's one of those things I hope to never have to let go. I really love it! Thanks! Dan
    23. Hi Don, Now I've been called David... and Dave and many other things I can't repeat here... but never Pat! And hey, no nagging... just doing your job. Not a problem. Still kind of feeling my way around some things but it'll all come together in time. Preciate the help! Thanks! Dan
    24. Hi Spotter, No problem. Will do on checking Ebay and such. It's not a rush as I'm doing this as a volunteer project for them and they're not in any hurry. This stuff has sat there for many decades so far without anyone learning anything new. I hope I can change that. And perhaps one of the other members will know. I believe we have one or two experts in the field. And I've got a few pieces of my own to pop on too over time. Thanks! Dan
    25. Hi Kev, Wow, I didn't know that! I've been able to find very little in my references, etc. on this particular Order. Just out of curiosity, any idea what a case might run for this? My fear has been that it will be well beyond me at the moment. But if one turns up that's not to much I'd definitely be intro'd. Just have no idea what they run. As I say I don't even have any idea what this set would run now... just what I paid for it way back when. Sounds like you really have an adventure going to those meetings. But in a way it sounds like fun. Of course folks think we're nuts for moving from Florida to North Dakota... everyone has this impression that we're in the Artic or something! Oh, as I was not sure where to put this, as it seemed to fit a couple of categories, I also put it over in the Orders, Medals & Decorations of Belgium, France and other European Nations section. Should I write to the moderators and let them sort it out or is it better on this one to have it in both? Sometimes it's just hard to decide where some things go. Well, got to run and hit the bed for now. But hope to be back to posting at some point tomorrow. Very much appreciate your willingness to check on that case for me. I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best. And definitely owe you some pizza's some day. Thanks! Dan
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