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    Posted (edited)

    Gentlemen, I need help on the military career of Hermann Freiherr von Watter (1848-1911). Anything you have would be great. I read, in Dezember 1906 he was eligible to exchange his peace grade Albrecht Order (commander 1st class; 30.1.1897) for one with swords on ring? Does anyone know if he did? He seems to have been close to the King of Württemberg (see Rangliste 1909 below). Thanks!



    Hermann Freiherr von Watter.jpg

    Hermann Freiherr von Watter, Rangliste 1909.png

    Edited by Deutschritter
    Posted (edited)

    Thank you, Gentlemen! Does anyone know, when Hermann entered the Army? Maybe Kadettenkorps beforehand? In the Internet (https://www.deutsche-digitale-bibliothek.de/item/MNIL2ZYAE3NX7L53EIYDQ3ME4CXN5TMY) they identify this officer as Hermann Freiherr von Watter, but reading the backside of this card, it is actually Karl Freiherr von Watter (1833-1901) ... maybe his older brother?


    Karl Freiherr von Watter (1833-1901).jpg

    Edited by Deutschritter
    • 4 months later...
    Posted (edited)

    Gentlemen, if I see this right, even though Maximilian Ludwig Hermann Fidel Freiherr von Watter (Generalleutnant since 1899) was a Württemberger, he received the Zentenarmedaille in 1897. What is the decoration at the bottom (shortly before the sash), left of the last star? Thank you! I wonder, if he, like many other von Watters, started his career in the Feldartillerie-Regiment „König Karl“ (1. Württembergisches) Nr. 13? Promotion dates would be very welcome.


    Hermann Freiherr von Watter II.jpg

    Edited by Deutschritter

    Hi Andreas,


    he entered the army on 15 September 1864 in the Württemberg field artillery.


    13.3.68: Lieutenant (Patent of 21.4.66)

    20.7.70: Oberlieutenant/Premier-Lieutenant

    22.5.76: Hauptmann

    18.8.88: Major

    20.6.89: Oberst-Lieutenant

    18.10.91: Oberst

    27.1.96: Generalmajor


    The badge is the commemoration badge to King Karl, 1891 (Erinnerungszeichen an König Karl).





    Posted (edited)

    You are phantastic, Glenn, thank you!!! Is this the right one (König Karl Erinnerungszeichen in Gold und Silber)? I would like your opinion: His SA3a.KD ... could he have gotten that for the war 1870/71 or even 1866?


    König Karl Erinnerungszeichen in Gold und Silber vom 24. Dezember 1891, gestiftet vom König von Württemberg Wilhelm II..jpg

    Edited by Deutschritter

    This is what I have put together, any additions or dates would be great:


    Albrechts-Orden, Ritterkreuz I. Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration (SA3a.KD)

    Kaiserliche Kriegsdenkmünze 1870/71

    Orden der Eisernen Krone (Österreich), Ritter III. Klasse (ÖEK3)

    Friedrichs-Orden, Kommenturkreuz II. Klasse

    Dienstehrenzeichen I. Klasse, 1889

    Orden der Württembergischen Krone, Kommenturkreuz

    Orden der Krone von Italien, Offizierkreuz (JK4)

    Roter Adlerorden, III. Klasse

    Persischer Sonnen- und Löwenorden, Kommandeurkreuz (PSuL3/PL3)

    Nassauischer Hausorden vom Goldenen Löwen, III. Klasse (NgL3)

    Hausorden vom Weißen Falken, Komturkreuz (GSF2)

    Militärverdienstorden (Bayern), Komturkreuz II. Klasse (BMV2b)

    Albrechts-Orden, Komtur II. Klasse (SA2b)

    Preußischer Kronenorden, II. Klasse

    Pius-Orden, Kommandeurkreuz (PP2)

    ... laut Deutscher Ordens-Almanach Kommandeurkreuz I. Klasse (PpP2a)

    Fürstlich Lippischer Hausorden, Ehrenkreuz II. Klasse (LH.EK2/LH2)

    Greifenorden, Ehrenkreuz (MGrO2c/MG2c)

    Fürstlich Reußisches Ehrenkreuz, I. Klasse (REK1/REKj1)

    Albrechts-Orden, Komtur I. Klasse (SA2a) am 30. Januar 1897

    ... im Dezember 1906 erhielt er die Genehmigung, zur I. Klasse die Schwerter am Ringe zu tragen

    Militärverdienstorden (Bayern), Komturkreuz I. Klasse (BMV2a)

    seit Rangliste 1906 in Militärverdienstorden II. Klasse mit Stern (BMV2mSt) umbenannt

    Roter Adlerorden, II. Klasse

    Friedrichs-Orden, Kommenturkreuz I. Klasse

    Stern und Brillanten zum Roten Adlerorden II. Klasse

    Hausorden vom Weißen Falken, Großkreuz (GSF1)

    Friedrichs-Orden, Großkreuz




    Ehrenritter des Johanniterordens (PStJO)

    König Karl Jubiläums-Medaille (25 Jahre) in Silber, 1889

    König Karl Erinnerungszeichen in Gold und Silber am 24. Dezember 1891

    Kaiser Wilhelm I. Erinnerungsmedaille 1897

    Medaille zum 100jährigen Bestehen des Königreichs Württemberg 1906

    • 4 months later...
    Posted (edited)
      On 01/03/2022 at 23:18, Deutschritter said:

    Gentlemen, if I see this right, even though Maximilian Ludwig Hermann Fidel Freiherr von Watter (Generalleutnant since 1899) was a Württemberger, he received the Zentenarmedaille in 1897.


    Of course he would - as did every other wearer of the Prussian Kriegsdenkmünze pro 1870/71, independently of their former combatant vs. non-combatant status, their current rank or occupation, their nationality or even their sex.


    Roughly half of the 1.2 Million Zentenarmedaillen went to veterans of Wilhelm I's wars of 1864, 1866 and 1870/71, while the other half was awarded to soldiers active in the Prussian army or "Reichs" troops in March 1897.





      On 13/10/2021 at 03:30, freiherr said:

    Here only SA2aKD


    Not sure if I might get something wrong, freiherr, but his Albrechtsorden commander's cross does not have a "war decoration" (KD), because that would simply be swords - and he has those on the knight's cross. If you are, as I assume, referring to the oak wreath of the cross: that's an integral part of this order's design for all classes but its lowest one.


    Edited by saschaw
    Posted (edited)



    Hermann von Watter received the SA3aKD on 23 April 1871 as Oberleutnant

    He received the SA2b on 27 June 1892 as Oberst



    Edited by Deruelle

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