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    Posted (edited)

    PaulBear - NICE! You picked up an exceptional TeNo Ausweis, both in its condition, and based upon the information which it shows, that:

    (1) The TN Nothelfer was a very young man (born 28.11.1917) and was age 19 when he entered the TN on 14.12.1936;

    (2) He was assigned to the Signal's section, which was a part of the AD (Allgemeine Dienst);

    (3) He was 'vereidigt' (sworn in) on 9.10.1937, some 10 months after his entry date. [i don't have any information about the 'swearing in' - so this Ausweis notation is exceptionally interesting to me.]

    (4) His Ortsgruppe Stempel is for XI/6, listing Eiselben as the OG city.

    ......... XI stands for the Landesgruppe Mitteldeutschland (as of the 1934 'Die R?der' publication.)

    (5) But, BEST of All (to me) is the notation (bottom edge, under Photo page) of him being issued / awarded the TN Zivilabzeichen Nr. 38170. [i've now seen this on 4 TN Ausweis, and it is Super to find!)

    ? NOW, what is not yet clearly known is: Was this the Enamel (Red & Black) Pin with the Nadel (needle / lapel pin) - or was it for the Enamel (Red & Black) Pin, without a needle / lapel pin?

    ? My Belief (but, which I can not yet prove) is that the referenced "Zivilabzeichen Nr. 38170" was for a numbered TN Enameled Lapel Type Pin.

    Hopefully, the new book (hopefully released soon), "German Police, Vol. 2" will have information in the TN Chapter which may help us to clarify the two (2) different TN Enameled Pins:

    * * * Red & Black Lapel Pin Type &

    * * * Red & Black No Lapel Pin (Transverse / Horizontal Catch) Type.

    ? ? ? (Both of which were 'usually' numbered, BUT which had quite different reverse side features.)

    There may also be other interesting aspects which I may have missed.

    You have a Jewel of a TN Ausweis! CONGRATS! .... Best, Dave/dblmed

    Edited by dblmed
    Posted (edited)

    THANKS DAVE , I have developed a new pipeline for TENO and this is the first item to suface from his hoarde of papers so with luck more will show up. LOVE that TENO STUFF.


    Edited by paulbear

    Excellent TENO item Paul, thanks for showing and please keep them coming. I've been checking some of the bigger dealer sites this weekend and there is a real scarcity of TENO items out there!


    YES everything is very scarce for this org but the hunt is fun and I think it has brought together some great members of the community where the history has been and is being slowly put together like no other area of the TR hobby. I still need a single right collar my biggest want these days.



    here is a view through glass of my little hoarde hope you can see everything you will note it needs more stuff so outright donations are prefered but will spend also :}


    Paul, WOW... You've got a SUPER TeNo Collection!

    Neat, that it is cross-sectional of various eras of the TN!

    Love that NCO/EM Hauer and the Cased TN Honor Badge (Ehrenabzeichen) - and ALL the other TN items.

    3 of your items hold a real interest for me!

    When you have time, could you scan (Front and Back) of these three? - they are quite special indeed.

    I believe that the TN Armband is either pre-33 TeNo or 1940+ Dutch TN (Technische Noodhulp) - with the same two considerations also for the great Oval TN Patch.

    That 'Cut Out' Eagle is a real interest to me, & I want to see "IF" it was made that way - or, whether the post 42 TN Officers cut it down, to look more like their new parent, the SS - SS/Polizei.

    (The Same one is shown on page 473 of "Defending the Reich" - the Officer on the far RIGHT - I was surprised that this "previously Unseen" TN Eagle type was not commented upon in the book. Subsequently, I have acquired 2 different Photos of Officers wearing your "cut out" or factory made, TN Sleeve Eagle.)

    Great TN Collection Paul.... Thanks for Sharing(!) .... Dave/dblmed


    Paul ..you've been holding out on us !! Fantastic selection but , now that the Cat is out of the TENO Bag ..you're going to have to crack open that case and share a few closeup shots with us :cheers:


      paulbear said:
    here is a view through glass of my little hoarde hope you can see everything you will note it needs more stuff so outright donations are prefered but will spend also :}


    AMAZING. :beer:

    All the best


    • 2 weeks later...

    Paul, Thanks for the lead on the 2 TeNo pins! Hopefully someone picked up these nice items for their collection.

    While you are busy at it scanning, I'll slip this TeNo item in.

    TeNo Sports Patch

    I just bought a long term TeNo collection & this Super Red & Black TN Sports Patch was in the mix.

    There is another TN Sports Patch on page 288 of "Defending the Reich" which is not printed in color. So the TeNo / TN may have used two models of their Sports Patch.

    It measures 4.25" in diameter and seems to have been printed in a 'Silk Screen' type of process - using one color, followed by the next color. There are some small over runs of red color, which makes me think that this is the case.

    TeNo Sports Patch - FRONT ...Txs, Dave/dblmed


    Paul .....A Great TeNo "Cut Out" Eagle! ...That is a Rare Bird, IMO.

    I first saw your Eagle in "Defending the Reich" pg 473, Officer on the Right - and was amazed! No comment was made in the text, but this is a TeNo Eagle which is NOT found in the Regulations!

    ?1) Can you tell 'IF' it was Manufactured in this "Cut Out" configuration - or - "IF" it appears to be a TeNo Blue Triangle patch Eagle, which has been altered, to be "Cut Out?" (I studied your photo of a definitely Uniform worn Eagle, but can't tell for sure.)

    ?2) Below are 2 photos of your TeNo "Cut Out" Eagle in wear. (The size also confirms that this is NOT a visor eagle, which was just worn on the sleeve. Also confirmatory, is that the TN Visor eagle's head faced to the Right, not to the Left, as on the Sleeve Eagle types. So, this is a different Eagle.)

    LEFT Photo - Worn on a field-grey TN Uniform, with interesting Green Collar & configuration.

    RIGHT Photo - Nice Portrait Photo (w the TN Dagger) worn on a (probable) field-grey TN Uniform also.

    ?3) I enlarged each TeNo "Cut Out" Eagle for better detail. (Looks just like yours!)

    ?4) I can't prove it, but my 'hunch' is that this TeNo "Cut Out" Eagle configuration was done - to more closely mirror the TN's parent organization - SS/Police, as the TN transitioned into that organization.

    ..... Interesting stuff!!! .....Txs, Dave/dblmed


    hI JUDGING FROM THE SOFT HIGH QUALITY BACKING THIS IS a manufactured cut out eagle never had any fold ins. Was made facing left as for any high quality breast or SS sleeve eagle.



    A new arrival from Germany is this unit photograph. The rear of this postcard sized image bears a printed photographers stamp from the town of Belzig which I believe is in the Brandenburg area of Germany.


    Coldstream - You've gotten a very nice TeNo Reichsschule Belzig "Graduation / Class" Photo - CONGRATS!!

    (The TN Classes seem to have always taken their final Photo, in from of the stairs and small balcony.)

    Each Reichsschule Class / Lehrgang was for a 2 week duration & was noted in the man's TN Ausweis.

    Yes, seeing both the 1 and 2 button White Working Uniforms (Drillich) is a great find.

    For your own collection, do a Hi-Res Scan & check out each man, for uniform details - which is fun to do.

    Having a Postmark is a real PLUS, because it helps to date the TN Class. From the few leaves on the trees,

    the time of year looks like either early Spring - or ealy Fall (IMO) Since everyone is wearing White, I'd

    guess that it is an earlier date vs. a later date.

    What DATE is the Postmark? That will be fun to find out! Thanks for sharing.... Dave/dblmed


    Postally unused I'm afraid :banger: I'll take your advice and scan each individual and see what I come up with.

    For a multiperson Photo, like your Belzig class, I'd scan at 1,200 dpi (or at least 600 dpi) - so you can look carefully at

    each of the persons.

    Sometimes there is a small detail in 1-2 guys - like a different cap eagle, or sleeve eagle, which "Pops UP."

    Some of the fun things to look for / hope to find in TN Photos, as "General" time indicators - are:

    • Sidecaps - Blue was 1st Color, with Field-Grey added in 1939
    • Visors - TN Visor Eagle in 1935 - Oakleaf M?tzenkranz thru late 1935, then Laurel Leaf M?tzenkranz 1936
    • LT. Sleeve Eagle - (Dunkleblau) 1935 (but the older Square TN Armscriebe was authorized to be worn also, until 1937)
    • LT. Sleeve Green 'Work Uniform' Eagle Patch - definitely pre-1939, will need to review my Notes for a better date...
    • Shoulder Boards - RT. Only - Pre-1936
    • Shoulder Boards - RT. & LT. - (1st Dual Style) 1936-1940 - then- (2nd Dual Style) 1940-mid 1943
    The fun .... is in the Details! .... Best, Dave/dblmed
    • 2 weeks later...

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