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    Glenn J

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    Everything posted by Glenn J

    1. Hi Odulf, Not anymore: Rechnungsrath und Intendantur-Sekretär Julius Fromm of the Garde-Kavallerie-Division bwtween 1885 and 1888. He received an RAO4 on 19 September 1888. Regards Glenn
    2. Charles, On 27 August 1939, to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the battle of Tannenberg, certain officers who had especially distinguished themselves in WW1 and who were the holders of high orders to include the OPLM and the Austro-Hungarian MMThO were awarded a brevet or the charakter of the next highest rank to the one they already held. Regards Glenn
    3. According to the 1912 Saxon Officers' Dress Regulations, the Saint Henry Medal took precedence over the Albrechts Order. Regards Glenn
    4. Charles, he is a captain in both photographs. Hauptmann von Frobel was promoted to that rank with a Patent of 1.10.12 K10k. The first photograph must have been taken only weeks (if that) before the oubreak of war as permission to wear the Swedish Sword Order Knight's Cross 1st Class was published in the 25 June 1914 edition of the Militär-Wochenblatt. Regards Glenn
    5. I am assuming this a meeting of officers from the 39. Infanterie-Brigade, 19. Reserve-Division of which RIR 78 (Joeden's command) and RIR 92 were under command. Regards Glenn
    6. Christer, looks like a Lippe-Detmold House Order Honour Cross 2 with Oakleves and Swords and a Lippe-Detmold House Order Officer's Honour Cross with Swords. Regards Glenn
    7. Charles, the Berlin State Library reports having a copy. I am visiting there at the beginning of next month and will check it for the regimental commanders and any photographs. Regards Glenn
    8. I had forgotten this thread but just recently identified the Württemberg Colonel: Oberst Karl von Schill Inspekteur der 3. Ingenieur-Inspektion 1895-1896. Regards Glenn
    9. Paul, very interesting indeed. Reminds me of your visit to Sennelager about four years ago! Regards Glenn
    10. I believe that is Generalmajor Friedrich Wilhelm v. Woyna commander of 28. Infanterie-Brigade , plm 3 July 1871. Regards Glenn
    11. Hi Charles and PM, General Pohlmann's career is to be found in the Möller-Witten history of the plm in WW1. Here is a photograph of the General. Regards Glenn
    12. Charles, born 7 October 1861 at Graudenz and indeed spent much of his earlier career at the HKA. At mobilisation he became commander of RIR 10 and promoted to Oberst on 5 September 14. Relinquished command of RIR 10 on 20 November 14 following a wound and on recovery assumed command of RIR 82 on 20 January 1915. On 2 January 1917 commander of 244. Infanterie-Brigade in 237 Infanterie-Division the East. Generalmajor on 22 March 1918 and commander of 14. Division on 9 July 1918. Plm 4 Ocober 1918 for conduct during the defensive battles in Champagne. Retired 12 August 1919. "Tannenberg" promotion to char. Generalleutnant on 27 August 1939.
    13. Erik, Walther von Brauchitsch was not a Baron nor for that matter was any officer of the von Brauchitsch family going back at least until 1870 as far as I can see, And of course, he was never an Hauptmann a.D. Regards Glenn
    14. Charles there will be more - when you include all the recalled general officers who served during the war. The Ehrenrangliste alone lists a furthe 58 officers who were recalled and either died in the rank of or attained by wars end the rank of Generalleutnant. Of course not all of these were of noble birth. Regards Glenn
    15. Charles, Bernhard von Hartz Friedrich Hurt Exz. = Exzellenz (excellency); title awarded on promotion to Generalleutnant. Regards Glenn
    16. Scott, Grenadier-Regiment König Friedrich III. (2. Schlesisches) Nr. 11. Regards Glenn
    17. Dave, his first name as given in the 6th Supplement to the 1905 Ordensliste for his 18 January 1911 award of the RAO4 is Paul. Regards Glenn
    18. Joe my tentative identification of your Bavarian Major is Major Johann Seitz, commanding officer of I./21. Infanterie-Regiment at Fürth between 25 January 1907 and 23 February 1908. Herr Seitz only commanded the battalion for a year before taking up a retired officers' post as a district officer in Landwehr-Bezirk Amsberg. He commanded at mobilisation the Ersatz-Bataillon of Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 7 and briefly commanded II./21. Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment in November 1914. From 1 March 1915 through 1 June 1917 he was commanding the II. Ersatz-Bataillon of 6. Infanterie-Regiment followed by command of Garnison-Bataillon Amberg. Promoted to char. Oberstleutnant on 10.4.15, he retired as a char. Oberst. The photograph shows him with the Prince Luitpold Jubilee Medal, the Bavarian Officers' Long service Decoration and the Knight's Cross of the Austrian Franz Joseph Order he was awarded on 12 June 1891 in 13. Infanterie-Regiment. The photograph has to be between his appointment as the commander of I./21 in January 07 and his award of the Military Merit Order 4th Class on his transfer to "z.D." status in February 1908. Regards Glenn
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