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    Everything posted by order_of_victory

    1. To me the gold in centre looks to perfect I would say its a converted third Order of Victory
    2. Talking militaia shows does any one know a good militaria show in th UK/Ireland Order of Victory
    3. Glad you like them I do love the subs on theses they look very "cold war cool" Order of Victroy
    4. As per the email I just checked and mine came to a different email addressthan I use for the forum Order of Victory
    5. Here are a group of Soviet Navy Docs If any on can shd any more light on these let me know Order of Victory
    6. Yep I got the same email The thing that got me was on the fake docs thread there is a fake a doc for this medal number Order of Victory
    7. Eric, When I was in Russia a few years ago I wanted to see that McDonalds, but we were advised at the time not to go near any fastfood restaurants in case of Bomb attacks Order of Victory
    8. Thanks guys for the voet of Confidence on Nota Bene, both the Odessa and Sevastopol came from him. The Belgrade came off ebay from a very good seller, I got my HSL from him Order of Victory
    9. I am confident on the Sevastapol because I got it from Nota Bene, Im not confident on the Belgrade though Do you want better pics of that Orde of Victory
    10. The one I posted is on ebay for $60, it was given to managers and VIP's on the opening of the first McDonalds in Moscow. I donl know how many were awraded but this is the first I have seen Order of Victory
    11. This has to be one themost bizare Soviet Break up medals I have seen, a Medal for the Opening of the First Mcdoanalds
    12. Thank Mondvor I just though it was strange that a Irreproachable service medal was in the book Order of Victory
    13. What do you think of this Order Book, it being offered for sale wth the Correct Red Star Order of Victory
    14. Ed, 1. this is date that Garain showed off his gift to Soviet People 2. How are you suposed to know any of the answers to any of the questions posted on this thread? Order of Victory
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