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    Unidentified WW2 Heer / Waffen SS / Polizei Signatures

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    • 7 months later...

    Hi Gentleman,


    Trying to identify this signature on a 1939 EKI certificate. The commander general of the 9th army at that time was the Generaloberst Adolf Strauß but the signature doesn't match. 


    Any help is appreciated. 






    Screenshot_20230819_145702_Samsung Internet.jpg

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    • 1 month later...

    Hello Gents,

    Although this is not my usual thing to buy I saw this, thought it was an interesting thing and I nabbed it.



    I thought maybe I’d add it here because of the signature and stamp if nothing else.







    Paula, Josef

    Josef Paula

    8 September 1915


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    • 1 month later...

    I'm struggling to identify this signature of an Oberstleutnant und Kommandeur der Schutzpolizei in Kiel in 1940. I thought it looked like 'Betzel' but nothing seems to come up with a search for those details.


    Could it be Hermann Keuper who would go on to command Polizei-Rgt Nord in 1941?



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    Another one to identify if possible.

    The 1936 DAL for 25.Division confirms the surname as Ziegler but that is the only place I can find it. There are two Ziegler's in 'Die Dienstlaufbahnen der Offiziere des Generalstabes des deutschen Heeres 1935-45 Vol 1 & 2' by Christian Zweng but neither are this particular individual, or at least don't mention 25.Division.

    I would have thought that if he was an Oberst in 1936 then he would have made General rank at some point or retired but neither of that is helping. It also isn't future General der Artillerie Heinz Ziegler as he wasn't an Oberst until 1938.



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    • 3 weeks later...

    Not an exact unknown but a name that is lacking in details. I know that the surname is Golden. Pre-war he was an instructor at Kriegsschule Dresden and as a Major was Kdr of Pz.Abw.Abt 5. As can be seen here, he is Kdr of Pz.Jäg.Abt 125 with the rank of Oberstleutnant in late 1940. In the 1944/45 list he is present with the rank of Oberst but from 1940 onwards I cannot find any mention of him and his surname doesn't lend itself to an easy search. Plus, I cannot find out his first name - the Volksbund has a Max Golden listed as dying in a Russian PoW camp. He is given a birth year of 1903 (which I judge would match a senior officer's period of birth) but he hasn't been given a rank or date of death.



    Golden (Pz.Abw.Abt 5 - pre-war).jpg

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    Not Max, but Hans. I think I posted the bio on AHF, but I can't find a link.


    Golden, Hans Ernst

    *02.11.1895 in Düsseldorf

    †17.01.1946 in [?] [bestattet in Dürrheim]


    Vater: Ernst Carl Philipp Adam Thomas Golden, Generalmajor a.D., *05.01.1858
    Mutter: Elisabeth (Else) Ottilie, geb. Bender, *01.02.1874, †09.11.1925
    Ehefrau: Käthe, geb. Reerink, *12.02.1902, verheiratet den 10.08.1923
    2 Töchter (*1925 / *1930)


    07.02.1915 Fähnrich
    02.06.1915 Leutnant (Patent vom 19.12.1915 später erhalten)
    30.03.1920 Charakter als Oberleutnant a.D.
    01.05.1924 Leutnant mit RDA vom 01.04.1918 (5a)
    31.07.1925 Oberleutnant mit RDA vom 01.04.1925 (674)
    02.03.1929 anderw. RDA vom 01.04.1925 (319a) erhalten
    01.02.1932 Hauptmann (13)
    01.03.1936 Major (77)
    01.06.1939 Oberstleutnant (13)
    01.02.1942 Oberst (197)


    15.08.1914 als Fahnenjunker in das Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 77 eingetreten
    30.04.1916 in das Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 73 versetzt
    15.01.1917 in das Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 232 versetzt
    11.02.1917 mit der Führung der 12. Kompanie des Reserve-Infanterie-Regiments Nr. 232 beliehen
    28.09.1917 in das Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 89 versetzt
    12.10.1917 Führer der 12. Kompanie des Grenadier-Regiments Nr. 89 (bis 21.03.1918)
    10.01.1919 in das Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 77 zurückversetzt
    25.03.1919 als Adjutant zum Landwehrbezirk Celle kommandiert (bis 23.09.1919)
    30.03.1920 verabschiedet
    01.05.1924 in die 6. (Preußische) Kraftfahr-Abteilung wieder angestellt
    17.12.1924 in die 6. (Preußische) Sanitäts-Abteilung versetzt
    01.10.1925 zu einem Waffenschullehrgang in Dresden kommandiert (bis 15.02.1926)
    07.10.1930 zum kraftfahrtechnischen Offizierlehrgang in Berlin kommandiert (bis 13.02.1931)
    10.01.1933 zu einem taktisch-technischen Offizierlehrgang beim Kraftfahr-Lehrstabe kommandiert (bis 31.03.1933)
    01.03.1933 mit dem 01.04.1933 in die 1. (Preußische) Kraftfahr-Abteilung versetzt
    01.10.1934 Chef der 2. Kompanie der Kraftfahr-Abteilung Allenstein (laut Stellenbesetzung)
    15.10.1935 in der Panzerabwehr-Abteilung 11 (laut Stellenbesetzung)
    20.04.1936 mit dem 01.05.1936 in die Kriegsschule Dresden versetzt
    06.10.1936 Lehrer und Aufsichtsoffizier an der Kriegsschule Dresden (laut Stellenbesetzung)
    12.10.1937 Lehrer und Aufsichtsoffizier an der Kriegsschule Dresden (laut Stellenbesetzung)
    10.11.1938 Kommandeur der Panzerabwehr-Abteilung 5 (laut Stellenbesetzung)
    01.10.1940 Kommandeur der Panzerjäger-Abteilung 125
    12.06.1941 m.W.v. 29.05.1941 Führerreserve Wehrkreis V
    17.01.1942 m.W.v. 05.01.1942 zur Heeres-Kontroll-Inspektion der Deutschen Waffenstillstands-Kommission vers. (Kommandeur der Kontroll-Delegation Mittelmeerküste Wastika)
    27.08.1942 m.W.v. 27.07.1942 Führerreserve WKr. V (im Lazarett)
    24.08.1943 m.W.v. 07.06.1943 Führerreserve OKH unter gleichzeitiger Kommandierung zum Militär-Befehlshaber in Frankreich
    12.11.1943 Führerreserve Wehrkreis V unter Aufhebung seines Kommandos zum Militär-Befehlshaber in Frankreich (im Lazarett)
    01.05.1944 Führerreserve OKH unter gleichzeitiger Kommandierung zum Bevollmächtigten Generale der Deutschen Wehrmacht in Italien
    01.05.1944 zur Militär-Kommandantur 1006 kommandiert
    28.05.1944 zur Leitkommandantur Florenz kommandiert
    01.08.1944 Kommandant der Militär-Kommandantur 1003
    25.08.1944 Führerreserve OKH (V)


    Edited by Dave Danner
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    • 5 weeks later...

    This one is already in the database as just a surname but I have been going through the Heer list today and trying to add first names to those listed as just a surname, something that has had a good deal of success, and I think this one is a good candidate for adding the elusive first name.

    According to a 1939 list of officers there are four Weidermann. Of those four, one (Friedrich) was already a Major in 1938 and another (Kurt) was in the Kriegsakademie and was serving at the Armeekorps level in 1940 so it is not them. That leaves Hans-Erich Weidemann (Born 07 Oct 1909, Died 13 Apr 1944 as an Oberstleutnant) and in 1939 he was serving as a Zugführer in 2./MG-Btl 48 and another Friedrich Weidemann who was serving in Stab Heeresreit-und Fahrschule Hannover in 1939 but instead of Hauptmann his rank was titled as Rittmeister in Oct 1939. If I had to, I would put my money on Hans-Erich but I can not find any other details of his service career to confirm or rule out his stint as Kp-Chef of 20.(Fla)/Inf.Rgt GD for the date shown of 01 Nov 1940. Or is it another Weidemann?



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    • 4 weeks later...

    This signature has been identified as Ernst Kieckhoefer while at WBK Korbach (if Invenio records are correct then it could be Ernst Adolph Walter Karl (Born 20.3.1887)). From what I can find out his highest rank was Oberst  (01 Nov 1940) and he was also the Kdr of WBK Gotha in 1939. But can anyone add anymore details to flesh him out please?


    On Ancestry there is a mention of a Leutnant (and Oberleutnant) Ernst Kieckhoefer being wounded in German East Africa in WW1 and a snippet from The National Archives (FO 383/58) mentions a Lt Ernst Kieckhoefer being a severely wounded prisoner from German East Africa and being held as a PoW in  Ahmednagar, India before being repatriated in an exchange around 1915 - is this the same person?










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    Kieckhoefer, Ernst Adolph Walter Karl
    *20.3.1887 in Würtemberg, Oels


    He served in IR 140 from 1906 to 1913, when he was transferred to the Schutztruppe. He was shot in the head on 9.9.1914 and was a British POW from then until 25.11.16 when he was exchanged. He served in the Kommando der Schutztruppen im Reichskolonialamt in 1917, and was transferred to IR 51 in January 1918. He was carried over into the Reichswehr, serving as Adjutant of the Kommandantur Neuhammer and in the 8.IR until his discharge in 1930. He was then an L-Angestellter (Kreisleiter im Kreis Brandenburg Stadt) from 1930-1933.


    01.10.1933 beim Infanterie-Führer III in das L-Offizierkorps übernommen
    01.05.1934 Adjutant des Bezirks-Kommandos Potsdam I
    01.08.1936 Kommandeur des Wehrbezirks-Kommandos Korbach
    03.11.1938 Kommandeur des Wehrbezirks-Kommandos Gotha
    28.12.1939 Kommandant des Stalags Ziegenhain
    10.01.1940 im Luftwaffen-Lazarett Gotha (bis 19.03.1940)
    20.03.1940 Führerreserve Wehrkreis IX
    15.05.1940 Kommandeur des Wehrbezirks-Kommandos Gotha
    28.05.1940 Kommandant des Truppenübungsplatzes Neuhammer
    31.12.1942 Führerreserve OKH
    15.01.1943 Kommandant des Truppenübungsplatzes La Valdahon
    03.09.1944 Führerreserve OKH
    26.11.1944 Kommandeur des Wehrbezirks-Kommandos Hersfeld


    16.08.1907 Leutnant
    27.01.1915 Oberleutnant
    25.11.1916 Hauptmann
    01.02.1930 Major
    01.10.1933 Major a.D. mit RDA vom 01.02.1930
    05.03.1935 Major (E)
    01.11.1936 Ordnungsnummer (20) zum RDA vom 01.02.1930 erhalten
    01.03.1937 Oberstleutnant (E) (11)
    01.11.1940 Oberst (E) (9)
    01.06.1941 Oberst mit RDA vom 01.11.1940 (43)

    Edited by Dave Danner
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    • 3 weeks later...

    Next one is this one. Holds the position of Kommandeur of WBK Siegen in June 1939. The only name I can find is dated January 1939 which is Wilhelm Reuter (Born: 12th March 1884 & Died 29th Jan 1945) and promoted to Oberst 1st February 1942 but I just can't see that name in the signature. Can anyone confirm if he was still in that position for the date shown?




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    And in addition to the one above, does anyone have the signature of future Generalleutnant Eugen Demoll to compare with these ones please?

    In the sole service history I have found, he took over as Kdr Wehrbezirkskommando Ludwigshafen on 15th May 1936 which would fit the dates, but is it possible that the signature is that of his predecessor? The first letter in the signature looks like a B but I can also see the ...ll at the end so am 50:50 at the moment as to what to think.





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    • 3 months later...
    Posted (edited)

    Would anyone happen to have an information on this signature of an Oberstleutnant Piedmont of Wehrbezirkskommando Trier I / XII.Armeekorps in 1940?

    Bundesarchiv has a file to an Oberst Claus Piedmont (Born 17-09-1882) but it is not available to access at the moment. And that year of birth tallies with a Claus Piedmont of a wine dynasty that served in WW1 (https://www.piedmont.de/weingut.html) and who died in 1953. This GMIC thread mentions him wearing an award in the painting seen at the above link - I assume HHOX refers to the House Order of Hohenzollern in the thread title  - 


    But other than those little snippets I can find no mention of military service - even Claus Piedmont's service after 1933 and during WW2 (if this is him) is brushed over if you click on his image on the Piedmont website.





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