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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. I cannot even tell you the number of times I've been abused for simply offering my unsolicited advice.... After 6 years of very vocal crusading about Imperial Aviation Badges I grow weary...... I still help in any way I can when I am asked, but I don't offer nearly as much as I used to. The sad thing is many times, even when asked, you still get abused for your own honesty......... kind of stinks, as they say... I've had people go (literally) ballistic over badges that I've politely told them were wrong and why and what they should be like....... This is unfortunately usually after someone says "John told me only talk to you or..... Dealer X") because you know what you're doing...... So then you tell them what they absolutely don't want to hear and this is (almost always) followed by a "who the heck are you?" statement....... Umm, excuse me, I was the guy recommended to you by (insert name of Clown's friend) that told you "only speak with......" The Moral of the story? "Never Trust A Clown" Frankly, I'd rather be here:
    2. The only problem here, at least for me in the past, has been for every person who "comes into the fold" and does start to at least attempt to learn, to gain knowledge, to not just throw money away.... there's a dozen you contact in a very friendly "Gee, you might wish to consider" manner..... only to be verbally berated, harrassed and insulted. OK, I make no claim to being an expert at anything. Certain things I have some experience with. I try to pass that experience on when/where I can. Unfortunately, theres a great number of people who feel they are infinitly smarter than me. OK, no problem....... Keep buying blind. It leaves the real pieces for me.
    3. Well, Mike has done an exceptionally good job critiquing this one. I can't add anything other than the fact that I agree 100% with Mike's evaluation.
    4. Whoops! yes, I meant the Saxon Ehrenkreuz. Same ribbon with/without swords (first place on the bar). Also matches nicely with the Saxon LSM. It's a gut call, but I do think this is an early bar!
    5. Please note that I have removed Rothe as a WW1 maker. While convential wisdom is that he might have made a few "private purchase" pieces, he was NOT a consistent manufacturer of the award and should be excluded from the list. Thanks to medalnet!
    6. Yes, no swords for bravery medals. Interesting though that the Signum Laudis, even when on a "war ribbon" will often have swords mounted on the ribbon. I have even seen swords mounted through repeat bars, all on the "war ribbon". This oddity is present in both full-sized trifolds and on ribbon bar mini devices!
    7. Beautiful crosses in exceptionally clean cases. Very nice!
    8. I would agree, most likely a Prussian veteran's organization of some type. Unusual mounting, normally you see this ribbon dangling down from the badge.
    9. Ok, it's early and I'm not feeling quite so frustrated. I've been a "box freak" since I started collecting militaria again a number of years back. A hold-over from my antique toy/train days.... boxed items were simply "better".... the bulk of my early collection from Saxony was heavily influenced by what was available boxed. Cases, boxes, etc. were always (and will always) be of special interest to me. This has been a great thread and I hope everybody realizes just how incredibly rare these little cardboard boxes are. They were probably tossed instantly upon receipt in the field in at least 95% of the cases!
    10. I'm not entirely convince that that is an Honor Cross for WW1. The odd style and hooks on the back tend me towards an 1870-1900 era bar. The Honor Cross was certainly an appropriate award for that era.
    11. Rusty....... ask Rick why I am so astounded about these boxes, it would bore you to tears to listen to my 6 hour dissertation on award boxes....
    12. Maybe he just wants to put it with this BAD (aka FAKE) Bavarian Pilot Badge, Rare Variation, that he purchased about a month back...........
    13. Here's my T2V1S1: (Of which I am most proud!) (having been produced for exactly 12 months!) Serial Number 1151
    14. Perhaps the new owner of the Observer case I sold this past fall will add it to the thread......... a simple engraved dedication of respect from one man to another.......
    15. why, oh why, oh why do people do this? http://cgi.ebay.com/Imperial-German-WWI-Bl...1QQcmdZViewItem The eagle's mouths are SHUT! NO,NO, NO, NO!!!! The "Godet" Marked piece has eagles that ARE NOT GODET! NO> NO< NO!!!! There were exactly 3 makers in WW1. Wagner Friedlander Godet Why do people insist on speculating as opposed to learning. I'm sorry, but there's no sympathy left in my heart for people who insist on buying BAD, FAKE, WRONG pieces of absolute GOUVNA for $3K and counting. MY GOD PEOPLE!! WHEN WILL THEY LEARN??????????????????
    16. And to me......... this simple bar to a brave man, with all these seemingly dis-associated papers, is one of the most profoundly sad groups that have ever passed through my hands. So, anybody still believe in the "Glory of our fighting man at the front" crap? Sorry, not trying to get political.... it's just the horror of this young woman and her daughter never knowing, never having any kind of understanding and closure...... that this husband and father has been just swallowed by the war.... it just really bangs my head.....
    17. ARrrggghhhhhhhhhhh I will leave it to others to explain this reaction........................ Oh paging Dr. Research, Dr. Research please..........
    18. Told you! You should have posted the OTHER group as well with the 1946 Orders Book in screwy-order as well! To me, after the fraud thing........ he's using real pieces, so there's a multitude of broken groups being destroyed to make crap. And what happens to the poor schlub who's spent 3 years searching for that ORB from 1944 that he NEEDS to complete a REAL group???? Now he has to decide shall I butt heads to complete what's right against thief sellers and moron buyers??
    19. Hi Eric, sorry for the delay. The badge looks like a good JFS. The only odd part is the pin is not "textbook" for this badge/maker. Pin looks a little heavy, wider and not quite long enough. I see no obvious faults with the badge itself... everything I look for on the front seems correct. Hopefully, Mike K. will weigh in soon!
    20. Hi Paul, the second one is very nice, very unusual mounting style, but correct and nice & clean.
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