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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. I have recently received an interesting sub-variation of this order that seems to fall between the type 3 and type 4. It doesn't have the screw-back like a type 3 but it doesn't have a smooth back like a type 4! There's a small indentation mark/circle in the center of the reverse!
    2. OK, lack of caffeine... I see your note about replaced parts.... but the block that mounts everything is still a problem for me.
    3. Hi, I have owned a number of the Baqueville KM Badges over the years and the badge you are showing does not conform to originals I have owned andor handled. Specifically, the hinge block is not the same, the pin is not consistent with originals nor is the catch. Here's an example from an E-Boot badge that should clearly show the differences.
    4. Hi Miguel, I think the bar is "home-made" by a frugal veteran. The fakers usually do not do such sloppy work.
    5. Well, I was at a graduation and missed the end of this auction. 187- Euro and I think it was a STEAL! Hopefully, someone here won this little gem. I think I have seen less than a dozen real ones... ever.
    6. Interesting with the Hansen screw that we normally see on EK1's.... I wonder when that was popped on. Naval aviation is so much more difficult then Army. I will confess to limited experience with Navy badges... but I am very much enjoying the ones you're showing!!!
    7. Nice double-screw back badge. The meybauer is fantastic as well. The D-S configuration is pretty unusual and hard to find. Only one I ever had was an Army Observer. Here's an image just to compare the arrangements on the back. Your's might be missing a backing plate???
    8. Bar used to be owned by a Forum member here. He sold off most of his collection due to health issues. If the bar's available, it's well worth having. There will be much wailing, moaning and gnashing of teeth when the pre-war Saxe-Weimar award rolls are published..... let's just say any example of the merit cross to this order, especially one with swords, is something to buy now; if you can actually find one.
    9. Hi Saschaw, it's always nice to see someone is still finding real bars! Thanks for sharing these with us!
    10. Here's an interesting similar example, sans the eagle, but very similar crown & scarf
    11. Patriotic for sure, possibly leaning towards Navy.... nice. I've seen this same piece on prongs used to decorate private-purchase cases that held a multitude of decorations.
    12. Not mine, don't know the seller. Impressed none the less and thought ya'll might enjoy seeing it at least: http://cgi.ebay.com/FULL-Yugoslavian-Serbi...1QQcmdZViewItem
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