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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Hauptmann

    1. Hi Gordon, Many thanks! Very nice tunic! I've seen the miners uniforms and such on Ebay from time to time but never gone for one. Probably should at some point. But really like that. Many thanks, Dan
    2. Hi Gordon, Many thanks for posting that pic and passing along the info on these. Sets my mind at ease. Can't wait for them to arrive... hoping by Saturday (knock on wood!). Now looks like I'll need to get a set of the collar tabs as well. Thanks! Dan
    3. Hi Kevin, The Reich Food Estate (Reichsnahrstand - RNS) was established by Richard Darre after he was appointed Minister of Agriculture in June of 1933. It was formed to regulate agriculture, set prices, production quotas, quality of farm products. Basically it was similar to a Department of Agriculture. I've seen some non-portable awards for this organization in the past... I believe one was on bee keeping. Hope this helps, Dan
    4. Hi all, Just wondered... how hard are these to come by? They're nice stamps and that's yet another hobby I've been in for ages but I'm still far from knowing all there is to know. For all I know I may have some of these in my collection... I've had so many for so long having bought out some bulk groupings in the past. I know I have a bunch of Soviet stamps but this is inspiring me to check for some of these. Thanks, Dan
    5. Hi Charles, Sharp looking uniform and looks to be in great shape. Love those boards... never seen any quite like those. And guess we could say the same about any of the stuff we collect... if only they could talk the history they would pass on. Thanks so much for sharing this one. Great piece and not something we see that often. Dan
    6. Hi Ed, Believe you me, I'm still willing... but either my budget has to get bigger or prices have to get lower. I'm considering entering the lotto with the Mongolian Polar Star but I would fall down on the spot if lightning were to strike twice! But hopefully one way or the other I'll be able to join in on the fun at some point. And the ones I actually like the best are the Order of Combat Valor and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. Dan
    7. Very nice ribbon bars! Would love to get some like those as well as some of the cloth variety with devices if they ever pop up at a good price. And Doc... Charles kind of said what I was tempted to say... "Welcome to the Dark Side." And no... you can't leave. It's kinda like being in the mob. Once you're in... you're in for life. Dan
    8. Hi Paul, So glad to hear you got them to work. So what do you think of them? Dan
    9. Hi David, Wow, really? That things got to be huge! Would certainly take up a ton of room in a collection, that's for sure. I'll have to check my U.S. Army reference on German forces and see if I can find it as they have a ton of that kind of stuff in there. If I find it I'll post a pic. Thanks! Dan
    10. Ahhh yes... another candidate for yet another slippery slope! Welcome aboard Doc! Dan
    11. Hi Paul, Sounds about what I was thinking... but I didn't say as I didn't want to influence what anyone else might say. Hey, did you manage to get those Luftwaffe videos working? They're really great and I think you'll enjoy them immensely so really hoping you got them working okay. Thanks, Dan
    12. Hi Charles, Another beauty! I'm also getting hooked on this one being one of favorites! Dan
    13. Hi Ulster, Now I really like that one... got that green enamel thing going and green is my favorite color! And cased to boot! Love cases too!!!! Great find no matter what it turns out to be. Dan
    14. Hi Naxos, Wow... you can really feel the pain of these troops kept for so long from their homeland. So many went in... so few returned. Must have been absolute agony! I've seen so many of the German troops in defeat in pics and documentary footage and this piece really captures that look and feeling quite well. Never seen another one like it. Great piece! Again thanks so much for sharing these. Dan
    15. Hi Naxos, You're quite welcome. And another absolute beauty! Stunning! Dan
    16. Hi Naxos, Wow, now that's a beautiful piece! Certainly a prize to hang onto. Thanks so much for sharing. Dan
    17. Hi Gerd, Many thanks for the compliment. Sure is nice to start at the top for a change and then worry about the common stuff! It always seems to be the other way round. Dan
    18. Hi Charles, I take it the one to the left is the type you were discussing in your last PM? If so that's definitely the one. Assuming the cases are similar as well? Will keep my fingers crossed. Oh, and I love the deeper blue enamel on the other one! Thanks, Dan
    19. Hi Eric, Many thanks for posting them. Great looking set. Of the few Polish awards I have none have documentation. So hoping someday to be able to go that route with any new awards I pick up down the road. Dan
    20. Hi David, Sorry for any confusion... I'd actually just reposted the pics because my originals were not the greatest... they were taken with my digital camera. So now that I have my scanner I've had a few select items including this one that I wanted to do scans and post them to show more details... in this case more for enjoyment and possibly anyone who wanted to see more details. Believe me, when I got the thumbs up on my original posts that was good enough for me. But I'm always happy for more confirmation so I do deeply appreciate your additional confirmation. In such instances more is always better. And many thanks for your compliment. She's a pretty old girl and I love her more today than I did when I got her. Thanks much, Dan
    21. Hi all, Some beautiful and well designed pieces here. I think this is another area that hasn't come into it's own yet. But I have seen alot more Vietnam related awards on Ebay these last couple of years. I still tend to shy away from them myself as far as collecting them. I grew up with that war on the TV every day and evening on the news plus in the papers, etc. Felt like I was surrounded by it. And to be honest felt it would go on so long that I too would end up going over to serve. And yet when it ended I'll never forget that there was really no reaction in the public over it... at least from my perspective as a kid. I remember riding the bus to school that day... nothing! And after all those years of studying WWI and WWII and seeing how they had all the ticker tape parades and celebrations... people gathering together to cheer the fact that the war was over. But with Vietnam... nothing! Granted it didn't end well for us but you would have thought there would be some kind of reaction. Perhaps we were all just far too numb at that stage to feel very much at that point in time. But I've never been able to bring myself to collect any, especially North Vietnamese pieces. Just too many bad vibes from all those years ago. Dan
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