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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by dond

    1. Thanks for the info. He had a brother Wilhelm..... Perhaps my uncle has gotten them confused. Both brothers have been buried in military cemetaries. I have a picture coming and will post it when it arrives.
    2. I saw that one and even I didn't believe it. Either this site is rubbing off on me or I'm not as dumb as my wife thinks.
    3. My Uncle found these in his Dad's house (adopted) and remembered seeing them as a kid. They belonged to his (step)dad's brother, Frederick L. Pluss. 10 annual encampment Ft.Worden, Ft. Flagler, Ft. Casey. Port Townsend June 1919. Department of Washington and Alaska War with Spain 1898 United States Army For Service SN 3287 Army of Occupation Military Government Cuba 1898 - 1902 United States Army for Service SN 2040 France The Great War for Civilization US-France-Italy-Serbia-Japan-Montenegro-Russia-Greece-Great Britain-Belgium-Brazil-Portugal-Rumania-China Spanish War Veterans 1898-1899 Cuba-U.S.A.-Philippine Islands-Porto Rico One that just has 1914 1918 on it. 1912 Sharpshooter Metal I have individual pics of each if there is any interest. How would I go about ordering his service records? thanks and enjoy.
    4. I'm sure you are aware that the badge appears to be an unmarked Juncker.
    5. Very nice Ralph. Does the Militaerpas have an entry for the machinegunners badge?
    6. Gordon, I'm trying to follow the logic here. They make an EK with a derogatory statement on it and plant it in an area where a German soldier can find it and it brings about the collapse of the 3rd Reich? Where is the logic in that? Why would they bother with 3 peice construction and where did they get the machinery? Why not an RK and a Grand Cross to influence the decision makers? These are probably made by the same folks that brought us the Hitler Diaries, they were from the East too.
    7. And another one by the same seller: http://cgi.ebay.de/Goldenes-Militaerverdie...1QQcmdZViewItem He must have hit the jackpot......
    8. Kevin, you are half correct- it is a core sandwiched in between to frame halfs.
    9. Here is one on ebay today: http://cgi.ebay.de/Goldenes-Militaerverdie...1QQcmdZViewItem great buy it now price- almost too good.
    10. Great story Chris. The site is really coming along.
    11. Here is one made by the firm of Falkenburg & Richter of Coblenz.
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