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    Everything posted by saschaw

    1. Can only be a Medjedije order or a Liyakat medal, and as the order's way to big, it can only be a Liyakat medal. My father did one add in the meantime, yes. Though no picture handy, sorry. There is a clasp, but I don't think there ever used to hang a star. I'm not aware of "ringed" or "ribboned" Tamaras, while Ottoman war medals are not unknown. This TWM, however, has a pin on the back.
    2. Those big LD2s must be private purchased "Spangenstücke", as the "Prinzengröße" awards are - just the other way. Very nice bar!
    3. Yes, Lübeck is worked on... but that duo will still not be enough. My initial thought was "not a Badener" due to the missing of a 1902 medal. That's correct, assuming he was an officer his whole time in the military. Though, there's no way to exclude he was a career ex-NCO who would have qualified for the 1897 medal, but NOT for the 1902 medal! Another point that now raises is the class of the Zähringer. I see a silver knight's cross 2nd class, right? Makes me believe he indeed was an ex-NCO as it's unlikely to be in service as an officer literally for decades, still being a Leutnant or an Oberleutnant. However, a very nice bar!
    4. saschaw


      A thread? If you have the star in hand, please turn it around and you'll realize. ;)
    5. Rick, this thread came to my mind when I saw this ribbon bar today in Gunzenhausen. Just had to buy it... One "old stlye" ribbon in 1915+ is odd. Three in 1935+ is insane. :catjava:
    6. Honestly? I do! I wasn't sure if you're the current seller, and apparently you're not. However, this is pity and a shame though. It's unlikely one wins all auctions (if everything will be offered there) so the group is almost lost yet.
    7. That said half a year ago, now scattered via eBay... http://cgi.ebay.de/Extrem-seltene-Ordenspange_W0QQitemZ140351417112 Good luck selling single parts of a great group! :angry:
    8. The star mark has been used by some German makers too, and I'm not sure if their products are silvered ("unedel") as well. Zimmermann from Pforzheim comes to mind, a main maker for orders of half of Europe. Have heard of a Berlin maker who used it as well. Great story for a... uhm, very nice TWM... :cheers:
    9. Wow, never seen a "Tammy" in this colours. A question that raised here just a few minutes ago: was that a one-class-only award in variations for all purses, or were there indeed different classes? Due to the fact they only got documents and the documents don't state any class, it cannot be the latter - can it?
    10. There is to add that those contemporary wearer "copies" are not fakes and have usually the same value to collectors. Those have not the signature, while the original, first and official strike has. Modern fakes, struck or cast to deceive us collectors, may have this too, so as you said: Schultz on shoulder doesn’t seem to be a guaranty. I cannot coment on the medals theirself, but others will easily do.
    11. Any if that were not funny enough, I have yet seen a German ~1936 group that used a Romanian ribbon instead of the mentioned Bavarian... Outfitters! :speechless:
    12. Et voila! Luckily from this and not from "another" forum... http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=34372
    13. Definitely not, whatever is to be seen on the net! Berthold order's ribbon had GOLD stripes, not yellow, using metal thread.
    14. I know the seller and am pretty sure it was not him who made the bar, on the other hand I cannot swear it is old and real assembled bar. Who knows, after all that time. However, with rare foreign medals, we see often non-matching ribbons on German medal bars - as well on original ones.
    15. Wow, congratulations! And me fool thought about buying it but did hesitate... Lucky Don. PS: but do you know what's odd? I have a picture of another medal bar attributed to Heinert, with Heinrich duo, Hohenzollern medal, but no FAM...
    16. "Freiherr" is usually abbreviated as "Frhr." or maybe even "Fr." which would be unlikely, but there's not much space on the rim of a medal. Could we please see the text on the rim? I wonder if it's the usual style of letters, or another one... Possibly it is a present? Later replacement medals were not named, but those would have space to engrave a dedication. Never seen before this, but "A. Meyer v. F. Moller" cannot be one name.
    17. Unlikely... a Baden EM or NCO had to have been in service for about or nine years to get the 1902 medal, so none could wear this without the 1897 medal. Only civilians and (young)officers could get 1902 without 1897... Like your other explanations much more, especially "civil official with wartime appointed rank".
    18. Think the same, invisible Beamter with BZ3b, BZ4, Baden 1902, KO4 and ÖFJ4. Very nice one! Never realzied this... hum. But lower grade merit medals are shown... foolish.
    19. Me again with this... from what I know and red at HuS', it was given to (1888-1914 era) 1. non-Prussian soldiers and 2. "weird" Prussians like Unterförster. Have not yet seen one example for #2 and don't think and have neither seen something to suggests a non-Prussian weird job.
    20. Na, wie klein die Welt doch (geworden) ist. Freut mich! Claudio, wrong era! In the time we're talking about 841 awards of this class. Still rare... and very nice. :catjava:
    21. "Weird"? They were given to non-Prussian EMs and NCOs all the time, to non-Prussian but German ones I assume up to 1914. Very nice bar without any problems in the combination. A EK2w to a Bavarian who got nothing from Bavaria(!) would look stranger. ;)
    22. Nice one, and as you said - not to common. Might we see the bar's reverse, too? Thanks.
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