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    Jock Auld

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    Everything posted by Jock Auld

    1. Guys, From sunday, the black of the swastika on the belt buckle is visible with magnifying glass. Jock
    2. Guys, Got this one yesterday. I have never seen one this large, it would fit a 38 to 48 inch waist, he must have been a proper fat lad! Note the attachments for the shoulder strap so it is pre-dates 1939 although this one has no markings that I can see. jock
    3. Paul, I was just going to say no but thought I would have a look, there are signs that something was on the right arm so not a legion patch, something I hadn't noticed in 34 years! That is a leason in itself, perhaps I need to go back and look everything over that I got as a kid! Jock
    4. I shall have to dig out some stuff and see if I can post up a study of BW markings. I have a good copy in green but it appears laser etched and as such is proud of the glaze. I should have a bit of their post war stuff too to close the loop. Jock
    5. Paul, It is about the international Hand Craft Workers Trade Exhibition hosted in Berlin 28 mai -10 jul 1938 at he Funkturm. There is probably a matching tinnie for this book/program. it lists the displays at 3 different halls and the various international dignatries that will represent their countries etc. Jock
    6. Larry, I do have quite a lot of period books, I like their first hand accounts. They are realtively inexpensive and a good source of period pictures most of the time. They are also always there when the computer crashes! Jock
    7. Jerry, Not really a missprint? A poor print but not the end of the world, totally under the glaze, I have not seen any of these in mint condition, indeed the one I have has normal wear and tear from cuttlery. What would you expect to see from the period, total Germanic perfection? Every now and then it is not perfect. Tom had no idea that SS-Reich was even a normal marking which made him look a bit of a twat when Ned posted a 1938 marking after his LOL? Just saying every day is a school day. I doubt proof will be found until some one digs one up with a hand still on it (I think Kurland Digger is the man for that) or conversly someone reveals by who and when they were copied? I think the former more likely even if only a fragment that is dug. The thread then goes on to reassure all concerned what jolly good fellows they all are and how crap WAF is, really? there is very little difference in the two now. As you know Adrian plays both sides so WARF it is (just joking) LOL! Jock
    8. I am sure one day you can make the transition from work to hobby and be paid for it. My wife has just done that and we are approaching our/her first year and I am surprised at the change when someone is happy rather than frustrated and being paid to do what they enjoy. I hope it pans out for you, remember, we never know how long we have so bettter to burn out than fade away! I think you could make a fortune! We all know something good when we see it! jock
    9. I guess so guys, I just thought it unusual being a home front thing to be in a sewing box on a flea market in Germany. Your are correct though stuff travels! Shame it wasn't a pair! Jock
    10. I see a similar plate has turned up on WRF with some diggers and it has been called out? I know where I do my shopping and for me it is fine. It would be good if they could post how they arrived at their decission. Oh the dilema as it appears the diggers have been varified on WAF and sold on Butschecks? I think some of these people are starting to believe there own ratings. Edit: I should have read their thread to the end, it would appear they don't know it all after all, particularlly tom LOL! Jock
    11. Steve, Do you know I have never looked that closely, I shall scurry away! Could you indicate which ribbons on the above picture you mean? Jock
    12. Do your talents know no bounds? Outstanding stuff! Do you work or do this full time now? jock
    13. £10k is still better than a kick in the bollocks for a couple of minutes work? Jock
    14. Redeagleorder, that is a well laid out site with a lot of detailed info, I have added that to the favourites bar. Thanks Again Jock
    15. What has happend to the one top row 4th from the left, is it backing material on a court mount or has the white silk worn away? jock
    16. sorry that was me poking around looking for markings, I do that with stuff, sorry! Is this better? Jock
    17. I shall get some glasses! To be fair the original pic does look a bit scull like. I don't follow the french stuff at all. Jock
    18. Judging by the way they have their faces and eyes covered perhaps delivering 'gas' shells to the Bosche? The Brits have a similar badge with 17/21st lancer and now the QRL I think, can't be sure that was the last round of cuts and amaligmations? Jock
    19. To be honest I think quite a lot of crosses that are currently thought to be OK are copies. I blame the books by the self proclamed experts in colusion with the auction houses and high end dealers that have colaborated to sell stuff. Your Gottleibes and the likes. I do not have an oppinion on your cross as I have only ever held in my hand once one cross that was beyond question everything else is a gamble unless it is cheaper than a copy then it does not matter. Anything more than that then you are the mark it is up to you. How many crosses were produced, how many lost for example worn by pilots or gone under in U-Boats, KIA, bomb damage, fire, thrown away on capture or just before, thrown away in disgust by family well after the war etc. Yet there always seems to be enough to mail order these things when you fancy buying one. To assume that the forger has not perfected a maker or type of cross is naive when you consider how much money can potentially change hands. Good luck with your hunt but if you doubt the oaks but like the cross and they are from the same place then take a step back and think about it. Once again good luck! Jock
    20. Trondk, Shall post mine here since it is more similar to this one. I note this one of yours is squeaky clean the Georgean the jacket is worn and the badge looks very new compaired to the jacket, that is what I meant in my earlier comment on the other post. I would be keen to see if this jacket has the added pockets at the waist like the one I have. I got mine in the early 80s when these were not at all desirable in fact quite the reverse, they were a poor mans substitute for a 'Real' jacket. Of note are the added German patch pockets at the waist and the shoulder board attachments both in german material. I think I have a photo album from a local unit in Lunneburg that have been issued these jackets as well, I think I already posted that on WRF some time ago if you have a search. Jock
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