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    Glenn J

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    Everything posted by Glenn J

    1. He was a bit tricky. Prior to 1902 he is listed as Roques-Maumont but following that as Eckert gen. von Roques-Maumont. He retired in 1907 and unusually as a former regular officer, his wartime service is not listed in the Ehrenrangliste. Consequently I went back to about 1895 where I found him as a Sekonde-Lieutenant in Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 123. He is listed thereafter until his retirement in the Prussian Rangliste. I found him again in a "Stellenbesetzung" of mobile Württemberg troops in 1915 in LIR 120 and again in the Württemberg Militär-Verordnungsblatt of 1916. He falls off the radar after that. This portrait of him as a Sekonde-Lieutenant in GR 123 in the late nineties appears on the Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg site albeit wrongly named as Roques-Naumont. Regards Glenn
    2. Promoted to char. Major on 14. January 1916 as the commander of the 1st replacement battalion of Füsilier-Regiment Nr. 40. Regards Glenn
    3. Hello, Arthur Eckert gen. von Roques-Maumont was a retired Württemberg infantry captain (13.9.06) who was recalled for service in WW1. In 1915 he was wounded with Landwehr-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 120. Regards Glenn
    4. Leutnant Bogislaw v. Studnitz (1888-1943) was the later Wehrmacht Generalleutnant. He died in an accident in Greece in 1943. Regards Glenn
    5. Nr. 3 is Leutnant d.R. Ernst Luyken. Nr. 5 is Leutnant d.R. Waldschmidt. Regards Glenn
    6. chaps, he left Prussian service on 3 November 1911 to enter Turkish military service, hence the gap in the army list between 1911-1914. His entry in the Offizier-Stammliste of IR 42 shows that he assumed command of IR 42 on 29 October 1914 although it does not differentiat between temporary and permanent command details. His further wartime appointments are shown as: 1.7.17: Leader of the reserve officer candidate course at Warthelager 1.3.18: Commander of IR 402 and finally commander of 31. Reserve-Infanterie-Brigade from 1 May 1918. 8.9.20: Charakter as Generalmajor. Regards Glenn
    7. Charles, although wartime appointments are not shown, the 1918 Prussian army seniority list details the active field officers of the Luftstreitkräfte as follows: 2 X Oberstleutnant (Thomsen and Siegert) and 17 majors. Wartime appointments are not given. Presumably a tiny handful of reserve/Landwehr can be added but the promotion of these officers to field rank was still relatively rare even in wartime. The 1919 list shows an increase although those officer already retired and of course fatalities since the previous year are no longer listed: 1 Oberst (Thomsen) 1 Oberstleutnant (Siegert) and 25 majors. Regards Glenn
    8. From 1914 as a Marine-Oberstabsarzt showing his Belgian Leopold Order commander's cross. Regards Glenn His biography from the Stammliste of the naval medical officer corps. Regards Glenn
    9. Hi, your second photograph shows a military official. My best guess would be Intendantur-Sekretär Caspar Dietz of the 25. Division in Darmstadt around the late seventies/early eighties. Regards Glenn
    10. The second individual is Großherzog Adolf Friedrich IV of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. Regards Glenn
    11. The orders fit perfectly for the then Rittmeister Eduard Pfretzschner of 1. Uhlanen-Regiment. The epaulettes worn by the Bavarian army prior to 1873 did not distinguish rank. The rank is shown by the three strips of braid on the collar = Hauptmann/Rittmeister. The portrait was taken sometime after his May 1872 authorisation to wear his Russian Vladimir Order 4th Class and the introduction of the Prussian pattern rank insignia the following April (effective 1 August 1873). Regards Glenn
    12. The general on the left (the older of the two) is Generalleutnant William Balck. Regards Glenn
    13. You have a very nice portrait of Generalmajor Hermann von der Lancken, commandant of Thorn circa 1913. Regards Glenn
    14. Chris, I don't believe any Ranglisten have yet been digitized there. This however will take you to the Stammrollen. Regards Glenn Stammrollen
    15. Hi David, I am not sure the field officers' epaulettes could belong to a Major in the RFJK. In peacetime the highest rank held was that of a Premier-Lieutenant/Oberleutnant. Both the Chief and Commander of the Corps were General officers. There were no field officers on the establishment. Regards Glenn
    16. John, from what you say above, I assume you have an ancestry account? Your Karl Leister is the entry with a date of birth of 30 June 1893 in Landau. He survived the war and left the Bavarian Army as an Oberleutnant. Attached below, one of the more readable entries detailing his earlier career. Regards Glenn
    17. If we assume that he is indeed an Oberstabsarzt as Bayern suggests and that, does appear to be a staff of Aesculapius on the nearest shoulder board, then we are looking at a Saxon Landwehr or reserve medical officer in the rank of major. To my reckoning, some 13 Saxon medical officers received the Knight's Cross of the Saxon Order of Saint Henry. Of these, twelve were further decorated with an Albrechts Order Knight's Cross 1st Class with Swords and Crown. As far as I can ascertain only Oberstabsarzt der Landwehr Dr. Louis Geyer also held the Saxon Meiningen Honour Cross for Merit in wartime. He additionally also had the Landwehr Long service decoration 1st class. Regards Glenn
    18. He is a Saxon: St. Heinrich Ritterkreuz St. Albrecht Ritterkreuz with Crown and Swords Saxon-Meiningen Honour Cross Saxon Landwehr Long service decoration 1st Class Regards Glenn
    19. Hello Marcin, from the Offizier-Stammliste of Leib-Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 8. Regards Glenn
    20. Chris, generally speaking, the infantry of all contingents wore black waistbelts. There were some exceptions: the grenadier battalions of the guards infantry and line grenadier regiments wore white. Prussian and Saxon machine gun detachments wore brown waist belts, the Bavarians black. Jäger battalions wore black. The mounted arms were a bit more varied according to contingent but apart from the Jäger-Regimenter zu Pferde which wore brown, would wear white or black. Regards Glenn
    21. That is absolutely not the case. Certainly before the turn of the century most officers posted to train formations were former cavalry and artillery officers and in fact the original commanders of Train-Bataillonen were field artillery officers. However just a quick glance at the 1914 "Vollständige Dienstaltersliste" shows that all Train Oberleunants (with one single exception) and Leutnants were directly commissioned into the Train branch as indeed were the majority of the Rittmeister. Regards Glenn
    22. Gordon, this from the Offizier-Stammliste of Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 68. I assume you are OK with the German language. Regards Glenn
    23. Andy, a little earlier. From a Ruhl booklet, this gives the situation in 1906. Regards Glenn
    24. The gentleman is Generalleutnant Eginard Eschborn, long-time commander in WW1 of Dragoner-Regiment Nr. 21. I don't immediately recognise the cross but here is a close up. Regards Glenn
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