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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. Interesting thread! I once owned a Red Star, cased as awarded to foreigners. Unfortunately it seems I’ve lost my photo archives so I can’t share a picture
    2. Ok, bar is here. Looks, feels and smells legit. I think you’re right, it’s a Hessian Bravery Medal faded out just like the Bavarian Long Service is faded out. I have a new laptop and I haven’t figured out how to connect the scanner yet but here’s a couple more views. The catch is machine punched, not hand trimmed brass.
    3. Yes, same seller. The other bar looks legitimate though but I will see it later today when I get home from holiday. The problem is the devices on this bad bar look legit, almost worth chasing just for the devices. I wish he had a decent picture of the repeat ek device. Daniel looked at the long bar as well and felt it was good, trying to research it as we speak
    4. I don’t like this one, the precedence gives me a huge red flag. The catch looks hand trimmed. Am I right or wrong?
    5. I’ve had a few cased EK2’s over the years, they were all private purchase.
    6. I’m quite the toy train buff too. I have pre-war Lionel, in both standard and “o” gauge as well as some nice turn of the century Ives.
    7. I had not considered a faded Hesse ribbon and that makes perfect sense, thanks! So the next question is how possible to ID? Any Research Gnomes out there? Thanks!
    8. Greetings All! It has been far too long that I have perused these pages. i couldn’t find a thread on this bar and I apologize if this is a duplicate query. i actually liked this bar with the exception of the swords on the crown order ribbon. The devices all looked legit to me so I threw a lowball bid at it and won the bar. Details and images to follow once it arrives. In the interim, thoughts? To say I’m a bit rusty would be an understatement!
    9. Hi Nick! It’s been a while! Happy to pay a membership if it keeps the forum alive! Best wishes, Rick
    10. Beautiful set, nice you were able to reunite them! You know I'm a fan of anything NC. Thanks for sharing!
    11. A good topic, great help (which is what we are about) and great bar! I miss Rick too, the world is a smaller place without him in it.
    12. Very nice bar and you're correct. it's hard to find one mounted like this at all, never mind post 1934
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