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Not claiming to be a specialist either - but all the few Hannoverian Waterloo medals I have seen show similar fonts, and they all have this king of irregularly aligned naming. Worthy of further research !
Bonjour, It is a variation of the "Officier d'Etat-Major" dolman : http://military-photos.com/brevetes.htm You'll find the same unattached cords with the early Spencers of Officers from both Chasseurs d'Afrique and Spahis. Indeed typical of Douay - though I wouldn't bet the house that no other General wore similar. Bien cdlt, Jérôme
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Bonjour Elmar, Very nice group ! WELTER was posted to the 3e Voltigeurs on 13th April 1856 - after returning from the Crimea. He had served the campaign with the 14e de Ligne (14th Line Infantry). He notably took part in the fights of the night between 23rd and 24th May 1855 (second night of bloody fighting with the Russians) : 'L'action s'engagea à la même heure que la veille. L'élan de ces braves bataillons, appartenant au 46e, eu 98e, au 14e, au 80e, fut irrésistible. Les embuscades furent tournées et enlevées ; l'ennemi, partout enfoncé, se retira en entretenant une fusillade, qui s'apaisa cependant peu à peu et qui finit par s'éteindre. Le génie put aussitôt commencer les travaux et les pousser, malgré la mitraille et les projectiles de toute nature lancés par la place." This is where he was wounded : "Blessé de petites plaies multiples à la face et à l'oeil gauche, le 24 Mai 1855, à l'attaque des embuscades Russes, devant Sébastopol, et par suite de la déflagration de la poudre d'un obus." He was also decorated with the Légion d'honneur for the same fights (ranking from 1st June 1855) : "Capitaine au 14e régiment d'infanterie de ligne ; treize ans de service effectif, deux campagnes, une blessure ; a entraîné sa compagnie avec beaucoup d'entrain et de vigueur." So - besides the Légion d'honneur, the "Sébastopol" Clasp was well earned ! The naming of the AVM matches exactly the style of another know example for the regiment. Great group ! Jerome
An Article from "la Gazette des uniformes" about the Italy Campaign Medal, discussing a little the Models with Crowns - but they are merely described :
Bonjour Graf, Nice medals ! There is no consensus among French Collector about these Medals "with Crown". But : - There is photographic evidence of Italy medals with Crown in wear on period photographs. One from my collection on a 1860 photo (full size medal) : http://www.hussards-photos.com/France/France_CDV_8_Pitois.htm A half-size model on another 1860 photo : http://www.hussards-photos.com/France/France_CDV_8_DeNiort.htm (other photos known). - The general consensus is that this fashion is an idyosincrasy by some officers (mostly) that was tolerated - so models made to look "nicer" at the request of the wearers. - The "Cent-Gardes" nickname has stuck among collectors - however all period photos I know of Cent-Gardes wearing the Italy Campaign medal show them wearing models without crown. You can see some here on this excellent website : http://military-photos.com/ http://military-photos.com/histogardecav.htm So this name of "Cent-Garde" Model has to be retained for what it is : a Collector's colloquial designation (so really "the so called Cent Gardes Model"). - With respect to Mexico and China campaign medals with Crown, they pop up now and again ... and generate a lot of speculation among French collectors ! Some crowned Medals may be modifications made at the request of the recipients - other later modifications by collectors, some very likely with an intent to deceive. I am yet to see any period photograph showing one in wear. On these ones I'll refrain from making any conclusion.. The general hypothesis among collectors is that Italy Campaign Medals with Crowns allowed wearers to have the medals better aligned with other medals worn - esp. if the Italy Campaign Medal was to sit between the much "taller" Légion d'honneur / Crimea Campaign Medal. So an aesthetic choice ; that however is a conjecture, no testimony or text describing these. I am personnally of that opinion - but acknowledge it is, at the present time, merely an "educated guess". (The added Crowns could also be some sort of political statement, showing the Emperor crowned... etc). The general consensus is that they are all "unofficial" and assembled with Crowns as private "jeweller's pieces" - therefore trying to classisfy specific Models of Crowns is a bit of a useless endeavour ; any Crown available may have been used to "enhance" the Medal. As a collector, "Caveat Emptor" - and the consistency of the patina between Medal and Crown is probably the major telltale sign to consider ? Best rgds, Jerome
Bonjour, There were other uniforms too. This is coming from an article in L'Illustration, published 24 June 1905 under the title "Le Péril Jaune". It places the officers as follows : "Seven Chinese Officers, who have already spent 4 years in the Wou-Chang Military Academy, started serving in Germany. 3 are attached to Field Artillery, garrisoned at Wesel, 3 other ones in a Regiment of Hussars, in Düsseldorf, and the last one in the Engineers, at Deutz." The Kürassier looks like the left one of the Hussars ? Cdlt, Jérôme
Bonsoir, Actually a military officer, a Commandant (Major) breveté d'Etat Major. Being posted to an Etat-Major may explain the array of foreign Orders.
Here is more details fro the text : " Art. 1er. - Les Alsaciens-Lorrains qui contractent pendant le cours de la guerre un engagement volontaire au titre d'un des régiments étrangers, recouvrent, sur leur demande et après la signature de leur acte d'engagement, la nationalité française. " Ils peuvent, en conséquence, être incorporés, après l'accomplissement de cette formalité, dans un corps quelconque de l'armée, s'ils remplissent les conditions d'aptitude exigées pour l'arme dont ce corps fait partie. " " Art. 2. - Le bénéfice des dispositions de l'article précédent est également applicable aux Alsaciens-Lorrains, servant dans les régiments étrangers au moment de la déclaration de guerre, qui en feront la demande." " Art. 3. - Le Gouvernement est autorisé à naturaliser sans conditions de résidence les étrangers qui contracteront un engagement pour la durée de la guerre. ". The second part of Article 1 states : "They may, consequently, be incorporated, after the completion of this formality, into any corps of the army, provided they fulfil the conditions of aptitude required." So enlisting in the Foreign Legion was a formality to get to the (automatic) next step - acquiring the French Nationality. It seems that most Alsatians were posted to some African/Colonial Corps - primarily so they would not have to fight against Germany (who would consider them traitors). For those who can read French, here is a page retracing similar fates : http://meyer.famille.free.fr/ahk/index.php?fichier=le_destin_tragique_de_pierre_gross.html
Bonjour, Well it is actually a technicality : your man was actually born in "Haut-Rhin", so he was born German - as in 1895, Alsace was "Reichsland". A French law from 4th August 1914 organized the admission into the Army of men from Alsace and Moselle in the same situation, as well as their "reintegration" into the French nationality : "Les Alsaciens-Lorrains qui contractent pendant le cours de la guerre un engagement volontaire au titre de l’un des régiments étrangers recouvrent, sur leur demande et après la signature de leur acte d’engagement, la nationalité française." Express granting of the French Nationality was subject to prior enlisting for the War. Of course, not being French, he could only enlist as a foreigner, before French Nationality was granted. One can understand that not all young men from Alsace-Lorraine deciding to side with France could be channeled to the same few Regiments, hence the immediate re-routing. More details here (in French) : https://www.cairn.info/revue-critique-de-droit-international-prive-2014-4-page-751.htm
Hi Chris, Been playing with similar ideas myself, and found myself facing the similar questions. Basically what you do not really want - is a book mostly targeting ... yourself as an audience ! ? So a trap is probably the natural desire and pleasure to showcase your favourite pieces. If your book is about the Iron Cross Diplomas - then that should be I guess your entry questions : What will Diploma Collectors be interested in ? What would be their best collecting companion ? A few suggestions : - Generalities Conditions of award (and maybe the texts) ; possibly the IC and the Bavarian Army (what it meant) - Types of Document awarded to Bavaria Troops (& other documents relted to IC awarding, in case they come with letters etc..) - Number of IC awarded along the war - Try to get an idea of Number of Documents awarded per Type - Practical info how to analyse documents - Desireability of the Document (based on a combination of raity, unit prestige, specific actions...) - ..any relevant criteria you can think of (I don't know much about that field). A lot of course depends on what compiled info you can obtain to give bigger figures. Up to you to devise a typology of Documents that suits you. I'd suggest, when coming down to the "sexy" pages of the Regiments/Units, that you include : - Bullet list of main theatres / battes / actions - Casualties of the regiment (always helping to know which ones fought "hard") - If possible, number of IC awarded (by year even better) - Maybe a "Database" of signatures found on documents, so collectors know who signed theirs ? Of course mapping out all that could be included will also help you find out all the "dead angles" where you may be missing info. Basically, if enough info is available, that should help collectors : - Understand their docs and their desireability - Brag to their fellow collectors (never to be underestimated !!) ? - Establish a collection pattern ("how can I sort them out, and what am I looking for next ?") If you want a brilliant example of how a book can be devised on a very connected topic, there has been some absolutely fantastic books on French Medal Brevet documents, prepred by Editions PBCO : http://editions.pb-co.fr/catalogueCollections.html (click on the related images, you'll get to some sample pages ; in French, but you'll see the layout, that may give you ideas for what is relevant) I am a big fan of their work ! Enjoy ! Jérôme
Bonjour, There are more - with a "discount" for Christmas ! ?? https://www.ebay.com/itm/6-x-Photos-Leib-Husar-Totenkopf-Leibhusaren-Danzig/373407738964?hash=item56f0d5ec54:g:h5sAAOSwlHdf6JLp Now if you look at the photo to the right (outlined in red), I'm pretty sure that the basis is a CDV of ....Kronprinz Friedrich-Wilhelm, in his uniform as Colonel en Chef of the ... Russian 11th Izyumski Hussars ! (can't find it right now, but a well-known CDV by Levitsky). Heavily doctored to add up a Prussian Pelzmütze and blacken out the cuff braiding. So - fake. (now is anyone surprised ?) Jerome (note the arrows have disappeared !)
Following up on this one : this CDV is coming from an early 1860s HR6 regimental album. Whereas there is no identification on the photo, the "Geschichte des Königl. Preuss. 6. Husaren-Regiments" gives us at least a "suspect" : "Gefecht von Weißenfels den 12. September. (Nota : 1813) Die Avantgarde des Corps rückte bis Weißenfels. Dieses wurde mit Anbruch des 12. angegriffen. Der zahlreiche Feind vertheidigte sich schwach und verließ um 10 Uhr die Stadt. Die Thore waren verrammelt. Husaren saßen ab und öffneten sie. Die Franzosen wurden nun herausgejagt und mit einigen Escadrons bis Freiburg lebbaft verfolgt, wobei 1 General, 1 Oberst, 16 Officiere, 1100 Mann, nebst einer beträchtlichen Bagage gefangen und erbeutet wurden (Hüttel giebt 1 General, 29 Officiere, 1254 Gefangene an). Es war dies die oben erwähnte, von v. Eicke erkundete Abtheilung. Wachtmeister Meyer des Regiments ( zur Zeit Unterofficier der 2. Esc. ), bei dieser Affaire detachirt, stand unter dem Befehl eines österreichischen Ober-Lieutenants, von dessen Commando 4 Mann gefangen wurden. Es gelang Meyer mit einigen seiner Husaren, dieselben herauszubauen, wofür derselbe auf Verwendung jenes Ober-Lieutenants die österreichische Tapferkeits-Medaille erhielt. " Meyer, who also got the EK2, was still alive in 1860. Nowhere near a definitive identification, but an interesting possibility ! Jerome
Bonjour Cowboy, Below my impression, as a photo collector, of the scans you're showing. It is a bit chancy to take conclusions without seeing the physical material piece, but here I'll take my chances. Interesting to note, the cardboard backing of the CDV appears to be quite thick - as was typical of CDVs of a "later" era than when a Veteran would have been photographed (1880s-1890s). Craton used in the 1860s was generally very thin. It may be an optical effect of your scan - but this is corroborrated by the photographer - noted as active c.1881 in New Jersey : http://gary.saretzky.com/photohistory/njphotographers.html The sitter appearing to be in his 70s, there is something at first a bit puzzling, as the dates don't seem to add up. However, it is also my impression that the photo is a period contretype of an earlier CDV (photo of a photo). Basically a reproduction of an earlier photo, generally for family purposes. Impression stemming from a certain blurry quality of the photo, but mostly the lower right corner, showing sign of the delimitation of the previous print : Which would mean that the photo was reproduced in New Jersey c.1881. It does not mean that the original was not photographed in the US - in fact we would never know. The fact that this would be a second printing would actually be a good sign for the Medal to be indeed the Hannoverian Waterloo i.m.h.o. Very nice find ! Bien cordialement, Jérôme
Bonjour Numis, "FAVA (Tomaso-Toscano), capitaine de la goëlette toscane l'Alberico; ANDRIEUX (Maur-Antoine), maître de port à Bône ; BOSQUE (Jean-André), matelot de 1re classe ; et LARRIEU (Pierre), premier canonnier au 5e régiment d'artillerie à Oran. Ces quatre individus ont fait des efforts courageux, lors de la tempête qui a éclaté dans la nuit du 11 au 12 avril 1839 sur le littoral des possessions françaises du nord de l'Afrique, pour porter des secours aux navigateurs dont les navires ont été brisés sur la côte. Médaille d'argent à chacun d'eux, le 25 juillet 1839." Some details on the Storm in "Histoire de Philippeville", (1852): "Stora, épargné par l'ouragan de la nuit du 11 au 12 avril 1839, parut alors le meilleur port de la côte de l'Est. Pendant cette nuit malheureuse, de violentes raffales chargées de torrents de pluie et de grêle, soulevèrent une mer terrible. De Bougie à Tabarca sur la côte de Tunis, le rivage fut couvert de débris. Douze navires arrachés du mouillage du Cassarin furent jetés sur la plage de Bône; mais des quarante-huit navires ou bateaux mouillés à Stora, pas un ne courut le moindre danger." In "DE L'ÉTABLISSEMENT DES FRANÇAIS DANS LA RÉGENCE D'ALGER, ET DES MOYENS D’EN ASSURER LA PROSPÉRITÉ" (1839): "Enfin, celle qui a éclaté dans la nuit du 11 au 12 avril 1839 est encore un argument contre le port de cette ville (Bône). Onze navires ont été jetés à la côte, et deux ont péri corps et biens. Sept bateaux corailleurs et deux bateaux maures en ont également été victimes ; les premiers, entre le cap Nègre et le cap Lenat, et les seconds, à Bougie." In "CORRESPONDANCE DU MARECHAL VALEE : 1839" "Dans la nuit du 11 au 12 avril , les deux petits bâtiments de l ' Etat « la Seybouse » et « la Tafna » , en rade près de la pointe du fort Cigogne à Bône, ont couru beaucoup de dangers et toutefois ont été sauvés. Douze bâtiments de commerce , dont cinq français , trois sardes , trois toscans et un autrichien , au mouillage de Cassarin, se sont échoués entre le caravansérail et l'abattoir. Deux seulement ont été perdus , l' un d'eux est le trois-mâts autrichien « I veri amici" ; le lendemain, un brig-goëlette chargé de foin et de chaux pour Philipeville a pris feu et n'a pu être sauvé. De tous les équipages des bâtiments, cinq hommes seulement ont été noyés. Les rapports officiels ont fait connaître ceux des marins de l'Etat qui se sont le plus distingués dans cette déplorable circonstance et qui ont contribué par des efforts inouïs à sauver un grand nombre de leurs camarades . Ce sont Andrieux, maître du port, Martin , quartier-maître de la « Seybouse » ; Bosque , Sahreck , Rostan , Salman , Ferdinand et Palmiéri , matelots de la direction du port ; Drogur et Lagarde, de la "Tafna". Il sera fait incessamment des propositions à leur égard. Le général commandant la subdivision de Bône s' exprime ainsi au sujet de M . Fortin , lieutenant de vaisseau , commandant du port : « Si les désastres de cette malheureuse nuit n' ont pas été plus grands , on doit l ' attribuer au sang-froid de cet officier, à son expérience, à son courage et surtout à ses exemples. Au-delà de La Calle, sur le territoire de Tunis, les pertes ont été plus considérables parmi les corailleurs. Sept bâtiments échoués près de Tabarka ont perdu 48 hommes de leurs équipages et les débris des bâtiments ainsi que les effets qu' ils contenaient ont été pillés par les Arabes. Je m' adresse au consul français de la Régence de Tunis pour obtenir satisfaction. A Bougie , deux bateaux maures et un toscan ont été jetés à la côte et brisés ; personne n'a péri . A Mers el-Kebir , quelques avaries ont eu lieu , mais on n'a pas eu de pertes d'hommes à déplorer. Le port de Stora a été le seul qui, pendant cette tempête, a offert un abri sûr et tranquille. Cette circonstance établit encore davantage la confiance des marins sur les avantages que l'on peut en attendre, surtout lorsque les travaux projetés seront exécutés."
Bonjour, I am a bit puzzled with the early 1900s Japanese blue uniform for Line Cavalry. Most period colored illustrations (Ukiyo-e) shows pattern as per following Uniform Plates : Blue Attila, Red Breeches, green collar and green band on breeches, yellow attila braiding and yellow cap band. The above is from Sino-Japanese War ("Our Cavalry Scouts Reconnoitering the Enemy Camp at Fengtienfu", my collection), but period books on the Russo-Japanese War generally say that cap band is red for Imperial Guard, and yellow for rest of the army (except special odd cases, medical and commissariat). However, the superb illustration on cover of the Osprey book is showing Cavalry officer in Winter Uniform with green band on blue cap. Same green bands depicted in Ritta Nakanishi's "Japanese Military Uniforms 1841-1929" : Same book shows next "Divisional Cavalry" (figures 4 and 8) with Yellow Cap Band : So I'm puzzled ?? Was there a change at some point in these years ? Is it a difference between divisional and independent division Cavalry ? Thanks for clearing that one up ! Bien cordialement, Jérôme
Great pics, sweet ! The Lieutenant-Colonel is Eugène-Isidore Pinet. He went to Mexico as a Sergent in the 95e de Ligne, sailing on 23 August 1862. He was promoted a Sous-Lieutenant in the Régiment Etranger on 5 April 1865. He left Mexico in 1867, sailing back to Algeria, where he landed on 17 April. (Much !) later, he joined 55e de Ligne as a Lieutenant-Colonel, on 11 October 1894. Cheers ! Jerome
Bonsoir Dave, The stamp you are showing seems to be saying "COSTUMIER" or "COSTUMIERE". The design of the Domans certainly looks like pre-1830 (probably Napoleonic) ; but from the photos, the pieces don't look to be period - I'd venture costumes for theatre (or cinema). Such repro uniforms have been around since at least mid-XIXth century. Rgds, Jerome
My pleasure Jim. As it stands, the Crimea medal is correct with its "Sebastopol" clasp. Bien cordialement, Jérôme
bonjour, Looks like the Légion d'honneur was hard-earnt too ; the 1862 decree states : "Meneboode (Benoît-Charles-Henri) , lieutenant au quatre-vingt-onzième régiment d'infanterie de ligne; vingt ans de service effectif, 8 campagnes, 3 blessures." (20 years service, 8 campaigns, 3 wounds) 91e de Ligne was the old 16e Léger ; and it seems to have been a family affair, as the 1852 Annuaire Militaire shows a MENEBOODE as "Capitaine d'Habillement" au 16e Léger - his uncle as it seems from a genealogical website... Benoît-Charles-Henry MENEBOODE was a Sergent-Major in the 5e Compagnie of the 1er Bataillon of the 91e de Ligne (Capitaine DE POILLOUE DE ST-MARS) when the Company embarked at Philippeville (Algeria) on 14 January 1855 (Morning). They disembarked at Constantinople on 22nd inst, evening. They embarked there on the morning of 1st March, to reach Kamiesch on 5th, evening. That Compagnie was re-numbered 1re Compagnie of the 3e Bataillon. Its Captain was detached as Officier d'Ordonnance of the Général de Division. The Compagnie took part in the 18 June 1855 attack, colloquially called "Mamelon Vert" ; half the regiment was killed or wounded there, inluding 20 officers. MENEBOODE's compagnie lost its 2 officers there - Lieutenant ANOT, killed in action, and Sous-Lieutenant MALLAY, taken prisonner by the Russians. On 23 June, MENEBOODE transferred to the Grenadiers Company of the1er Bataillon, replacing in this Elite Company Sergent-Major ORSAL who had been killed on 18th June. He would not stay long with them, being commissioned a Sous-Lieutenant by the Général en Chef commandant l'Armée d'Orient on 29th June, and assigned to his former Compagnie (1re of the 3e Bataillon), now depleted of officers as we saw. MENEBOODE entered the Ambulance on 21st July. I cannot say is this is due to a wound, or sickness. He was evacuated from the Crimea, and sent back to Dunkirk (this is dated 2nd September, but I cannot say for sure if this is the date he left, or the date he reached). MENEBOODE was promoted to Lieutenant, decree dated 23rd September 1855 and received by the regiment on 3rd October, and transferred to the 4e Compagnie of the 2e Bataillon of the Regiment. While on sick leave, his health apparently deteriorated, as he was admitted into Dunkerque hospital on 25 November 1855. Discharged on 30 december, his sick-leave was extended by another 3 months. He made back for Marseille on 24th February 1856, was admitted into Marseille hospital on 27th, and discharged on 11 March 1856. On 15th March morning, he ...embarked for the Crimea, disembarking at Kamiesch on 5th April afternoon. He would eventually leave the Crimea with his Compagnie the next month, embarking at Kamiesch on 13th May (morning), and finally disembarking at Marseille on 25th inst., afternoon. Cheers ! Jerome