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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Megan

    1. Most kind, dear heart... and you do post some lovely stuff! May I have your full name for the acknowledgements, please - PM if you don't want to say it publically!
    2. Any chance you'd permit the use of that picture on my site, Eddie?
    3. Here is the Bronze Medal for 10 Years (1960-70: 25 years): [Picture credit: Greg Collins]
    4. Here is the Silver Medal for 20 Years (1960-70: 40 years, 1971-72: 25 years):
    5. Treuedienstmedaille der Deutschen Post Instituted on 13 October 1960, with the gold clasp for the longest length of service being introduced on 19 November 1971. It was awarded for faithful service in the Postal Service, in 4 classes based on length of service. Here is the Gold Medal for 30 Years (1960-70: 50 years for men and 40 for women, 1971-72: 40 years):
    6. Verdienstmedaille der Deutschen Post Instituted 19 November 1970, and awarded for outstanding achievements in the development or support of post and telecommunications in 3 classes (Gold, Silver and Bronze). This is the Gold Medal:
    7. Medaille für Treue Dienste freiwilliger Helfer beim Schutz der Staatsgrenze der DDR Instituted 5 December 1986, and awarded for loyal and conscientious voluntary service guarding borders in 6 classes (for service of 30 years, 25 years, 20 years, 15 years, 10 years and 5 years respectively). 30 Years:
    8. The first one - blue with a black-edged yellow stripe - is the Medal for Overseas Service, instituted 1996. I only have a rather mangy picture (sorry!):
    9. Medaille für langjährige Pflichterfüllung zur Stärkung der Landesverteidigung der DDR Instituted 8 August 1974, and awarded for long service showing devotion to duty and exemplary performance in state-owned enterprises and institutions which producted material for national defense purposes in 4 classes (35/40 years, 30 years, 20 years and 10 years). It's unusual amongst East German awards in that the highest class is awarded for 40 years' service by a man but only 35 years; service by a woman. 35/40 Years:
    10. Anerkennungsmedaille Erbauer Berlins This came in Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals; and appears to have been awarded for helping to build (or was that repair?) Berlin. I haven't found dates or more details yet... Silver Medal:
    11. I was reading a very self-congratulatory piece about Zimbabwe's 25th anniversary http://www.africasia.com/uploads/zimbabwe.pdf in which 3 Orders were mentioned as having been given out during the celebrations: - The senior order is the Order of the Star of Zimbabwe, which is (or was) apparently awarded for superlative achievements and performance in various fields – social, cultural, economic or public service. The second is the Order of the Great Zimbabwe, which was named after the Great Zimbabwe monument, the sublime architectural complex which stands today, near the south-central city of Masvingo, as the outcrop of the vibrant pre-colonial African civilisation that, at its height, developed trade and cultural ties with territories as far afield as India, Indonesia and China. The award is given to gallant sons and daughters whose legacy of selfless service to the liberation, survival and development of Zimbabwe is both immortal and indelible. The third is the Royal Order of Munhumutapa, which was named after King Munhumutapa, the founding father of the greatest empire that existed south of the Kasambabezi River (called Zambezi by the Europeans) during the pre-colonial era. Munhumutapa was renowned for being a great architect, strategist and a unifying force in the confederacy. The origins of Zimbabwe as a nation state, its pan-African perspective and deep ancestry of relations with the countries now constituting the SADC, can be traced back to the Munhumutapa Empire. Anyone heard of - or better yet, seen - these?
    12. Medaille für Treue Dienste in der Zollverwaltung der DDR Instituted 12 May 1967 and awarded for 30, 25, 20, 15, 10 and 5 years' service in Customs. Medal for 30 Years: [Picture credit: Greg Collins]
    13. Ehrenmedaille 20 Jahre DDR Instituted 1969 and awarded to meritorious (or at least, high-ranking!) members of the SED to mark the 20th anniversary of the foundation of the state. [Picture credit: Greg Collins]
    14. Juan Zaratiegui sent these pictures, having been awarded the Grand Officer himself! Also of interest: LA GACETA: DIARIO OFICIAL DE LA REPUBLICA DE HONDURAS with some information about this order.
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