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    Grenztruppen der DDR, Orden, Preise, Ehrentitel, Medaillen, Abzeichen

    Milit?rverlag der DDR (VEB) Berlin, 1. Edition 1982

    Envelope with 22 cards

    With 1 example:



    • 3 weeks later...

    About how many pages are in the book?


    Hi Paul,

    post 4: "A very nice DDR(1977) published book"

    I do not believe that it is published in 1977.

    That is the book cover of the second edition 1983.

    The first edition is from 1980:




    Hi Jon,

    both books:

    Orden, Preise und Medaillen, 1. edition 1980


    Orden und Medaillen, 2. edition 1983 (2. verbesserte und erg?nzte Auflage), I found only some changes

    have 200 pages.




    Thanks, Uwe. Could you post a picture of a (random) page within the book?

    Hi Jon,

    both books:

    Orden, Preise und Medaillen, 1. edition 1980


    Orden und Medaillen, 2. edition 1983 (2. verbesserte und erg?nzte Auflage), I found only some changes

    have 200 pages.




    Hi Jon,

    I have looked for different pages in the different editions.

    In the 2. edition they added some decorations, e.g. "Milit?rischer Verdienstorden/Milit?rische Verdienstmedaille"

    Left: 1. edition

    Right: 2. edition




    Thanks Uwe. I just won an ebay aucton for the 1980 auflage, and was just curious about what the book's layout was like.

    Again, Thanks.




    Gordon posted the NVA Kalender 1990.

    The first I have in my collection is the "Taschenkalender NVA 1958"

    I hope, it is the first (NVA). The oldest DDR-Kalender in my collection is a "Taschenkalender Kasernierte Volkspolizei 1956" KVP.

    Taschenkalender der Nationalen Volksarmee 1958

    Verlag des Ministeriums f?r Nationale Verteidigung, (1957)

    216 pages




    Hi Gordon,

    there are some more!

    Taschenkalender der Kasernierten Volkspolizei 1956

    Verlag des Ministeriums des Innern (1955)

    256 pages




    Orden und Ehrenzeichen der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik

    Historisches Museum

    Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, 1964

    64 pages




    Gesetzblatt der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik

    Sonderdruck Nr. 952

    Staatsverlag der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, 1978

    80 pages

    With many interesting information about DDR awards!!


    For example:

    Blue mark: how many awards per year

    Red mark: what you receive (medal, document, pin etc.), and how much money comes with the award.



    • 2 weeks later...

    Last but not least, one of my favorites.

    Medaillen und Abzeichen

    Medals and Badges

    Amt f?r Information der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik

    Information Department of the German Democratic Republic

    Stand vom 1. Juli 1951

    Position on July 1. 1951

    Front and Back of the book:

    • 2 months later...

    Wow gents, I just asked on another thread if there was a book I could buy on DDR medals, and here is dozens! Looks like the children are on bread and water for another week! :cheeky:

    • 5 months later...
    Posted (edited)

    I don't know if it's been mentioned on this forum before but renowned Stasi collector Ralph Pickard published a book at the end of 2007 called Stasi Decorations and Memorabilia; A Collector's Guide. What an outstanding book, I got it in December and am still going though it, there is just to much rich detail to absorb at once. Here is the text from his ad in the February 2008 Military Trader for those who might not be familar with the book:

    New book now available about the DDR Ministry for State Security (MfS) awards and documents. This book is essential to East German collectors, researchers, historians or anyone interested in the first book that describes the awards and other unique items worn and carried by members of the STASI organization. This book illustrates in detail some of the DDRs most interesting medals and in particular the award documents presented ot the STASI members during the mid 1950s through the end of the 1980s.

    This hard cover 260 page book with dust jacket, has over 400 color photographs including time-line charts relating to the DDR award documents.

    To order go to: Frontline Historical





    Edited by ehrentitle
    • 8 months later...

    Gesetzblatt der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik

    Sonderdruck Nr. 952

    Staatsverlag der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, 1978

    80 pages

    With many interesting information about DDR awards!!

    Under the link below the Verordnung ?ber das Tragen der Ehrenzeichen zu staatlichen Auszeichnungen vom 19. April 1978

    F?r das Tragen der Ehrenzeichen zu staatlichen Auszeichnungen gem?? ?3 Abs. 5 des Gesetzes vom 7. April 1977 ?ber die Stiftung und Verleihung staatlicher Auszeichnungen (GBI. I Nr. 10 S. 106) wird folgendes verordnet....................................

    Can be downloaded as a PDF file.


    Although in German I'm sure there are enough German speakers who are willing to help if it is needed.

    Hope you find it interesting.

    Best regards Eddie

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